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Posted: January 24th, 2010, 2:40 pm
by Ollie
"Based on this highly scientific..."

Y'know we REALLY need some flash-warning, some huge red- or blue-light and a siren when we open messages that are going to force me to explode coffee, drinks, etc. across the desk, keyboard, screen, wall, etc. Darn... ANOTHER cleaning needed...

I was going to blame Dewey for this film's biggest failure - NO ATOMIC MONSTERS! Darn. Radioactive experiement. On worthless scum-of-the-earth types?

And EDWARD L. CAHN at the helm?!!

Y'know, five years later, this film would have BEGGED for Alligator People (maybe actually more than ONE this time) or Invisible Agents or Wire-Pronged Living Dead to be glowing in the dark. At least some giant insects. Rats, anyone? Bats? Ooooh...

Boy - what a difference a day makes! Er, a few years, at least.

But I'm so appreciative for TCM's folks for digging thru vaults and finding all these Alcatraz films.