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Re: Great Moments in Westerns!

Posted: December 13th, 2012, 1:03 am
by tinker
Saratoga Trunk is a beautiful movie. No wonder so much of it stuck with me even when I had not seen it for years.
Stagecoach is favourite, would be even if John Wayne was not in it, but I am very glad he was. It has so many great moments. A small but telling moment about the ladies is that when the banker is making his pompous speaches is the reaction of both women. Dallas starts dusting her hat and Mrs Mallory rolls her eyes.

One thing I have trouble with in Stagecoach though and have to fast forward is the chase. I love horses. I have had them all my life and I cannot look at the running w falls without feeling a bit ill, even when apparently no horses were hurt during the filming.

The fifties westerns are much better when I can watch the falls and recognise Jerry Brown, Coco, Cocaine and Twinkle Toes showing off their skills and training as they go down.


Re: Great Moments in Westerns!

Posted: December 13th, 2012, 9:59 am
by MissGoddess
i feel the same way about the horses,'s great you know their names!

Re: Great Moments in Westerns!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 4:47 pm
by mrsl
Those of you who just don't 'get' certain movies even after two or three viewings. I had a problem like that with a few movies myself, but sometimes in reading the discussions that go on here on this site, I've been convinced to try one more time, and find that with that little kick from SSO, the movie becomes more enticing or romantic or whatever it was that I missed before. Some movies I don't need any encouragement at all to watch over and over, and Stagecoach and The Searchers are two of them, but still i missed a lot at first and found more enjoyment after discussions here. Give yourselves one more chance and watch again with SSO threads in mind.

Re: Great Moments in Westerns!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 6:17 pm
by movieman1957
We think alike. If there is something people have been talking about I'll either put on my Netflix queue or if I'm watching something for the first time or again I like to come and see what people say about it. There are often subtle things to look for and that just makes it more interesting viewing.