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Re: Mad Men

Posted: March 15th, 2013, 10:54 pm
by Lzcutter

Vegas isn't gone. It has been moved to Friday nights at 9:00 (now that CSI: New York) beginning April 5th. It will be the lead-in to Blue Bloods which may actually be better for the show.

Most of CBS' schedule for the rest of March revolves around basketball and March Madness.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: March 16th, 2013, 3:13 pm
by RedRiver
Mrs. L, at first I thought, "Hey! I'm not seeing these MAD MEN re-runs." Then I noticed the key word. MORNINGS! I'm not good at morning. I'm either working or sleeping. Can't manage anything else! I'm excited about the return of the series too. If you think of it, feel free to remind me.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: March 16th, 2013, 4:56 pm
by mrsl

Red River:

Do you have a VCR or a DVR? Why didn't you set it for the early Sunday morning time, then watch it later in the day or even the week? That's what I did. Trust me, getting up at 5:00 a.m. to watch a TV show, not matter what the show is, is not my idea of a good idea!!!


Is CSI, NY leaving? I was a fan during the original two years of the original show way back when it started, but got bored as time went on, and I have never even seen CSI NY, or Miami. I'm not normally big on run-offs, so I never really got into any of the Law and Order ones either, except for SVU, and that was mainly for Mariska Hargitay, probably a latent interest in her Mother, but Mariska certainly overcame the scenario of her Mother.

Finally, you do mean 8:00 on Friday nights for Vegas don't you? I think that is a better spot for it. At first I didn't like them moving The Good Wife and I still don't because after two straight hours of bang, bang, and tension from NCIS and L.A., the hour of restful quiet from The Good Wife was nice. Friday nights are pretty much a wasteland for me until Blue Bloods, so I'm happy Vegas will fill up the evening a little more.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: March 16th, 2013, 6:41 pm
by Lzcutter

CSI: NY has finished its run this season and had its season finale a few weeks ago. We won't know if it's been renewed until, probably, May.

I believe Vegas is going to be the lead-in to Blue Bloods. Out here in the West, BB airs at 10:00 pm, so Vegas will in the 9:00 timeslot.

What time does BB air in your area?

Re: Mad Men

Posted: March 18th, 2013, 12:10 am
by mrsl

Blue Bloods airs at 9:00 p.m. here in the Midwest. That's something I never got used to when I lived out there. Businesses all still open (if they're not 24 hours), at between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. so why would the prime time programming start as late as 10:00 and keep you up until nearly midnight if you had to be up to get started for work at 5 or 6 a.m. That extra hour meant a lot to me when I returned to the Midwest

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 3:37 pm
by sandykaypax
I just started watching Mad Men on Netflix. I love it so far. I'm only on season one, though.

I think that the actor playing Pete Campbell seems very period correct in his manner, especially his speech. Of course, Jon Hamm is fantastic and I also love Elisabeth Moss as Peggy. I'm not a big fan of January Jones, but she looks beautiful. Just doesn't seem to be a lot of depth there. I realize it's sort of written that way, but still. I don't ever see very much going on behind her eyes.

Sandy K

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 4:46 pm
by RedRiver
Peggy is my favorite character. She's creative and passionate about it. All the characters are well drawn. That's what's so good about this exceptional drama.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 13th, 2013, 12:20 pm
by Lzcutter
I was out of town last weekend and had to DVR the premiere (as well as Game of Thrones). I am looking forward to watching it tonight and will post about it afterwards.

Till then, I am avoiding reading anything about it (which has not been easy for the last six days, to say the least!!!).

Sorry for the delay!

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 13th, 2013, 1:48 pm
by Rita Hayworth
I was hoping that CSI NY will come back for another season ... I am beginning to like Sela Ward character more and more as time goes by. But, I have a funny feeling it will be cut from the lineup just like they axed CSI Miami (recently) because of budgeting concerns at CBS and back to one show ... CSI ... in Las Vegas.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 14th, 2013, 1:12 pm
by Lzcutter
I watched the two hour Season 6 premiere last night and all I can say is "Welcome Back" to my favorite show (be aware, I will say the same thing when Breaking Bad returns for its final run of 8 episodes later this summer, these two tie in my book for best show on tv).

Mad Men, how I have missed you!

************************************************************SPOILERS AHEAD*************************************************************************************

Looks to be Christmas/New Year's 1967. Had it been Christmas 1968 there would have been a passing reference to the Christmas Apollo moon shot. The new upper floor of SDCP looks great! Love that they kept Lane's name and that new staircase.

The return of the window motif!!!!

The return of the dual nature of Don Draper and the return of randy Don (which kind of broke my heart when we discovered who Don's new squeeze is).

Peggy and Abe are still together! And Peggy is basically the female Don right down to not realizing that she has to tell her minions they can go home on NYEve.

Stan and Harry have embraced their inner 1960s hair styles!

Betty is still Betty and I am glad that they didn't have her return to her svelte self in less than eight months. Sally Draper is growing up and turning into a beautiful young girl.

Poor Roger but he has great hair!

Not enough Joanie but a new episode tonight!!!


Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 14th, 2013, 3:18 pm
by RedRiver
My first comment when I saw this episode was, "Peggy is SO becoming Don Draper!" We see it. Does she? I don't really know that lady Don is messing with. I must have missed or forgotten something.

Betty is still Betty and I am glad that they didn't have her return to her svelte self

Was that an option? Might the actress have gained weight in real life? A friend of mine emailed me and said he'd like to talk on the phone tonight. I said, "Great. But not during MAD MEN!"

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 14th, 2013, 3:30 pm
by mrsl
Before it comes on tonight, I just want to say, I hope Joan gets a whole lot more screen time this season. I think she, almost as much as Don is the key to this shows attraction.

For all I care though, Betty can melt away to nothing. Her character has never intrigued me, or kept me watching - her scenes are usually time to get up and get a snack.

Pete can follow Roger as far as he likes, in fact straight to the heart attack. Something has to turn him into a human being.

Finally, I wish Megan would learn about Don's little flirtations, and pop him over the head with an iron skillet. He too, needs a lesson learned.

Nothing would surprise me if Roger ended the season blubbering and wrapped up in a straight jacket for a while.

But believe it or not, I love the show, and still watch the reruns on Sunday morning. They're up to last season now.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 14th, 2013, 3:53 pm
by Lzcutter

Yep, Peggy Olson is a female Don Draper, work wise.

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don is sleeping with the wife of the heart surgeon he has become friends with.

And I agree, more Joanie!

The actress who plays Betty, January Jones, gained some weight because she had a baby last season. She's lost the weight but they had her in a fat suit last season and still do this season, though Betty has lost some weight. Last season, Betty discovered a growth on her thyroid. It was removed and found to be non-cancerous. But her thyroid is still not working properly.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 1:30 am
by mrsl
Wow, the claws are really coming out this season ! ! !

Good for Pete's mousy little wife - get out the skillet honey ! ! !

Peggy is tough enough, just how much dirty play is she going to be doing?

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 1:08 pm
by RedRiver
Peter Campbell is a wee-wee!