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Re: Margaret Hamilton Monday - Dec. 9th, 2013

Posted: December 9th, 2013, 9:48 am
by JackFavell
Who, Maggie or Aggie? :D

Seriously, as two of the most famous and powerful witches in entertainment history, I'm surprised they never went toe to toe on television.

I second a vote for Aggie getting her own day on TCM.

Margaret Hamilton is getting a big dose of love today, with some of her more benign characterizations. I'm pleased that TCM has done their Margaret Hamilton homework, letting her good traits shine a bit today. Right now, she's being married to Guy Kibbee, telling the parson to dispense with the fancy stuff "before he weasels out of it." :D :D

Also pleased that Ms. Hamilton has led me today to that other wonderful character actress Elizabeth Risdon - who's quiet understated performance here in Mountain Justice has me in the palm of her hand. It's not the first time she's captured my attention, folks will remember this splendid character actress from her many other roles, notably as Sarah Lincoln in Abe Lincoln in Illinois, as the older woman who is reborn as a kinder gentler soul in Five Came Back, and as prim Aunt Mary in Theodora Goes Wild. I'm getting a strong deep feeling from her this morning as the worn out, put upon wife who wants to see her daughter escape the titled 'Mountain Justice' that she's had to live with all her life. A really good performance as usual, one that I think might be building up to something more serious toward the end of the movie.


Re: Margaret Hamilton Monday - Dec. 9th, 2013

Posted: December 9th, 2013, 11:45 am
by Sue Sue Applegate
I am so happy Margaret Hamilton has her own special day.

Her contributions extend well beyond her participation in The Wizard of Oz, and her kindness and devotion to children, especially her own, is touching.

Thanks, Jackie, for remembering her! :lol:

Re: Margaret Hamilton Monday - Dec. 9th, 2013

Posted: December 9th, 2013, 12:22 pm
by JackFavell
Thanks Sue Sue to you too. :wink:

Re: Margaret Hamilton Monday - Dec. 9th, 2013

Posted: December 11th, 2013, 2:06 am
by Rita Hayworth
Members and Guests

I will write up a short recap of the movies that was on that day ... and I will probably have it done by Friday/Saturday the latest ... it will be brief and good.