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Re: True Grit -- the Remake

Posted: February 21st, 2011, 9:24 pm
by Rita Hayworth
Everyone here ... I'm going to see this movie again this Saturday with a bunch of friends and maybe come back with a different perspective. By the way, the original was on the other day and forgot all about it. It was on American Movie Classics - AMC.

Darn it.

Hey Lzeutter - I enjoy reading your posts on True Grit. Nicely Put.

Re: True Grit -- the Remake

Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 7:55 pm
by feaito
I've nothing more to add to this westerns connoisseurs' thread besides what I've written before, only that if hadn't been for all the insight and exhanges I read on it, I probably wouldn't have seen "True Grit", so I have to thank everyone involved for encouraging me -unwittingly- to see this great picture.

It's kind of ironic; of the group of pictures nominated for AA this year, the one that was apparently more suited to my tastes, in this case "The King's Speech" (a period drama supposedly based on fact) was the one that left me colder and kind of let down, whereas "True Grit" really moved me, as did "Black Swan", of which I did not know what to expect either. In fact, when I heard last year of Black Swan I thought it was a remake of Ty Power's film....that's how out of the current scene in Hollywood I am...

Re: True Grit -- the Remake

Posted: February 24th, 2011, 7:46 am
by JackFavell
Sometimes having no expectations of liking a movie can really help me enjoy it!

Re: True Grit -- the Remake

Posted: February 24th, 2011, 1:15 pm
by feaito
That's true most of the times Wendy and the same applies to other aspects of has to have no expectations at all about anything and anyone, it's better...

Re: True Grit -- the Remake

Posted: February 25th, 2011, 11:07 pm
by movieman1957
The Bride and I saw it tonight. I'm sure there is little I can add to the fine commentaries already shared but I can share that I really enjoyed it. It feels like a straight forward old fashioned type western. I enjoyed the supporting cast much more here than the original. Darby and Campbell managed to annoy me. Not so here. Barry Pepper seems to channel Robert Duvall. That is no slight but I was struck how much they sound alike. Fine performances. Carolann and I think that young "Mattie" should have a nice long career.

I was a little surprised at how closely the films mirror each other in several places. There is still plenty of humor. I like that. I find it interesting that even the uneducated seemed to talk in such an educated fashion but I love the cadence of the speech. I think the film is helped by the getting straight to the story with the little background provided by the narration. The coda I am not completely sold on but that comes from a comparison.

Along Lynn's line on the violence there is a kind of use as a tool of it. There is not a lot of it but there is a matter-of-fact quality to the way Cogburn talks about it. Shooting people in the back, etc is just part of the plan. It is not a question of being dirty about it but there is a kind of requirement to it to keep one's self alive.

Visually it has an interesting look. I agree with Lynn that the night scenes are very striking. Though the daytime lacks color being set in winter that would not be unusual.

I liked it. Recommended.

Re: True Grit -- the Remake

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 2:26 am
by Lzcutter

Glad that you and Carolanne enjoyed the film. It's been a week and I am still thinking about it and still hearing the music in my head.

As much as I have enjoyed Melissa Leo in her film and television work, I really hope Hallie Steinfeld takes home the Oscar on Sunday night. Without her, I don't think this film would be nearly as good as it is. She is its emotional center and she delivers a performance that allows this film not to falter.

Re: True Grit -- the Remake

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 9:53 am
by Rita Hayworth
Lzcutter wrote:Chris,

Glad that you and Carolanne enjoyed the film. It's been a week and I am still thinking about it and still hearing the music in my head.

As much as I have enjoyed Melissa Leo in her film and television work, I really hope Hallie Steinfeld takes home the Oscar on Sunday night. Without her, I don't think this film would be nearly as good as it is. She is its emotional center and she delivers a performance that allows this film not to falter.
I needed some time to reflect - the remake of True Grit ... I totally agree with Lzcutter here ... that Hallie Steinfeld was (emotional center) even better the 2nd time that I saw this movie. She was the glue that kept this remake altogether here.

To me, its a combination of Steinfeld and Bridges - were the stars in this remake.
Loved it for the 2nd time.