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Reminder to Gary Cooper fans - May 22nd is the Big Day!

Posted: April 18th, 2007, 11:33 am
by pktrekgirl
Really posting this more for any new posters that might arrive here than anything else, as all known Gary Cooper fans from the original TCM group are well aware of the hugeness of this date. :P

On May 22nd, the following Gary Cooper films are set for release on DVD. So get those change purses ready!:

UNCONQUERED (1947) - one of the 4 titles being released that day under Universal's Cinema Classics Collection banner.

From MGM (individual releases):

From MGM (Movie Legends Collection):
VERA CRUZ (1954)

Of all of the above titles, the only one to have been previously released is VERA CRUZ. Personally, I think they should have substituted THE WESTERNER in that set...but what do I know? :P

Of particular interest is THE WINNING OF BARBARA WORTH, which as a Ronald Colman fan, makes me happy indeed. I really cannot recall another boxed set honoring a primarily talkie star being released with a silent offering included. And so this is especially nifty, IMO.

But anyway, a great day to look forward to for all Gary Cooper fans!

And if you need me, I'll be in my bunk. 8)

Posted: May 22nd, 2007, 10:55 am
by MissGoddess
I'm going to stroll around some stores in my neighborhood today to just "check" on them and make sure they have these dvds in stock---and featured prominently! :wink:

Posted: May 22nd, 2007, 8:44 pm
by pktrekgirl
I got UNCONQUERED in the mail today! Woohoo!

I preordered it from Deep Discount DVD. And it is the one I was most eagerly awaiting, cus I've not seen it yet. I never bothered to trade for it on DVD-R because the release date was so close.

But I still have EIGHT more films coming.

I can hardly believe it!

Posted: May 23rd, 2007, 2:53 pm
by MissGoddess
I took a stroll to two of the biggest sellers of dvds on 5th Avenue in midtown: Best Buy and Barnes and Noble. They both get HUGE thumbs down, not only for the poor showing of Gary titles but for classics in general. First of all, at BB the box set was...guess where? In the Drama section under "G"---but there were no other Cooper titles there under "G". So I look for the individual titles: They only had Unconquered. Not even Ball of Fire.

At B&N I hoped for more, because it's snobbier. The didn't have ANYTING Gary Cooper except one of his Signature Collection box sets! And heaven knows where the guy pulled it from because I had to ask for it.

Neither place had made any effort even to spotlight the recent John Wayne titles and that was the tip off things weren't going to bode well for Coop.

So, let us just say midtown Manhattan sucks when it comes to providing classic fans with choices. And yet they have an attitude. :evil:

Posted: May 23rd, 2007, 3:36 pm
by ken123
DeMille'sTHE UNCONQUERED arrived at my door today, along with SCARFACE (Muni ), BROKEN ARROW ( Stewart ), PURSUED ( Mitchum ) TALL IN THE SADDLE, THE THING ( Hawks ), TORRID ZONE, THE CHARGE of the LIGHT BRIGADE ( Flynn ), plus The Reagan Dairies, Thursday Al Gore's ASSAULT ON REASON arrives, the Reagan book may be all the assault that I can take. 8)

Posted: May 23rd, 2007, 3:46 pm
by MissGoddess
ken123 wrote:DeMille'sTHE UNCONQUERED arrived at my door today, along with SCARFACE (Muni ), BROKEN ARROW ( Stewart ), PURSUED ( Mitchum ) TALL IN THE SADDLE, THE THING ( Hawks ), TORRID ZONE, THE CHARGE of the LIGHT BRIGADE ( Flynn ), plus The Reagan Dairies, Thursday Al Gore's ASSAULT ON REASON arrives, the Reagan book may be all the assault that I can take. 8)
Lol! You have a mother lode of classics there, Ken, I envy ya! :mrgreen:

Posted: May 23rd, 2007, 3:56 pm
by ken123
MissGoddess wrote:
ken123 wrote:DeMille'sTHE UNCONQUERED arrived at my door today, along with SCARFACE (Muni ), BROKEN ARROW ( Stewart ), PURSUED ( Mitchum ) TALL IN THE SADDLE, THE THING ( Hawks ), TORRID ZONE, THE CHARGE of the LIGHT BRIGADE ( Flynn ), plus The Reagan Dairies, Thursday Al Gore's ASSAULT ON REASON arrives, the Reagan book may be all the assault that I can take. 8)
Lol! You have a mother lode of classics there, Ken, I envy ya! :mrgreen:

Thanks. It will be hard work to watch these classics, but someone has to do it , :wink:

Posted: May 23rd, 2007, 4:37 pm
by pktrekgirl
^ Yeah, it looks like you bought individual titles, whereas I buy boxed sets where I can. THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE came out as part of the Flynn boxed set last month, and TORRID ZONE came out as part of the Cagney boxed set that was released recently as well.

Since I am a fan of both of those guys, I got the boxed sets when they were released. CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE, in fact, is probably my second favorite Errol Flynn film. I love it.

It will be interesting to see how the marketing goes on this recent Gary Cooper boxed set. I pre-ordered all of the 5 individual titles over a month ago...but the 4-film boxed set that was *also* released yesterday was not listed on Deep Discount DVD until yesterday - and without even the cover art!

I think there has been some really bad marketing going on for that one, which is surprising - especially given that it might well be the first boxed set of a primarily talkie star that contains a silent!

I am hoping that the remaining 4 individual titles will arrive at my house before the weekend...but the 4 film boxed set won't get here for another week or so.

Really bad marketing. :(

Posted: May 29th, 2007, 1:15 pm
by filmlover
From MGM (individual releases):

From MGM (Movie Legends Collection):
VERA CRUZ (1954)

Of all of the above titles, the only one to have been previously released is VERA CRUZ.

Actually, Ball of Fire did have a short DVD release a few years ago and has become a hard-to-find item. I am glad for the new release.

Posted: May 30th, 2007, 11:14 am
by MissGoddess
I watched my dvd of UNCONQUERED last night and boy was it fun. I mean, if you really love Gary Cooper and can get past the heroically purple dialogue and ridiculous Indian depictions it's quite rousing entertainment, deMille-style.

I had forgotten how old Paulette looked in it---maybe because on my tiny tv years and years ago that I saw it last she didn't. She's only 37 but looks far older, however Coop's swarthyness was never better hilighted than in those gorgeous costumes.

I must say in deMille's defense he was amazingly paintstaking with the sets and props---if you pay attention that is where most of the "authenticity" of the film lies.

My only quibble is the battle scenes are not very exciting and look a bit cheap. He spent so much money on sets and costumes but seems to have run out by the time of the climax. I think his forte was not action sequences. :wink:

Posted: May 31st, 2007, 2:16 pm
by filmlover

Were there extras on the Unconquered? I would think a good commentary would add to that film.

Posted: May 31st, 2007, 2:30 pm
by MissGoddess
filmlover wrote:MissG,

Were there extras on the Unconquered? I would think a good commentary would add to that film.
Unfortunately the only "extra" is an introduction by Robert Osbourne, much in the same vein as the ones he does every evening. I wish a commentary had been included; Gary Cooper dvds are behind in this respect and it's a shame.

By the way, for those who are curious to see another movie about the same period, and a better movie (sans Gary, though :cry: ) then don't miss Drums Along the Mohawk. Absoultey perfect and thrilling entertainment.

Posted: June 7th, 2007, 1:07 pm
by pktrekgirl
MissGoddess wrote:I watched my dvd of UNCONQUERED last night and boy was it fun. I mean, if you really love Gary Cooper and can get past the heroically purple dialogue and ridiculous Indian depictions it's quite rousing entertainment, deMille-style.

I had forgotten how old Paulette looked in it---maybe because on my tiny tv years and years ago that I saw it last she didn't. She's only 37 but looks far older, however Coop's swarthyness was never better hilighted than in those gorgeous costumes.

I must say in deMille's defense he was amazingly paintstaking with the sets and props---if you pay attention that is where most of the "authenticity" of the film lies.

My only quibble is the battle scenes are not very exciting and look a bit cheap. He spent so much money on sets and costumes but seems to have run out by the time of the climax. I think his forte was not action sequences. :wink:
I've not watched my copy yet, but I am looking forward to it. Disappointing about the battle scene...I'd have thought it would have been good as knowing deMille, he must have had a cast of thousands.

I mean, that is what I think of when I think of a deMille picture - 'bring on ALL the extras!' :lol:

Posted: June 7th, 2007, 2:22 pm
by MissGoddess
The final battle scenes do have their moments but are not a "populous" as his usual cast of thousands and there are many shots that look very stage-bound.

It's still a rip-roaring fun movie, and I've already heard that it, along with Gary's other May 22nd dvds have actually been outselling the John Wayne dvds released the same day!! That's good news for future Cooper dvd releases (Saratoga Trunk, The Hanging Tree, Garden of Evil---helloooooo Mr. Distributors, we need these on dvd, too!! :roll: )

Posted: June 7th, 2007, 3:32 pm
by pktrekgirl
^ Well, there is no reason why we do not have THE GARDEN OF EVIL on DVD in any event. It is out in R2 and has been for some time - I own it, in fact. So why it has not been released in R1 is a mystery to me.