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Lost Olive Thomas Films Found!

Posted: September 4th, 2008, 12:17 pm
by Gagman 66
:o Wow, I totally missed this earlier. Mighty Big news, Two formally lost Olive Thomas features have been found! OUT YONDER, and THE GLORIOUS LADY! Anyone else heard about this?

:) Olive Thomas is number 4 on my top 10 Silent Screen Beauties list, between Jacqueline Logan, and Delores Costello. And I have only seen her in THE FLAPPER (1920). An enchanting little film that is on DVD from Milestone, and beautifully restored by Eastman House. Along with a fine documentary on the tragic Olive Thomas. Now find some Corinne Griffith titles already! They have to be around someplace!

Here is the link:


The beautiful Olive Thomas, One of early Hollywood's greatest tragedies.

:D Here is a photo I colorized about a year ago. It took me several hours to locate, but it was worth it. Olive legend tells, had amazingly rare violet colored eyes, just like Elizabeth Taylor! Kind of spooky! :?


"Everybody's Sweetheart" The violet eyed Olive Thomas, died under suspicious circumstances in 1920.