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Posted: July 6th, 2009, 12:50 pm
by rohanaka
I hate starting new threads.... I looked for one about this one.. but did not see it... so forgive me if I missed it...

ANYWAY... I FINALLY got to see this film. (I have wanted to since it came out last fall) And well... now I've seen it... ha.

It has some good moments, I will confess. I can't say it is the BEST modern day western I have seen, but Idid like the story overall. And Ithought Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen did a great job together. (I ESPECIALLY liked Mortensen's character a lot) The story was a good "traditional" western with a bit of a twist (concerning the woman/love interest) and the violence was NOT horrific. There is a LOT of shooting and people do get shot...ha. But the blood is kept at a minimum.

The F-word though... not so much. I wish that had been a lot less... but that is my own little "pet peeve" ha.

Anyway.... I thought overall it was a pretty good send up to the old style "lawmen come and clean up the town" type western tale. (Oh... and did I mention I liked VIGGO???? ha.. sigh) :)

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 6th, 2009, 1:38 pm
by movieman1957
What a lovely avatar.

This is on my queue at Netflix. Guess I'll have to move it up.

I saw Ed Harriss in "The New Riders Of The Purple Sage" some time ago and he made a better cowboy than I thought that is one good thing.

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 6th, 2009, 3:52 pm
by rohanaka
Thanks Mr. Movieman.... I do love my sweet Maureen!! ha.

I hope you enjoy Appaloosa... I will look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. I think it needed a little "something" to make it a GREAT story... but overall it was still entertaining. (it is NO Siverado, though.) :) On some level, Harris and Mortensen are almost like an old married couple..ha. Everett finishes Virgil's sentences, and helps him with his vocabulary... and more or less is just THERE for one purpose and that is to support him in pretty much everthing, and make him look good and back up his authority...etc. But at the same time... Everett is still his own man... and they are a good team. They work well together and really KNOW what the other one is thinking (at least until the WOMAN sort of adds a different "layer" to their relationship. But even then, they still have absolute faith in one another more than anyone else).

I think of all the more "modern day " westerns I have seen, this is one of the few that I could see how a sequel could be made out of it all... but I won't say too much more for SPOILER reasons

There are some other good aspects about it though that I should have mentioned earlier. Some of the side characters are nicely done. And the scenery is really well photographed too. And again... there were some interesting twists and turns in the storyline that made it fun to watch. But the MUSIC got on my nerves though... The main guitar theme was WAY overplayed... at least it seemed like that to me.

PS... Ed Harris DOES make a fine cowboy by the way... he and Mortensen both are very believable. (I will keep an eye out for that Purple Sage one... that is one you have mentioned before.) I have loved Harris since The Right Stuff... but I have not seen too many films with Mortensen... except of course the Lord of the Rings movies... ah... Aragorn. (did I mention... SIGH... ha.)

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 6th, 2009, 5:55 pm
by Ollie
Ro and that darned pix. She taunts me with it! I'll end up having to watch QUIET MAN every other time I get onto her threads!!

Ro, like you, the language made me think, "Well, they'll end up chopping this film up - why can't they do dialog without the need of additional expense later on? Why not achieve exactly the same meaning with, oh, voice inflections and, uh, ACTING, eh?"

Viggo has become a pretty solid contributor to my modern film "I Like" list, though. And Ed's done a lot of those, too.

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 6th, 2009, 9:04 pm
by rohanaka
She taunts me with it! I'll end up having to watch QUIET MAN every other time I get onto her threads!!

HA!! All a part of my master plan to take over the world through forcing people to watch THE QUIET MAN... ha. (kidding...only kidding.... I don't really want to take over the WORLD... maybe just the Western Hemisphere.....ha!) :D

PS... Glad to hear I am not the only one out there w/ "sensitive ears" ha.

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 6th, 2009, 9:17 pm
by movieman1957
Wouldn't the world be a happier place for two hours if they watched The Quiet Man?

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 6th, 2009, 9:40 pm
by klondike
movieman1957 wrote:Wouldn't the world be a happier place for two hours if they watched The Quiet Man?
I couldn't agree more, my Friend.
I'd just recommend that ye remember to cut your horse man - ehh :oops: , fertilizer, that is, by about 4 parts loam to the one, else the roses 'round your cottage will all be burnin' midst the fumes.
If ye take me meanin'.

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 6th, 2009, 10:09 pm
by movieman1957
I do indeed!

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 7th, 2009, 12:21 am
by rohanaka
Wouldn't the world be a happier place for two hours if they watched The Quiet Man

IF ONLY!!! (ha)

Ok... to get back on topic... VIGGO MORTENSEN ROCKS!! HA! :D

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 7th, 2009, 4:48 pm
by JackFavell
Viggo is one of the few modern actors I like.... he's sort of a mystery character most of the time, one of those quiet men (sorry) who just ride their horses or go into battle without too much self consciousness. I like the one about the big horse race in Arabia and I like him as Aragorn. He's caught my eye in several movies, and not because he is hot.

Although he IS. Really hot. Whew! Scorching hot. Did I say he was hot?

I almost always enjoy Ed Harris even when he plays a baddie.... he is another actor who simply goes about his business without all the hoopla associated with Hollywood these days.

I had no idea they had made a movie together. They are some nice scenery, even if the story isn't all that much. :D

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 7th, 2009, 5:05 pm
by klondike
JackFavell wrote:
Although he IS. Really hot. Whew! Scorching hot. Did I say he was hot?
. . .They are some nice scenery, even if the story isn't all that much. :D
Well if that's how you feel, treat yourself to a rental of last year's Eastern Promises; it's a smart, nicely done, modern Brit noir, albeit on the cold & gritty side . . but if Comrade Viggo cranks your thermostat, I bet you'll come away flushed & smiling :wink: . . especially from those scenes his Mom won't watch . . :oops:

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 7th, 2009, 5:38 pm
by JackFavell
WHAAAT? :oops: :D :oops: :D

I'm renting it immediately.

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 7th, 2009, 9:56 pm
by rohanaka
JackFavell wrote:he's sort of a mystery character most of the time, one of those quiet men (sorry) who just ride their horses or go into battle without too much self consciousness
Hiya Jackie.... I don't know how "mysterious" he is in this film... but he is pretty much a "quiet man" (ha). Maybe more of a "speak softly and carry a big SHOTGUN" kinda guy. And he is maybe a LITTLE mysterious... especially the way he is dressed and the way he sort of carries himself. (but not nearly so much as he was in... say... TLOTR) I like the way he speaks sometimes... kind of a "half whisper".

And PS... I had forgotten about the Arabian Horse movie(can't recall the name either...ha.) I only caught the last part of it the last time it was on tv, but it did look like a good story.
JackFavell wrote:I almost always enjoy Ed Harris even when he plays a baddie....
Harris did a good job. I like his "matter of fact" way of speaking sometimes. It comes off VERY well in this story.
JackFavell wrote:I had no idea they had made a movie together. They are some nice scenery, even if the story isn't all that much
They kind of make for an odd pair in some ways in this story... but really overall... they mix well together. It is an interesting sort of friendship. Viggo's "Everett" is really almost more of the "sidekick" (at least that is sort of how it looks in the beginning) but w/out revealing too much in the way of spoilers.... in a lot of ways he strikes me as being the stronger of the two men and in the end you wonder if the movie wasn't really more about HIS character than about Virgil (Harris). I guess in reality it is about them BOTH, but maybe it leans first one way and then another... at times.

But they sure make a good "law enforcement team" when they are together. (did Imention there was a lot of shooting and people get shot??? ha) Fortunately I did not have to employ my famous "one hand at an angle over both eyes" technique... ha. (That is my "self defense" when things get too graphic... ha. I figure MOST of the yucky stuff happens in the MIDDLE of the screen... so if I take one hand and cover my eyes at an angle, I can catch the top left and the bottom right portion of the screen and still keep watching. HA. It has taken me YEARS to perfect this technique.) :lol:

Anyway... I did not have to do that with this movie... so even though there IS a lot of shoot 'em up stuff going on... it is not "gratuitous".

I have to say, this story has grown on me the more I have tossed it around in my head. I still can't tell you it is as good as many of the older "classic" westerns that I enjoy, and there were things about it that I wish had been better, but still it was a pretty good story overall, especially for a "modern made" western.

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 8th, 2009, 8:51 am
by MissGoddess
I'll have to get around to renting this one eventually. I have only seen Mortensen in previews and trailers, never any of his movies as they haven't interested me. From just the little I have seen, he did intrigue me somewhat.

Re: appaloosa

Posted: July 8th, 2009, 9:22 am
by movieman1957
Is Hidalgo the film you ladies are trying to remember?