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Fast Forward

Posted: October 23rd, 2009, 1:55 pm
by mrsl
Has anybody watched this new sci-fi on Thursday nights? The entire world stopped and fell asleep for 2 minutes all at the same time, while they were sleeping, most of them had visions of the future, some good, some not good, and some no vision at all. Eventual episodes are tying all the visions together for one guy (Joseph Fiennes). I was kind of surprised to see him in a TV series, but at lease he's a real actor.

Re: Fast Forward

Posted: October 23rd, 2009, 2:53 pm
by Lzcutter

I am watching it! Well actually Tivoing it and watching it later. Either way, I am really enjoying the series, especially the ensemble cast.

The end of last night's episode was great.


I do hope that Janet, the FBI agent, is okay. I didn't see that coming at all.

Also, really liked the Karaoke. Peter Coyote as pres is an excellent choice and I really am enjoying Courtney Vance as the Head Fed.

Olivia (Sonya Welgar) and Mark (J. Fiennes) are a good couple. Sonya Welgar has a supporting role on Lost where she has more chemistry with her love interest there, Desmond Hume than she has with either Fiennes or the man she sees in her Flashforward.

But, I am watching faithfully.

The show has been picked up for a complete run this season so there should be about 11 or 12 more episodes if my memory is correct.

I think the show is called FlashForward not Fast.

Re: Flash Forward

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 3:15 pm
by mrsl
Thank you Lynn:

I didn't feel right typing 'fast', but couldn't figure out why, now I know. :lol:

You're better with names than I am, I do faces first, before trying to fit them to character names, so I'm not sure who Janet is. What I can't understand is how any of them got out of that car in time???

I've gotten into the habit of Tivoing ( or whatever you call it) in the evening, then watching it the next day so I can FAST forward through the commercials.

But I'm in a real quandary on both Thursday and Friday, because there are so many shows on that I want to see, it's a good thing my U Verse tapes up to 4 shows at a time. I definitely use that feature.

There are two shows on this season that are so great at the sexual tension thing, I almost scream at my TV between Bones and Castle. Both guys are perfect examples of sexy but not show-offy males, and both women are very pretty, but not necessarily gorgeous, although both have that certain something that makes them so attractive. All four are such pretty people, but both women are so dense, I want to strangle them.
