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Discussion and Questions about the Code of Conduct

Posted: May 3rd, 2007, 6:39 pm
by moira finnie
Discussion and Questions about the Rules of this Site Here!

Please read the required code of conduct for all visitors and registered members of this site, which can be accessed here. Any comments and inquiries regarding the code of conduct should be entered here. Thank you for your interest. We'll try to answer any questions a.s.a.p.

Posted: May 5th, 2007, 12:48 am
by mrsl
Terrific job!!!. Easily read and understood. So much better than all that legalese so many others use.

Only two comments:

Filter dodging:

If a quote is input that has offensive language, in order to get that quote here, it must be copied. When placed in a thread, it becomes 'your' choice of words, so it's simple to change that improper word, to one more acceptable to the general public. Our language has too many words to necessitate using foul language. As adults we should be able to substitute sufficient words to get the point across without being childish.

2 or 3 threads in a forum:

Our main source for brainstorming is the TCM line up. Often they will televise several of one genre in one day. When this is the case, you may want to comment on most of the films, individually because you feel each one may generate interest on several levels - characters, scenery, actors, hidden meanings, etc. e.g. a 12 hour marathon of John Wayne consisting of: Red River, Searchers, Fort Apache, Rio Bravo, El Dorado, The Shootist, and The Sons of Katie Elder. That's 7 movies. You could post "What do you think of all the movies shown today?", but if you wanted a more detailed opinion, you may want to post each one on a separate thread.

I doubt that this would happen, but they are all westerns so the threads would all go in the Western genre topic. Maybe I'm being picky, but is there a way to avoid limiting the number of threads, in a speciic forum, in a day? I'm fully aware of what you're trying to avoid and I'm 100% behind you on that. I'm just wondering if anyone has any comments. If I'm being a brat, just tell me to go suck an egg!


Posted: May 7th, 2007, 12:29 pm
by jdb1

Re "Imaging" -- what does "post a link" vs. "hotlinking" mean?

Hotlinking is what we've been doing heretofore, no? Wrapping a photo address within [img]blahblahblah[/img]?

What's the other thing?

By the way, I am conscious of your anti-spamming caveat. However, I'd like to point out that many of us only have particular timeframes in which we visit this board. For that reason, I may have multiple postings within a short period of time which make it look like I'm all over the board (for example now, which is my lunch hour), but it's only because I don't have the opportunity to space out my comments over 24 hours.

Images and Hotlinking Clarifications

Posted: May 7th, 2007, 5:54 pm
by moira finnie
Hi Jdb1,
I don't see anything posted on any part of this site that I would currently consider to be "spamming". I realize that many of us post when we have the time and the inspiration. Not a concern for me based on what I see currently. I'll throw my 2 cents in about my understanding of images and hotlinking, and have picked the brains of our Admins Jondaris & Pktrekgirl in an effort to make this clear:


Your grasp of the use of the Image feature as it appears in your Post a new topic screen is fine. If you have a picture to include as part of your message, you may wish to link it to the web address of your picture by writing the web address of the picture within the post and highlighting it and then clicking that IMG Tag between List= and URL above the message box. Then, when you post the message, your image will appear there within the context of your post.

Hotlinking occurs when I, for example, have a copyrighted picture which I own or have a paid or have a copyright release enabling me to display said pic of, say, Cheetah blowing out the candles on his birthday cake. I post this picture on my website, called moirassite. You want to reproduce this image/picture in a message here. You highlight and copy the web address of my picture from the browser on my page where the pic appears, which might be: http://www.moirassite/cheetah.html.

In a message here, you paste that web address within the context of the message and then highlight it using IMG, finish your message and submit it for publication here on this site. You have just hotlinked Cheetah's picture from my site to this one. That is a violation of the copyright laws and involves the theft of bandwidth from those who've purchased it and could get us in hot water down the road. Therefore, we can't condone it at all.

If, however, you owned a picture of Cheetah on your computer in your pictures file, you could upload that picture to one of the free web sharing sites such as Photobucket, Flickr, or the Plastic Age Gallery found Here and then, following the instrux posted by Jon earlier, could use that legitimately owned picture on this site within a message. Please click to read some of Jon's tips about posting images here.
I hope that helps to clarify the reasons and meanings of terms a bit. Thanks very much for your interest.

Posted: May 8th, 2007, 8:41 am
by jdb1
No, not really, Moira. I'm not sure I get it.

If I copy a photo of, say, Sabu from some website and put it into my Photobucket account, do I then "own" that photo? And if I use said photo only for my own amusement and for illustrative purposes, not for any monetary gain, am I violating someone's copyright in that photo?

You see the "may be subject to copyright" on just about every website that has movie star photos, but barring a specific "no-no" message when you try to copy it, how do you know if there is really an issue?

I understand perfectly the need for caution in IP matters, but I'm not sure where any line should be drawn, except for the need to err on caution's side. That would render any of our "Gallery" threads null and void, unless we actually purchased all the photos we wanted to post, and I don't think I have that much money. Having to follow links to every Gallery photo we want to look at will prove to be pretty cumbersome in a pretty short time.

P.S.: What about the avatars we're using?

Posting Images

Posted: May 9th, 2007, 7:20 am
by moira finnie
Dear Jdb1,
Thanks for being so patient. After some further research and consultations, it comes down to this:
If you linked directly to another website from this website to reproduce an image on this site, that may be interpreted as a theft of bandwidth and a violation of a copyright. People tend to get upset when you link to pics on their web space. Please copy them to your computer and upload them to the gallery or other photosharing sites before linking to them. Copyright is not really the issue for us, but stealing bandwidth could get Jon in trouble.

The still blurry issue of images, (if you'll pardon a pun), on the Internet is evolving legally and as more information becomes available, we'll be sure to share that with all members. Here's those links to the PlasticAge.Net Gallery and to Jon's original info about how to post images.
Thanks for being such a conscientious member!

Posted: May 9th, 2007, 8:54 am
by jdb1
Thanks, Moira.

I'm wondering if the "fair use" concept covers us here, since we are in effect a non-profit organization, gathered together (our intent is to be gathered privately, although we are using a public access forum) for our own amusement and informational purposes.

Law is still evolving on these issues, and loopholes abound.