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Posted: November 22nd, 2009, 12:39 am
by mrsl
Although I've seen this one several times, it really is not a favorite of mine. Janet Leigh was a baby compared to both Robert Ryan and Jimmie Stewart and totally out of place as a love interest to either of them, and the one that would have worked was just a throw-away character, but ignoring that fact, I don't care a lot for either of the characters either. The men are too mean, the old guy too weak, and her too dumb. Jimmie's redemption scene at the end was completely out of character, and arrived at too easily with no build-up other than Janet's outburst.

The odd thing is, I was starving for a western. In the past couple of weeks, I've watched all my western DVD's from Hondo to Liberty Valence, but being the end of the month, I've seen all the offerings on the Western channel, and TCM doesn't show them often anyway, so when I saw this on the schedule, I watched it with gratefulness pouring out of my pores. I had spent most of last night and this morning in the black and white world of film noir with Tom Conway and George Sanders and the Falcon, so I was ready for color and horses.



Posted: November 22nd, 2009, 10:30 am
by ken123
I cant say very much negative about The Naked Spur, except that Janet Leigh role could/should have been played by a more forcefull actress. I prefer Winchester " 73 among the Mann - Stewart films. :)


Posted: December 1st, 2012, 8:47 am
by Vienna
[quote="kingrat"]To confuse matters thoroughly, THE NAKED SPUR is my favorite of the James Stewart/Anthony Mann westerns. I like the "chamber western" aspect--like chamber music, with only five characters, not counting the anonymous Indians.
Yes, I like it when there is just a small group impacting on each other. Milland Mitchell yet again shows how good he is as the old prospector. Robt Ryan was Oscar worthy. And a great part for Jimmy Stewart.
Terrific ending as he easies Ryan's body from the saddle.


Posted: December 1st, 2012, 4:14 pm
by RedRiver
I'm glad this discussion is taking place. In an odd little way, this is my favorite too. The confinement, the music. The characters are forced to open up. There's nowhere to turn! I like THE MAN FROM LARAMIE. But this "small" western works quite well.