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The End of the Month

Posted: February 23rd, 2010, 12:56 pm
by mrsl
It's happening again, just like it does every month during the 3rd, sometimes the 4th week. The symptoms are always the same, I get jittery to see a showdown at high noon or sunset, or my palms itch to see someone come flying through the window of a saloon, or bounce over a bar into the glasses piled so neatly against the wall. My eyes water for the sight of boot hill, or the sheriff tossing his badge down in the dirt. Month after month it's the same thing. I've seen all the movies by then that are on Encore Western, and the one or two that occasionally show on TCM. At this time of the month the half hour shows on Encore don't do the trick. I've watched my collection of the Duke so much, I worry I might do damage to them. Two Rode Together definitely has a smooth spot where nothing shows on screen for a couple of seconds, and so does El Dorado. So one more time I'll pull out my copy of The Hunt for Red October and The Enemy Below, and hope that tomorrow brings something fresh on one of the other channels, I can't handle silly little love stories at times like this, I want action, noise, and excitement.


Re: The End of the Month

Posted: February 23rd, 2010, 1:01 pm
by movieman1957
Don't forget that every bar room fight has to have something destroy the big mirror behind the bar. (It usually came from St. Louis.)

I am getting a little more disappointed in the Westerns channel. More TV shows and most of the movies look like "B" westerns. That is not bad in and of itself but throw some good ones in along the way. A little variety would be nice.