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Ann Vickers

Posted: April 19th, 2010, 12:21 am
by mrsl
I've had this taped for a while now and finally got to watch it on Saturday. I would have preferred a different actress than Irene Dunne, but anyway, the story was a good one. This must have been from one of Walter Huston's days because I also have Gabriel Over the White House on the same tract, which is another I hope to get to tomorrow. So besides Irene, it was nice to see Edma Mae Oliver as a best friend instead of a nasty aunt, or teacher or other frightful person. In this she was a great friend to Irene in all ways. Irene (Ann) gets herself in trouble with a soldier who leaves for France in WWI, and whom she never sees again. Friend Edna Mae stands close and gives help and eventually Ann builds herself up to a high place in social service work. In the meantime she meets a nice judge who happens to be married, but they have an affair anyway. It takes the rest of the movie to resolve their problems, but things do work out for the best finally.

This was a good one, and I'm glad I had no distractions from it. It's actually one of those 'rainy day' movies I recommend every now and then. So if it rolls around again soon, you might want to toss a disk in and save for later.