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More fun on a Hot, Hot Day

Posted: July 29th, 2010, 6:22 pm
by mrsl
With this weather, I'm just DVR'ing movies and watching them during the day before the humidity gets so bad I have to turn the AC on, whereupon I have the TV at extra high volume. Plus I figure I may as well post it here on MY seemingly exclusive thread

The Big Trees: - 1952

Kirk Douglas as usual a nasty guy who tries to con a religious group into selling him their property so he can make a profit by cutting down the huge trees that are growing there, which the cult has been loving and caring for. Of course, one of the ladies of the group is spooned by Kirk, and eventually she reforms him (cough, cough).

Tomahawk Trail: - 1957

Chuck Connors as a sergeant takes over a troop when the Apache ignorant lieutenant loses them their horses, food, water, and wagons. The Lieutenant is suffering from sun stroke so Chuck steps in with the authority he exhibits as Lucas McCain, but always under threat of Court Martial.

Badman's Country: - 1958

This was a little more unusual than some of the others mainly because George Montgomery was the star. He made quite a few westerns, but it seems like not too many survived sitting in the cans, rotting away. It was also a complete Hollywood movie and in that I mean, he brought in some friends and they found and killed Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I think I prefer the Newman/Redford version. Montgomery is a good build and seems like a good figure for a cowboy, but he just seems out of place and uncomfortable.

Gunfight at Dodge City: - 1959

Talk about a weird one. This is it. Joel McCrea, a terrific cowboy, calls in all of his friends, like Bat Masterson, to have a fight with some bad guys at the edge of Dodge City. No reference is made to the OK Corrall, or any historic facts and figures are given or hinted at. Just a big gunfight. After all of the epic movies made about the OK Corrall, I know just a little too much about the times and the people involved to take this one very seriously.

Another Man, Another Chance: - (1977)

And finally, really the best of the bunch. James Caan and Genevieve Bujold co-star as one French couple who immigrate to Western America, and an American couple as a veterinarian and his wife. Both have children at about the same time, but Caan's wife is raped and killed by three dregs of humanity, and Genevieve's husband dies in an accident, I think. It happened so fast, I'm not sure. But eventually Caan and Gen come together after lots of trials. She is carrying on her hubby's photography business, and he is trying to build something for him and his little son. The only drawback for me, was the French section is done in French, and as you know, I hate sub-titles. It is quite good, and I would be happy to recommend it.


Re: More fun on a Hot, Hot Day

Posted: July 29th, 2010, 7:41 pm
by movieman1957
The Big Trees was lame though it looked nice. The Gunfight At Dodge City was ok as long as I didn't think of McCrea as Masterson.