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The News Media 2007 Style

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 3:09 pm
by ken123
PBS's Jim Lehrer - " You don't assume the President of the U.S. is lying. :cry:

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 3:12 pm
by Dewey1960
In the case of our current president, it's an assumption I routinely make.

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 3:13 pm
by ken123
Dewey1960 wrote:In the case of our current president, it's an assumption I routinely make.
I could not have said it better. :wink:

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 4:16 pm
by jdb1
I didn't hear that comment from Lehrer.

I find it hard to believe, in light of all that has happened in the last three decades, that he would be so disingenuous. Maybe that's one of the reasons I rarely look in on TV news any more.

The fact that two of the most-watched programs on television are "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" should demonstrate the prevalence of such assumptions.

Here's the image I have whenever anyone in the media, or around me, for that matter, takes what any politician says at face value:

I see young Julie Nixon facing down a slew of eager reporters who are trying to get her to comment on the recently circulated Watergate story. She is full of righteous indignation, and on the verge of tears, as she tells them: "No, no, my father would never do anything like that. He doesn't lie."

If you can't trust your Daddy, who can you trust?

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 4:50 pm
by ken123
The Lehrer quote is from today's THINK PROGRESS Website. A few years back Jim Lehrer was on WGN radio - THE MILT ROSENBERG SHOW, a local talk program, he has on the show a number of times over the years pushing various books usually, and has made statements also as idiotic, so I can believe that he said the quoted remark. :cry:

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 5:22 pm
by ken123
Lehrer made that statement May 10, 2007 on Aussie Public Radio, according to THE CARPETBAGGER REPORT which has a link to his statements. 8)

Posted: May 26th, 2007, 6:07 pm
by Vecchiolarry

OK kiddies, here's what gets my goat whenever I view the news:

The anchorman/anchorwoman always overinflates the reporters who are giving a story - -
"Here's Brett Bradley with a live update on the current situation in Iraq!"...
"That was Brett Bradley reporting live from Baghdad; thank you Brett".....
As if he was a star or something..

Everytime I hear that, I always scream at the TV:
"Here's Mortermer Snerd, dead because he's a wooden dummy, from sometime in the Middle Ages, telling us about the Mongols invading Mesopotamia!!!"....... "Now, get the hell off, Mortie"........

And, most of what they report every day is not 'news', it's a rehash of stuff that happened months ago and day in, day out....
Another stupid suicide bomber blowing himself up is not new, it's old...
"Here's Mortermer, with the "olds"........
