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Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 9:46 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I've just recently started watching this and I was blown away by that last episode. But the depiction of brutality it as devastating as it was in the Middle Ages and up until the bloody Conquest of the Americas and beyond.

I see some of the storyline of the real Boudicca being injected into the scripts as well as the darker Shakespearean Titus Andronicus, but on a much more powerful level.

It just scared the hell heck out of me last night! :lol:

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 10:50 pm
by Lzcutter

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 11:13 pm
by Lzcutter

My first thought when they began closing the doors at the wedding and the band began playing "The Rains of Castemere" that it was a trap. But I thought they would take the Starks prisoner.

I had no idea they would do THAT!!!!

I felt so bad for Arya, so close to her family but thanks to the Hound stopping to eat, she lives another day. I've long thought the real story of Game of Thrones is her journey.

I also almost teared up at Bran and Rickon's farewell.

Not quite sure what to make of Jon Snow's coming to his senses and revealing his true colors. (And Ygritte looks a bit confused, too.)

I wonder what this means for Brienne and Jaime's friendship.

And I think Tyrion is right, "the North will never forget this".

I wonder if Tyrion realizes this is the moment that the Old Man overreached and it's time to start moving away from his family (and please take Sansa and Shae with you.)

One thing is for sure, every time the Starks try to do the honorable thing, fate deals them a horrific blow.

But we are reaching the point in the storytelling where the tide has to turn and the Lannisters have to start losing something. Otherwise, it runs the danger of the audience starting to disengage because evil is always rewarded.

And tv audiences like a little justice with their evil.

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 11:31 am
by sandykaypax
I haven't watched Game of Thrones, but author George R.R. Martin was on Conan last night and he was quite delightful. Conan's show usually has clips that you can watch online if anyone is interested.

Sandy K

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 7:31 pm
by CineMaven
I don't watch "GAME OF THRONES." I haven't even seen an episode of "SCANDAL and it's a show my father watches. (( My dad, the sports guy???!!! )) But I saw this on YouTube and it had me ROFLMAO. It contains SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. Be warned, there is very strong language.

...And Hitler is very very angry:


This is utterly hilarious.

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 10:02 pm
by Lzcutter

Thanks for the info on Games of Thrones. It is a sprawling story and I'm able to keep track of most of the characters but I dread the thought of them adding more! I just hope that HBO sticks with the series until we get the final resolution. The good news is that the series draws great numbers and is the most pirated show on television so HBO has a reason for now to stick with it!

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 11:04 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
OK. The link helped a little. :lol:
My godson and his father are completely absorbed by this show, and they've read all the books.

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 11:09 pm
by Lzcutter

Thanks so much! That was hysterical!!!!!

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 8th, 2013, 4:28 am
by CineMaven

It'll probably mean more to a regular viewer, but in and of itself, I fell out laughing.

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: April 30th, 2014, 3:02 pm
by Lzcutter
Holy crap! This week's episode of GOT was just great if for no other reason than the terrific scene between Jaime Lannister and Brienne. I definitely got the feeling that Jaime expects not to see Brienne again for a very long time. The respect these two characters have for each other is palatable. The show is wisely steering very clear of romantic interests in their characters and just letting two very good actors act.

It is absolutely amazing the turn in character that Jaime has been through. At the beginning of the show we despised him for what he did to Bran Stark and then last season they set about making us care about him. They did so in such a believable way that even last week's horrifying scene between Jaime and his sister, Ceresi, he still remains conflict ridden but trying to do the right thing.

I am starting to think that Jaime may have to kill Ceresi to keep Brienne or Sansa alive.

We will see.

Good news for GOT fans! HBO has renewed the show for TWO more seasons!

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: April 30th, 2014, 3:30 pm
by mrsl
I'm another one who has never watched Game of Thrones. I was looking forward to it before it started, but although I can't remember what it was, I do recall that one of the promo's just killed any interest in it that I may have felt. Also, like Cine maven, I have never seen an episode of Scandal either, ooops, I lied, I did watch the first 20 minutes of the premier episode, but when I got the main idea of what was going on, I decided that our White House has enough trouble without a silly television show making the President look stupid, especially since our Pres. is so highly intelligent he makes most of his detractors look like chimpanzees.

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 6:02 pm
by Lzcutter
Holy jumping jeehovwitz (or however you spell it), I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT!!!!


I thought for sure that Oberyn, doing the best homage to Inigo Montoya that I have seen in quite some time (both big screen and tv screen), would win the day!

How in the world (no spoilers please, don't make me go all Mountain on you if you do) is Tyrion getting out this? Do they call it a draw? Does Jamie continue his break from his father and sister and help Tyrion escape?

While most have concentrated on the beetle story in the great Jaime/Tyrion conversation this week, I thought they might be foreshadowing Jaime's future storyline with their talk of patricide, etc. Seems beheading is the answer for to what happens if you kill whoever, even family if they are the Lannisters.

I don't see Jaime getting a happy ever after in this show. He has come quite a ways from the guy who threw Brandon Stark out the window in the pilot but despite all his growth (saving Brienne from the bear, becoming her friend, sending her to protect Sansa), he still owes for Brandon. I fear the story tellers won't be kind though I do hope whatever happens that he does it for the right reasons.

And speaking of Sansa, holy crap young lady! We've been waiting four seasons for you to grow up and you've done right before our eyes in two episodes! Well, you've been growing up for awhile but what a performance you gave saving Littlefinger's hide. Even Sansa Stark has ambitions.

And Ayra, so close to joining up with a family member and yet so far. I do hope she and the Hound just turned around and walked back down that road rather than go forward into the Vale. Because there be trouble in that Vale.

And finally, Ser Jorah's recent past is revealed thanks yet again to the unseen hand of Big Daddy Lannister. It costs him dearly as the Khalessi refuses to listen and banishes him. While he was guilty of spying, he had a change of heart and has served her faithfully and nobly ever since.

This show likes to remind us that sometimes it is the small decisions that don't seem all that significant that can have a major impact later on and I suspect this going to be true for the Khalessi and Ser Jorah.

If Tyrion manages to escape with his life he will need a new sidekick now that his buddy Bronn has been paid handsomely in a wife with a land by Tyrion's evil sister Cersei. Dare we hope he and Ser Jorah throw in together?

Both share a deep need to bring down Big Daddy Lannister, so that thought is tempting.

With Mance Raydor and the Wildlings at the Wall next week, looks like Jon Snow will have hands full.

I worry if they do kill off Tyrion (remember no one is ever safe on the show and episode 9 always is a big eppy with death and destruction (Ned Stark lost his head in episode 9 in season 1, The fight for the Blackwater was episode 9 in season 2 and last year's Red Wedding was episode 9), how will viewers react. Tryion is, in many ways, the heart of the show (along with Ayra who is, alas, becoming a stone cold killer) and the reaction may be brutal.

The show is reaching a tipping point where the bad guys cannot continue win without some victory for the good guys. After awhile, you stop caring if all that happens is that Lannisters keep causing pain and destruction in their wake and good people on this show keep dying or suffering loss because of them.

At some point, something has to happen to turn the tide.

It's what makes good drama.

Just my thoughts.

Remember, no spoilers please. I've gotten this far in 4 seasons without them and haven't read the books.

Re: Game of Thrones

Posted: June 3rd, 2014, 11:36 am
by Moviedaughter1990
I am not a fan of book spoilers as well. My brother reads the book and spoiled the part of Shae turning against her lion but thank God I forgot about that small piece of information until the actual episode.
I think I'd eventually like to read the books but I'm so wrapped up with this amazing cast and story line, I couldn't imagine being one of the angry readers upset that George R.R. Martin allowed for his story to be altered even in the slightest.

I agree with your statement about Oberyn. I truly thought he was going to strike down the mighty mountain and put Cersai in her place but alas, she wins again. I thought there was so much flare that he was going down but it seemed he was sure to defeat him. I did love that through all the special tricks, he was playing an homage to Mandy Patinkin. How lovely that there is so much influence from one decade to another. In his very last moments I was so distraught, I couldn't possibly imagine that they would let Peter Dinklage leave. I mean, he is the first name that appears on the credits, right? I hope that he is safe, even till the end. The Imp that got away!

I also loved the part with Sansa. After she told her heart wrenching story about her less than sane Aunt, I could almost see the change happen instantly. She's become such a strong woman who thinks for herself. I hope Littlefinger doesn't get the chance to control the north through her.
I really hope that Arya didn't turn around for the sake of her sister. I'm sure the could use each right about now even though they hated each other so long ago. I did think it was very comical how Arya responded to hearing her Aunt had died. I think I almost would have done the same thing. Sometimes you can't help but laugh at the unfortunate events that seem to follow you at every turn. I do think her relationship with the Hound is adorable and it would be hilarious if they made a spin off of just the two of them and their adventures.

I can't wait for next week!