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Forum Organization

Posted: April 15th, 2007, 9:11 am
by SSO Admins
This is pretty simple, but it probably needs to be said.

Moirafinnie was the owner of the Yahoo group, and she is the owner of this forum as well. Her word goes, and she is free to run things as she sees fit (other than banning me :)). Her assistants in moderation are Lzcutter, klondike, and Kyle (if he ever comes around to register).

I am the site administrator, which means I pay for the hosting, set up the board software, and handle technical issues. I have no desire to run things, and don't intend to. Pktrekgirl is also a site administrator, charged with dealing with admin stuff if I'm not available or too lazy to deal with it.

I just wanted to be clear on that.

Posted: April 15th, 2007, 12:00 pm
by Kyle In Hollywood
Hi Jon -
I finally got around to regstering. I attempted to register last evening but I think the site was down. The page wouldn't load.

I just want to say you have done yourself proud with the creation of this site. It is a beautifully done forum. I envy your talent. A Lot.

Kyle In Hollywood

Posted: April 15th, 2007, 12:43 pm
by SSO Admins
I wish I could take the credit, but it's mostly put together from easily available work done by others.

I do like this much better than yahoo groups though.

Our Gang Redux:Spanky-Froggy-Darla-Whitey & who's Alfalf

Posted: April 15th, 2007, 1:00 pm
by moira finnie
Kyle, I'm so glad that you and everyone are here. I suspect that Lynn may check in later today when she can. The impetus behind this group was pretty simple:

My reason for beginning this group was my frustration caused by constantly trying to sift through the rampant antagonism found over on the good ol' TCM site. It became increasingly hard to unearth the intelligent and revelatory comments of the real film lovers who relish discussion. Since I was aware from others that many were equally appalled by the bad manners of some posters, my hope is that we could find someplace to develop a fun, collegial atmosphere to discuss, (and even disagree), about movies again.

Yahoo was our first stop, and, thanks to Jon and Pktrekgirl's technical knowledge, it looks as though this may be our next, beautifully appointed waystation.

This group would not exist without each of you members.
I may be a little spark, but you guys are the fire. Hope that we'll all work together to keep this going and growing. Thanks to everyone.


Posted: April 15th, 2007, 1:46 pm
by Kyle In Hollywood
And before I forget and called on my bad manners -

A big "Thanks" and "Well Done" to pktrekgirl too. Take a well-deserved bow yourself.

Kyle In Hollywood

Posted: April 15th, 2007, 3:02 pm
by klondike
Allow me please to add my voice in thanking Jon & pktrekgirl for birthing so fine a new "House" for us.
And thanks as well, of course, to our beloved Moira, for extending such fine Hospitality to myself & others, and for the privilege of serving our Once & Future community as her co-moderator.
I shall do my utmost to guarantee that her faith in me is never ill-placed.
And NOW -

All we need are all the Friends, Neighbors and Guests we can find to gather around this merry new hearth and help us celebrate Classic Movies! Laughter, love, good humor, deep insights, a sense of wonder, the camaraderie of sharing, a desire to have fun, and a compulsive thirst for ever-deeper knowledge of, & wisdom about, the Golden Age of Cinema.
The Celts call it "craickin'", a headstrong quest to cut loose & have some good, outrageous, relaxing fun.
So .. who's up for the Quest?!

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 3:30 pm
by jdb1
Hello, Everyone. It's me, Judith, and I'm happy to be here. I hope I'll be able to participate regularly -- I just came from the TCM board where I was checking my answer to a trivia question, and every single posting on the main board had CS's name. (I think she'll be surpassing the Dow Jones Industrial Average number quite soon.)

Well, let's talk about nicer things, shall we? I'm going to try to take a moment to catch up on the postings here. Thanks so much to all of you for doing this.


Gallery Link

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 11:06 pm
by Kyle In Hollywood
Hi Jon, pktrekgirl and all my other cohorts.

Just wondering if it is possible to get a link to the Forum's Photo Gallery on the Index page? Or is it accessible through some manner that I haven't discovered yet?

(I do have it bookmarked so I no longer have to open Moira's email with the link anymore.)

I think it will be a useful link for many of us.


Posted: April 17th, 2007, 1:15 pm
by Lzcutter
Hey guys,

Have to say that I love the new "camp". Kudos to jonparker for setting this up for us. Also, kudos to pktrekgirl for those great guidelines.

I think we have to have a written policy on what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. That is the downfall of the TCM site in my opinion. They seem to just assume we will all be well behaved and have no mechanism for effectively dealing with those who don't have the same belief in what acceptable behavior is.

I know that Marco is traveling and will probably be thrilled to see the new camp upon his return.

Look for me to return to my usual postings by the end of the week. For those who have expressed concern re: my whereabouts, everything is fine. I'm just not at my usual computer and that is a pain. But I will be later this week!

Again, I love this place and the way it is shaping up.

Looking forward to talking film with all of you in a few days!

How do I get one of those cool avatars? Is there a gallery or should I make my own?

Thanks again!

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 6:28 pm
by SSO Admins
Lzcutter wrote:How do I get one of those cool avatars? Is there a gallery or should I make my own?

Thanks again!
There isn't a gallery, but you can make your own or ask Pktrekgirl to do it for you. She's been very helpful with that to those who have asked for it (and it gives her a chance to show off her mad Photoshop skillz).