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Posse from Hell

Posted: July 20th, 2012, 5:01 pm
by mrsl
The title of this one put me off from watching it for quite a while but yesterday I finally sat down with it and was pleased with the movie. Although it is made up of a large group of people (townsfolk, posse, bad guys, etc), the real co-stars are Audie Murphy and John Saxon. Still relatively new as a leading name, Saxon seems to exhibit a kind of hero worship while working with Murphy - not that I blame him a bit. If you're going to make a hero out of someone, it may as well be a real hero. Anyway, this posse is after a terribly vicious gang of escapees from prison and it takes about 3/4 of the movie to either kill or capture each of them. Actually there are only 4 of the gang, but they shoot first and ask questions later. In one scene, they tell a man to stand at the door and yell out instructions and as he's doing that, the gang leader just shoots him in the back with not even a blink of an eye, so although there are only 4 of them, their actions make it seem like there are ten or more. As the movie progresses along with the shooting, heavy riding, and fist fights, a bit of psychology is enlisted to prove certain beliefs making it a combo western/drama.

It's quite a good movie which I think will please anyone who sits down with it.

Re: Posse from Hell

Posted: July 22nd, 2012, 3:17 pm
by RedRiver
Actually, the title intrigues me. I clicked on this thread to learn more! Haven't seen the movie. I did watch Murphy in his own story, TO HELL AND BACK. I tried to like this slow moving war story. I have respect for the men involved. But the movie just doesn't come through. They talk about the same things over and over. Fight the same battle over and over. To call this movie half a story is generous. Hats off to the soldiers. Not so much the filmmakers!

Re: Posse from Hell

Posted: July 22nd, 2012, 8:11 pm
by mrsl

Have you seen any other Audie Murphy films? If not, I recommend highly that you rent No Name on the Bullet for a story line. However, if you're talking about To Hell and Back, normally I would agree with you, but in this case . . . this is the story of Murphy's escapades during his European tour of duty during WWII. Soldiers have very little to talk about except the women they meet, the skirmishes they get into, and the scenery they're going through as each day progresses . . . he was just a foot soldier you know. During those years of the war Murphy did things that no other 16 or 17 year old boy has been asked to do, and did them with no thought of the sense or safety of the circumstances. By the end of the war, Murphy emerged as the most decorated soldier of WWII or any other war. His medals included accolades from countless other countries. His life is a testament to the very idea of heroism which will most likely never be equaled. He screwed himself up for a while in H'wood with drink and drugs, but was on the road to cleaning up when he died in a plane crash, so I'm not trying to say he was a perfect man (far from it). Audie made a lot of western movies and although similar in some ways, they still remain different from each other. Check him out on a couple of other films he's made, you may be surprised.

Re: Posse from Hell

Posted: July 23rd, 2012, 12:21 pm
by RedRiver
I like NO NAME ON THE BULLET. It's directed by the unpredictable Jack Arnold. I saw Murphy's DESTRY remake a long time ago. Recently, I watched THE DUEL AT SILVER CREEK. Pretty standard, but not insulting.