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Sex in The Outlaw

Posted: April 23rd, 2013, 9:22 am

I watched the Howard Hughes film The Outlaw the other day. I was ammused by the fuss that was made at the time about Jane Russell's cleavage, as to me at any rate it was nothing to get to excited about. Yet it was some of the hidden sexual meanings that I picked up in the film. It took a bit of calculated guessing on my part, but it appeared off camera that Billy The Kid raped Russell's character at the begining. Then when he was badly injured in a gunfight, Walter Huston's Doc Holiday took him to his girl Russell for her to care for. She tried to bring down his fever by covering him with blankets, without success. She sent out her housekeeper, then I assume she cured him by getting into bed with him to give him bodly warmth. Later Holiday returned and guessed that Russell was in Billy's bed.

When I saw the film once before I wondered if Thomas Mitchell's feelings toward Doc were sexual, as it didn't seem to make sense otherwise that he objected to Holiday's friendship with Billy. However, now I'm not so sure.

It's funny that Duel In The Sun was made not long after and the sex in that film was obvious compared to The Outlaw