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Adventure in Baltimore

Posted: April 25th, 2013, 6:25 pm
by mrsl
As part of Shirley Temple's birthday, this one played in the afternoon. I don't think I've ever seen it before, at least, not that I recall (ha-ha). I DVR'd it in the day time and watched it last night. I wasn't sure about it because I thought it was going to be more about the women's suffrage movement, but it was really about a turn of the century teenager who was actually problem prone which, I guess, is the way is the way to describe her. This poor girl could barely scratch her nose without causing some sort of calamity. Unfortunately, the problems didn't always only deal with her, but with her friends and family as well. In it, Shirley is getting more relaxed in front of the camera as an adult. As a child, it was just a lot of fun and playing, but as she grew, she knew other people were involved and she became a little cautious. Her dialog was often rather stiff and forced rather than natural, but in this movie she started to be more natural acting.

Robert Young played her minister father. As I said during our discussion of That Forsyte Woiman, I though Robert Young was wrong for the part he played, and although quite different, he handled his role in Crossfire as a detective with force and determination, but here as Papa, he was as I will always think of him - Father Knows Best. I've never been able to see him as a romantic sort as in The Enchanted Cottage because I was brought up with Jim Anderson and his family in Springfield.