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Posted: March 24th, 2014, 4:30 pm
by mrsl
I just want to say, I love the short 15 and 20 minutes with Carson and various people. Good Job!!!

Re: The March 2014 Schedule for TCM

Posted: March 24th, 2014, 6:55 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
David, I am so happy you will be able to see it! Masha, your comments are so true! Erik, glad you liked them! :-)

Re: The March 2014 Schedule for TCM

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 6:57 am
by Rita Hayworth
It's my pleasure Masha ... :)

Re: The March 2014 Schedule for TCM

Posted: March 26th, 2014, 4:34 am
by Rita Hayworth
The Three Musketeers - This is the 2nd time that I watched it on TCM in 2 years and I always felt it was a fun movie to watch and lavishly made and I was surprised how well Gene Kelly did in this production back in 1948. Great Cast and the costumes were colorful and gorgeously made. Lana Turner never looked lovelier in this movie.

I just amazed how well this movie hold up all this time and remains so. I was delightfully entertained by all and it's was a very rousing adventure as well ...

Trailer of this Movie

Great Swordplay and Gene Kelly's Moments in this FIlm.

Great Scenes ... Sorry about the quality of this video clip

It was fun watching it tonight and I never get tired of these films ...

Re: The March 2014 Schedule for TCM

Posted: March 27th, 2014, 4:55 pm
by ChiO

Saturday, March 29

9:00pm (CST) – SHOCK CORRIDOR (Samuel Fuller 1963)

Johnny, you've gotta be crazy to want to be committed to an insane asylum to solve a murder. Oh, me…oh, my. Fasten your seatbelts!

A reporter feigns mental illness in order to be admitted to an institution for persons with mental illness. Why? To investigate a murder that occurred within its walls. He is exposed to the conditions…and shock therapy. This is Fuller at his most Fuller. All exclamation points!!!! America as an insane asylum!!!! Fuller started as a crime reporter for a New York City yellow journalism newspaper and he never strayed far from its basic tenets: Don’t bury the lead; and, if it bleeds, it leads.

It is simple (but ever so simplistic) to view this movie as Camp, but he was as serious as an electrode attached to your skull, and I am with him (as the original one-sheet and the revival Belgian posters for SHOCK CORRIDOR in our home attest – Le triomphe du cinema barbare). As a psychiatrist friend said after watching it: the psychoanalysis in the movie is wrong, but the psychoanalysis of the movie is right. Life is a messy weapon.

With Peter Breck, Constance Towers, Gene Evans, Hari Rhodes, James Best & Larry Tucker. A MUST-SEE!!!!

The entire movie is on YouTube. The trailer is below.


Re: The March 2014 Schedule for TCM

Posted: March 28th, 2014, 1:24 pm
by JackFavell
I'll add myself to the list of folks who loves The Loved One. It's one of those movies that just get better and better every time I watch it. I find Morse's performance to be sly and well done. Satire that still works, at least for me.

I also wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Carson show interviews, especially the comics' night. Who knew that out of all those great comedians, Don Adams would be the funniest? :D