Mexico Macabre: From the Vaults of Alameda Films (1959-1963)

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Re: Mexico Macabre: From the Vaults of Alameda Films (1959-1963)

Post by Arsan444 »

I spent a lot of Saturday afternoons watching these and other horror movies when I was a boy, and I liked all of them. I have watched them again through the years, except for El Barón del Terror (The Brainiac), and enjoyed them all over again.
The set does not include El Vampiro, one of the best horror movies from Alameda Films and also one of my favorites. Germán Robles plays the definitive vampire of Mexican horror and his performance helped him launch his career in México.
When in doubt, have another one.
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Re: Mexico Macabre: From the Vaults of Alameda Films (1959-1963)

Post by Swithin »

I love these films and particularly the creepy and atmospheric Black Pit of Dr. M. I've mentioned this many times, on the TCM Board and perhaps even here, that if I could locate one lost film, I would choose the dubbed-in-English version of Black Pit of Dr. M., which used to play on local television years ago. It's priceless. I love the original Spanish version with titles as well, but that dubbed print was something special!

Trailer for the American market

How could anyone not love a film that contains one of the best lines in all cinema?:

"Yes it's me. I came back in Elmer's body!"

Dr. M in Elmer's body, with violin

Years after I first saw the film as a kid, I was at a concert. Suddenly they played a piece which surprised me, because I thought it was original music from Black Pit of Dr. M! But it was "Czardas" by Monti, which is the piece Dr. M. plays, when he comes back in Elmer's body.

Wonderful film, in any print!

One of the fascinating ladies of Dr. M.

Of course this guy is no slouch either:

The Brainiac, which has one of the craziest opening scenes ever.
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