Your Favorite Performances from 1930 to the present

Discussion of the actors, directors and film-makers who 'made it all happen'
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Re: Your Favorite Performances from 1930 to the present

Post by Belle »

This is a hard one because there are stunning performances from right across the world to be considered. But sticking mainly (but not exclusively) to English language film I'd say:

Anton Walbrook, "The Red Shoes",
Spencer Tracey, "Inherit the Wind" and "Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde"
Burt Lancaster, "Elmer Gantry" and "Come Back Little Sheba"
Shirley Booth, "Come Back Little Sheba"
Rosalind Russell, "Picnic" and "His Girl Friday"
James Stewart, "The Philadelphia Story" and "It's a Wonderful Life"
Carole Lombard, "Twentieth Century"
John Hurt, "The Elephant Man"
Cher, "Moonstruck"
Vivien Leigh, "Gone With the Wind"
Daniel Day-Lewis, "The Age of Innocence"
Cary Grant, "His Girl Friday"
Melvyn Douglas, "Hud"
Laurence Harvey, "Room at the Top"
Simone Signoret, "Room at the Top"
Peter O'Toole, "Lawrence of Arabia"
Fredric March, "The Best Years of Our Lives"
Bette Davis, "Jezebel" and "The Little Foxes"
Conrad Veidt, "The Man Who Laughs"
Emil Jannings, "Der Letzte Mann" and "The Last Command"
Judy Garland, "A Star is Born"
James Dunn, "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"
Gregory Peck, "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Frank Sinatra, "The Man With the Golden Arm"
Louise Brooks, "Pandora's Box"

So many more....
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Re: Your Favorite Performances from 1930 to the present

Post by Feinberg »

This thread might better be titled "my fantasy Oscars" or some such thing. It bears no relationship to the one that I created on the old TCM boards.
But there you go.
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