Marilyn Monroe

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Marilyn Monroe

Post by mrsl »

I watched the Misfits again today, and decided they couldn't have come up with a better name for the movie. All four main characters were playing with decks of 51 and one slice short of a loaf. Even wonderful Thelma was a dilly, but she left early enough not to leave too bad of an impression. I know that Clark was playing an old, near to retirement cowboy, but seriously folks, rarely does a rodeo cowboy get as old as Clark and still be able to walk upright. The only one who had any kind of reason to be so against the human population was Monty considering his mom gave away his birthright. Rosalind (as beautiful as she was), would have known by her age that men come and go, and unless you see some viable proof that you can hold in your hand, or read on notarized paper, you don't believe them when they tell you what time it is without checking your wristwatch. Mens' feelings just don't work like womens' do, their brains have certain areas that compartmentize how to handle emotions very different from how a woman deals with them. Raising boys and girls, I learned this very quickly.

Beyond all of that, I doubt if they will ever find definite proof that Marilyn was in a conspiracy killing. Looking at her filmography, the poor girl/woman barely ever had a chance to act as a functioning grown up. From 1955 to 1961 she made six movies - Seven Year Itch ** Bus Stop ** Prince and the Showgirl ** Some Like it Hot ** Let's Make Love ** and The Misfits. In all of these, one after another, she played nothing but a dumb blond (pardon me blond ladies, but it was the term of the day). When her star started to rise she was given two decent scripts where she played mature, intelligent women - River of No Return, and No Business Like Show Business. In the first, she was a saloon girl who knew it was no kind of life and was trying to get out of it, and in Show Business, she played a rising star who hired good people to advise her about contracts, hair, makeup, clothing, etc. But previous to those two, most of her parts were empty headed dames. I know she complained about her parts, but I never studied them before, and she decidedly had reason to be unhappy. Reaching 40, which again, was determined by who knows who, 40 was getting old. Today some 40's look better than 20's, but Producers, Directors and casting people didn't consider this in the day. Marilyn could have gone on to some great business women roles, or loving mothers like Lana Turner managed to turn the corner. The studio's blamed TV, the war, and everything else, but they should have looked to themselves, because they were the cause of the loss of the Marilyns, Judys, and so many others.

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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Lomm »

Bumping up the Marilyn thread in case anyone is interested in this great deal. I don't know how much longer it's going on. Nine films on blu-ray for only $40! I couldn't pass it up even though I already own the Misfits. I've seen all of them as she's one of my favorites, but never bought them, waiting for just such a deal. Now I only need to pick up Let's Make Love, Monkey Business, and one other which escapes me, and I'll have all the Marilyn starring vehicles. I know she doesn't star in Monkey Business, but it's a Cary Grant movie, so any excuse to pick it up when I find it cheap. :)

Before I forget the link:

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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Marilyn Monroe You Tube
Gorgeous Pictures

In a Pink Peignoir ... Just Lovely and some Misc Pictures as well ...

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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Fossy »

Just who is the Star?

Dangerous Years(1947)—Ann E. Todd is the top billed female, But Marilyn (3rd female, and number 14 on the cast list is the one featured on the dvd cover)

Ladies Of The Chorus (1948)
Top female is Adele Jergens, but it is the second listed female (Marilyn,12th on the cast list) who is featured on the cover.

Love Happy (1949)--First female listed is Ilona Massey, but it is the fourth female (Marilyn, 12th on the cast list) who is featured on the cover.

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)—Jean Hagen is the first female, but it is the third listed female (Marilyn, eleventh on the cast list) who is featured on the cover.

There`s No Business Like Show Business (1954)—Ethel Merman is the top listed female, but it is the second listed female, Marilyn, who is featured on the cover.

Monkey Business (1953)—Ginger Rogers is the top listed female, and Marilyn is second listed female, but it is Marilyn who is featured on the cover.

We`re Not Married (1952)—Ginger Rogers is the top listed female, with Marilyn second listed female, but it is Marilyn who is featured on the cover.

Let`s Make It Legal (1951)—
Claudette Colbert is the top listed female with Marilyn third listed female, but it is Marilyn who is featured on the cover.

Love Nest (1951)—June Haver is the top listed female with Marilyn second listed female, but it is Marilyn who is featured on the cover.

As Young As You Feel (1951)—Thelma Ritter is the top listed female with Marilyn 3rd listed female, but it is Marilyn who is featured on the cover.

Perhaps Marilyn is better known and her name will sell more DVDs than the top listed people!
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Lomm »

That's almost certainly the case. Most of those are sold in Marilyn box sets of some arrangement or other. She boosts sales on anything she appeared in and I'm not surprised the DVD covers feature her prominently even when she has a smaller role.
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Couple of New Marilyn Monroe
Photographs Here

These are quite glamorous and the photograph on top is an undated photograph and strikes a lovely pose of her and its sparkles with intensity and glamour too. I just love the colors and the lovely fur photograph on the bottom.
Marilyn Monroe BF.jpg
Marilyn Monroe BF.jpg (23.33 KiB) Viewed 5689 times
Marilyn Monroe WFS.jpg
Marilyn Monroe WFS.jpg (80.37 KiB) Viewed 5698 times
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by GaryCooper »

Joseph Paul DiMaggio (November 25, 1914 – March 8, 1999)

Mr. DiMaggio always believed Marilyn Monroe was murdered -- not a sucide.

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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Intrepid37 »

GaryCooper wrote: March 8th, 2023, 10:08 amMr. DiMaggio always believed Marilyn Monroe was murdered -- not a sucide.
I believe that as well.

Every time I see her in a movie - or just an image of her - I'm in love again.

Just seeing her makes me want to save her.
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Sepiatone »

I feel it was an accidental OD. The real tragedy being that several people who knew it was a possibility did nothing to keep it from happening.

But I noticed the OP starts the diaog about Marilyn after watching THE MISFITS. And also claiming that by her age, Marilyn's character should have known that men come and go, which caused me to struggle to not post a Madeline Kahn/Blazing Saddles reference ;)

The OP also mentioned something about Marilyn reaching 40. But as she was just 36 years old at her death I don't think 40 was that much of a concern for her. I just think(and long have thought) that her beauty wasn't the only thing that was never underrated was sad too, as when watching some of her film performances (like NIAGARA, BUS STOP, DON'T BOTHER TO KNOCK and of course, THE MISFITS I feel her worth and acumen as an actress was gravely underappreciated.

And I, like no doubt many others, fall in love all over again each time I happen across a Marilyn Monroe movie on the tube. One look in those eyes and I'm gone. :)

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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by laffite »

She was murdered. Her biggest mistake was threatening the Kennedy(s) with revelations. There are about 50 bios out there. I read the one with Anthony Summers and it was frank and fare. Summers is an English scholar and has a good reputation. I would recommend it if you are interested and having to choose one of the many. I remember waking up in the morning and saw the headline. RIP.
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Andree »

The real story of who killed Marilyn Monroe will likely never come out. It's that rare true story that really is stranger than fiction.
She was the first victim of.......Lee Harvey Oswald, who went on to assassinate JFK over a year later. Oswald hitchhiked from
Dallas to LA. It was there that his CIA handler arranged for him to stay in the guest room of Peter Lawford's house while Lawford
was out of town on an alcoholic bender. The "mafia" supplied Oswald with a fast acting poison to do the job. Ironically, it was
stolen from the same batch of poisons that the C.I.A. had used in an attempt to knock off Cuban commie Fidel Castro. Oswald
was a devoted Marxist who felt that actresses like Monroe would distract the proletariat from their duty to overthrow the
capitalist system. He also did not like her performance in Let's Make Love. The night of Monroe's death he posed as a pizza
deliveryman, a plan finalized by J. Edgar Hoover. Marilyn eat one slice of the pizza and died almost instantly. A year later Oswald,
disappointed that her death brought the red revolution no closer, took his frustrations and a Mannlicher-Carcano out and headed
to Dealey Plaza. {Joe D., stick to coffee makers dude}.
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Intrepid37 »

I read that she was murdered by a man-woman team who administered drugs through her rectum. They were C.I.A.

Peter Lawford knew all about it - he was married to a Kennedy and had been pressured by both Jack and Bobby to help set her up. It's said that he died a very hard death, haunted by Marilyn's spirit for months on his sick bed.

Hey, we'll find out what the truth is when we die - if there's life after death.
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Andree »

I think he was more haunted by too much booze and drugs.
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by Andree »

-Petar, let's slip her a mickey first.

-Mickey Rooney or Mickey Mouse?

-Petar, you've been in Hollywood too long.
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Re: Marilyn Monroe

Post by TikiSoo »

Everyone has a theory, just like Lizzie Borden's trial.
I was given this book as a gift & was less than thrilled-

But I read it and gained some insight. It was more of a charactor study of Marilyn and gave you a better idea of her state of mind, her career & her private life in the years, months & days before her death. It contained no speculation, just the facts, m'am.

The book leaves you with only impressions, so you can better formulate your own theories.
(I will check out the other book mentioned too, thanks!)

Having Marilyn's image on the DVD box to sell the movie is a good thing. If just one person buys the movie & watches it, they will at least discover her true vocation. Far too many teens wear t-shirts with MM, or have posters, etc and they have NO IDEA who she is. Many don't even know her name!
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