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TCM City appears to be closed

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 6:28 pm
by Lzcutter
Well, I tried to get to TCM City by Netscape, Mozilla and IE. All took me to the TCM homepage and other pages throughout the website but all three said the connection to the message boards was refused.

Has TCM closed the city for the night while they regroup?

Or do I just have a bad internet connection on this hotel hook up?

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 6:37 pm
by SSO Admins
It works for me. Not that I want it to.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 6:39 pm
by ken123
The TCM site is working for me. :roll:

TCM City back open

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 6:46 pm
by Lzcutter

I finally got the page to open. Wanted to check my PM box. Thanks for letting me know it was the hotel connection.

Though I wish they would get a handle on the problem over there.

All Pharaoh in Love & Words

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 9:41 pm
by klondike
Lynn . . {BIG SIGH}

Well, I just went over there for first time in a couple days, and it's edged into the Country Beyond Strange.

I was worried that your temporary inability to connect meant that you'd been targeted by TCM Administrators as The New Moses:

"She has led her People out of our Domain, to a new land of Freedom, beyond our Control and Persecution!"

I know: silly, silly, silly! The TCM Admins have virtually no responsibility for the all the turmoil & grief on their Message Boards.

And speaking, by inference, of She Who Must Not Be Named, it would appear she has a new identity, or has somehow fostered one: Sister Luke, a stern & condemning Woman of the Church, who, in her first 2 days, has posted over 90 messages.
Oh, and equally fertile to speculation is the input of brand-new messenger toddao55, who after going to some lengths defending the "Fungus's" behavior, and apologizing to her for upsetting her by his "misunderstood" remarks, has divulged that he's an 83 yr old man who (sob!) just wanted to talk Old Movies, and is appalled & saddened by all the persecution (of "nice" folks, like ol' Fungus), and of being scolded via PM's by the "mean" people, and so has decided to quit the Boards, because he'll be dying very, very soon.
It's gone beyond the transparency of pastiche . .
To call it cartoonish would be insulting to a legitimate form of entertainment . . I'm not sure what it could be called anymore . . it's actually becoming a little nightmarish . . because something is definitely building to critical mass over there.
And when it goes "Chernobyl", I fear that nothing will be left!


what the...

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 11:50 pm
by sugarpuss
Sister Luke, a stern & condemning Woman of the Church, who, in her first 2 days, has posted over 90 messages.
She's up to about 114. I haven't checked the TCM boards in a few days. I usually go to check if I have any PM's, but I think my PM box over there is broken. I sent a bunch out in early April and never got a response from anyone. I'm convinced SHE broke the system, somehow. When all else fails, blame HER.

I can't believe she invented another personality. I mean, it's pretty obvious who Sister Luke is. It's gotten to the point where you can't believe any recently registered poster, because I'm beginning to think all of them are aspects of her multiple personality disorder. I even think she's fighting with herself.

I've given up on the TCM boards for good I think. It's a shame and a pity they dissolved into total and utter crap (can I say that word around here?)

~PS: Lynn, I love your avatar! Is that from Hell in the Pacific?

Re: All Pharaoh in Love & Words

Posted: April 18th, 2007, 2:54 am
by SSO Admins
klondike wrote:I know: silly, silly, silly! The TCM Admins have virtually no responsibility for the all the turmoil & grief on their Message Boards.
I strongly disagree with this. I place the blame totally on the TCM Admins. If a cockroach or two finds its way into your kitchen, it's not your fault. If you do nothing and let your kitchen become infested with hundreds of them, it's completely your fault. That's what the TCM Admins have done.

Re: what the...

Posted: April 18th, 2007, 3:01 am
by SSO Admins
sugarpuss wrote:I've given up on the TCM boards for good I think. It's a shame and a pity they dissolved into total and utter crap (can I say that word around here?)
We have no firm rules as yet, but the feeling is that if you can say it on TV (network TV, not Deadwood) it's probably ok. We may need to modify it to say "network TV in 1980."

We have the ability to use word filters that can replace profanity with a milder term, but I haven't instituted any except one that kicks in when someone types the name of She Who Must Not Be Named.

And yeah, I've pretty much given up on them too. For one thing this place is keeping me incredibly busy, and for another most of the posters that I enjoyed have either left or have come here.

Re: All Pharaoh in Love & Words

Posted: April 18th, 2007, 5:29 am
by klondike
jondaris wrote:
klondike wrote:I know: silly, silly, silly! The TCM Admins have virtually no responsibility for the all the turmoil & grief on their Message Boards.
I strongly disagree with this. I place the blame totally on the TCM Admins. If a cockroach or two finds its way into your kitchen, it's not your fault. If you do nothing and let your kitchen become infested with hundreds of them, it's completely your fault. That's what the TCM Admins have done.
Actually, Jon, I misspoke by brevity ( a pretty rare sin for the ol' Sled Dog!), but I think you've clarified the distinction for me: by early March, TCM's noncommitment had become a crime of negligence, which in short order started compounding the original crisis with each passing day, and is still worsening it in that very same manner.
To paraphrase, Shakespeare penned "How sharper than a serpent's tooth is the disrespect of a Child!"
Well, I personally feel that far "sharper" than the hurt of an ill-mannered offspring is the neglect and/or abandonment of one's "parent".
And we certainly were left, unaided & defenseless, to the untender mercies of a hyperneurotic predator (or 2) on the TCM Boards, were we not?
Och, the Humanity!

Posted: April 18th, 2007, 11:32 am
by vallo
I was just there at TCM and they are cleaning house. There are missing posts and some were just there 10 minutes ago and now gone. I hope they got rid of the right posters. There is a couple who signed up just today. I hope there not trying to return under different names. I think TCM Monitors are finally getting on the ball.


Posted: April 18th, 2007, 11:46 am
by pktrekgirl
Well, there are about 4 posters over there who need to be banned in the worst way.

But if the TCM Admins don't have the time or resources to chase down all of their duals (and I'd place money on at least 3 posters over there running multiple accounts), it's gonna be for naught.

Running a public message board is a big job - especially when you start from where they have to start from now.

Once a disruptive/abusive poster is entrenched, it's hard to get rid of them. Whereas if you nip it in the bud when they are a new poster, they usually either conform and revert to more civilized behavior...or go look for greener pastures, where they can spam, troll and flame away.

TCM has let this problem go for so long that the disruptive posterS (and once again, there IS more than one) are entrenched. And not only that, they are locked horns in an ongoing war with each other...and are not likely to give it up so easily.

Even if they all get banned, they will keep making duals until the TCM admins do some ISP tracking and nail them each time within an hour or so of beginning a new dual. And since THAT is highly unlikely...I wouldn't expect things to get cleaned up any time soon.

Posted: April 18th, 2007, 1:39 pm
by sugarpuss
It seems as though "Sister Luke" is gone. I did a search for her username and I get a "failed to find specified user" message.

I wouldn't be too optimistic though. Yesterday around this time, I checked the boards and noticed something really bizarre going on with the post counts. I noticed stoneyburke being in the negative posts (something like -279) and She Who Will Not Be Named being at only 8,000 some posts (oh the humanity!). Later that evening, all the post counts were restored to normal. I'm not sure what's going on over there, but it's like a trainwreck that I cannot avert my gaze from.

TCM's Sock Puppet Theatre featuring Queen Cinemascope

Posted: April 18th, 2007, 1:57 pm
by benwhowell
I am surprised that TCM has (virtually) ignored the feuds, insults, and bizarre behavior on their message boards...especially with such a small community. My Space has a HUGE community and they are quite prompt in "deleting" users who do not abide with their rules.
There was a thread created yesterday (on TCM City) requesting other "teenagers" to come forth. It creeped me out to see (the return of) Kubrickbuff and adult men(?) lurking there.
Maybe I'm too paranoid...with the constant media barrage of internet child sex predators. Lately, I've received two notices (in the mail) of child sex offenders moving into my neighborhood. I'm just glad I don't have children.

Posted: April 18th, 2007, 1:57 pm
by mrsl
It seems like all the significant deleting has begun since vecchiolarry made his stupendous announcement about his cousin. He also announced that he had infotrmed TCM admin what he and his cousin had found, and that's when the deleting started. Apparently he made it easier for them to find the culprit. As I've said, 'that person' has never actually done anything that you could call spamming, unless they see her following people (like ME). So they may have to leave her posts intact. They can, however, delete all the ones that used the 'vile and vulgar' language. I keep flipping over to see if she is still on. As late as Friday, I p/m'd TCM about her following me on 6 out of 7 threads immediately within seconds. It's kind of a game now to see who's in and who's out.

The threads I used were all over the board, like from Western to Musical, to Gen. Disc. to Hot Topics, and Favorites, but all up and down, not in order.


Posted: April 18th, 2007, 8:34 pm
by Lzcutter

I must have have missed it. Can someone tell me what Larry and his cousin found? I can't find the thread over in TCM City and my curiosity is peaked.