Dead Celebrity Cookbook

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Dead Celebrity Cookbook

Post by Lzcutter »

Okay, it's probably not the best titled book but hey, it is an eye catcher.

The up side, the author has collected 150 recipes from dead classic film and television stars and put them all in one cookbook. The idea behind the book according to the author is to get today's readers to not only check out the recipes but the stars behind those recipes.

Harriet Nelson's chicken recipe sounds deadly in our healthy eating age, but dang, if it doesn't sound tasty.

Anyways, here's a review of the book: ... 0320.story

It's available on Amazon in both hardcover and Kindle:

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Re: Dead Celebrity Cookbook

Post by mrsl »


Please believe me when I say I'm not trying to be a know-it-all or anything similar. I agree that healthy eating is vital to our nation in getting rid of some of the obesity that has engulfed us, but healthy eating does not mean you cannot have a treat now and then. I rarely eat potatoes, white bread, and other things that are not good for me, but I have to admit occasionally I love to sit down to a medium rare porterhouse steak, baked potato and piece of really fresh French or Italian bread where the white part is soft and fluffy and the outer edge is crusty, and even maybe top it off later with a piece of pie or cake.

We all have our home collections of Black and White classics that we love to watch over and over . . . ask me and I'll quote most of Casablanca to you. But why do we have these collections? We know those movies are going to be on TCM again, but what happens if TCM quits (heaven forbid), or sometimes we don't want to wait until the next TV showing, but mainly because we love our movies and nothing can replace them, no matter how good they may be. Well, it's the same way with the food we eat. We can only deny ourselves for so long before we want that extra something. Most doctors will tell you that watching your intake is the way to go, but give yourself a break now and then. That break will allow you to return happily to your tighter regimen without forming a resentment for it.

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Re: Dead Celebrity Cookbook

Post by moira finnie »

Oh Frank DeCaro is the author! He is a very funny (and naughty) man, but I didn't know that he was now on the Game Show Network's new version of "I've Got a Secret"--probably because I don't watch that stuff. I really like his comment that Harriet Nelson's chicken should have come with a defibrillator--even if it does sounds scrumptious. I think I'd have to pass on Gloria Swanson's "Potassium Broth," though. Call me crazy, but I'll get my potassium the old-fashioned way, from a potato!

Do you remember years ago in 2004 (back on the mother ship) when Mongo (then bansi14), the lovely and funny Stellabluegirl, classicfan1119 and I went on about many old time recipes of celebrities? My favorite may still be Humphrey Bogart's Spaghetti Loaf, which a sullen Bogie might have made for himself while living on a boat after fighting with Mayo Methot and before Miss Bacall became his soulmate. I think you'd have to be drinking as well to savor this dish. To borrow a Bogart title, you'd be "in a lonely place" to consider it appetizing fare. Yes, you are correct, I'm not a pasta aficionado:

Humphrey Bogart's Spaghetti Loaf

2 cups spaghetti, broken
1/2 lb American cheese
2 eggs, beaten
1 2/3 cups milk
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup minced parsley
1 tablespoon grated onion
1 clove garlic

Boil the spaghetti in salted water with garlic, until tender. Then drain water and remove garlic.

Add cheese, melted in milk, to beaten eggs.
Combine with salt, onion, parsley, spaghetti.
Mix thoroughly. Pour into buttered pan. Bake in moderate oven for 1 hour.

In honor of Stella, and because Mongo made me laugh so much when we were all posting these recipes, I'll include one from his favorite lady of the screen, originally posted by Stella. (Sounds yummy, too):

Barbara Stanwyck's Kipfels

Hungarian cream-cheese pastries

1 cup butter
1 pinch salt
1 cup cream cheese
1 tablespoon thick sour cream

Raspberry or apricot jam

Combine ingredients (except for jam) and sift in two cups flour. Mix and knead until quite smooth. Gather up in a ball, wrap in grease-proof paper and chill at least 3 hours in refrigerator. Roll out very thin. Cut in 3-inch squares. Spread each square with 1 tablespoon raspberry or apricot jam.

Roll squares from corner to corner, shaping into crescents. Lay on greased baking sheet, and bake 20 minutes in brisk oven. Let cool before serving. Makes about 24 pastries
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Re: Dead Celebrity Cookbook

Post by Lzcutter »

I remember that thread! Filled with lots of yummy recipes you would probably only want to eat once in a blue moon. Why? Because once you've added that much cheese, cream soup, cream cheese, eggs, etc to any recipe, well let's just say, I wouldn't want to know the calorie count.

In addition to the drinking and smoking, I think we can add high fat diets to the reason many classic film stars died of heart attacks before their time.

But, I would still like to eat some of this recipes at least once (but not the Potassium broth, I'm with you on that one).
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Re: Dead Celebrity Cookbook

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I remember there was something in the press here a few months ago about Marilyn Monroe's recipe book that had turned up somewhere, she'd kept copious notes and tried to adapt her own dishes. Cooking is not something I associate with my favourites but I love to cook, there's nothing quite like making something and watching others enjoy it.

When it comes to food you should and shouldn't eat I'd rather manage the portion sizes, I try to use a small plate and eat what everyone else is having, it works, so far. I love cheese and chocolate, can't take much exercise because of the Chronic Fatigue but, to date I'm still classed as 'normal' with my BMI. Sure I'd love to be 4 or 5 pounds lighter but I'd rather have these bits of what I fancy everyday and be a little generous around the hips.

My bug bear is celebrity chefs, I don't know what it's like over in the States but everything here has great big glugs of olive oil poured over it, sure olive oil is good for you in moderation but they've just poured 500 calories over a healthy salad.
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Re: Dead Celebrity Cookbook

Post by Fossy »

I just might give this book a miss.

I visited Amazon, and the description said.
“If you`ve ever fantasised about………………………………….wrapping your lips around Rock Hudson`s cannoli…………………….”
There is also a recipe for Liberace`s sticky buns.
Isn`t that what killed them?
No wonder the cover has the skull and crossbones on it.
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