Who's your favourite Doctor Who and assistant

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Who's your favourite Doctor Who and assistant

Post by stuart.uk »

I imagine most in the U.S will say Tom Baker is their favourite Doctor, but i think most UK fans would say currant Doctor David Tennant

Here's my list to start it off

1-David Tennant, who was no-10
2-Peter Davidson, who was no-5
3-Jon Pertwee, who was no-3
4-Tom Baker, who was no-4
5-William Hartnell, who was no-1
6-Patrick Throughton, who was no-2
7-Christopher Eccleston, who was no-9
8-Paul Mcann, who was no-8
9-Sylvester Mcoy, who was no-7
10-Colin Baker, who was no-6

Here's my fav Assistant

1-Elisabeth Sladen as journalist Serah Jane Smith, who worked with Pertwee, T. Baker and Tennant. She also appeared in The Five Doctors.
2-Janet Fielding as Air Hostess Tegan, who worked with T. Baker and Davidson
3-Freema Agyeman as Dr. Martha Jones, who worked with Tennant
4-Billie Piper as Rose Tyler, who worked with Eccleston and Tennant
5-John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness of Torchwood, who worked with Eccleston and Tennant.
6-Catherine Tate as Secretary Donna Noble, who worked with Tennant.
7-Frazer Hines as kilted Scot Jamie from the days of Bonnie Prince Charlie, who worked with Throughton
8-Lana Ward as female Time Lord Romana, who worked with Baker
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Joined: April 25th, 2007, 5:43 pm

Post by MikeBSG »

I have never watched "Dr. Who." However, your question reminds me of the time my wife and I (this was before we were married) recommended "Campion," a detective show set in the interwar period that starred Peter Davidson, to a friend of ours.

"He was the worst Dr. Who ever," our friend said in tones that suggested Peter Davidson should be hanged for this offense.
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