Bush on the Economy !

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Bush on the Economy !

Post by ken123 »

He has just finished talking to the Manhatten Institude, a conservative think tank, were he called for less government regulation of business and more free trade! :cry:
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Post by movieman1957 »


"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana."
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Post by Hollis »

Where is the next FDR going to come from? All we really need is someone willing to make the hard choices, be they popular or not. If you know your American history, you know that we don't need a "Military Industrial Complex" to set things straight. We don't need a war to stimulate and grow the economy the way Herr Hitler did. We don't need to colonize foreign lands like Japan did. Everything we need to be self sufficient, strong and able to sustain growth is already here. Don't the words "Land of the free and the home of the brave" mean anything anymore? My fear is that the current generation of Americans is simply unwilling to make the sacrifices necessary to enable us to stand on our own, unencumbered by ties to foreign interests. Stop making "loans" of hundreds of millions of dollars to "developing nations" that will never be repaid (and history proves that) and take care of our own. If even one American child has to sleep on the floor or go to bed hungry, that's one too many. I'm not an isolationist but I see us growing more and more dependent upon the resources that others sell us, and at record prices, while we stubbornly refuse to develop our own interests here at home. We could be the land that all others aspire to be the way we once were. Where did we go wrong and how do we repair the damage done? What a comfortable bed we all have to sleep in tonight. It almost seems that if we weren't making action movies and building towers in Las Vegas to entice tourists, we'd have very little to offer the world. Until such time that bipartisan leadership arises and political interests are set aside, and the welfare of the nation as a whole is the most important item on anyone's agenda, we're walking that so called "slippery slope" and one misstep can bring about disaster. We'd be in a far better position to help others after we've helped ourselves. We've done it before and we can do it again. Thanks for letting me step up on my soapbox again.

As always,


p.s. No disrespect is intended toward any other nation, especially those that have come to our aid in times of trouble. Clearly, we will be there for them as well if the need arises and the assistance is asked for.
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