The whiny thread

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Re: The whiny thread

Post by jdb1 »

Birdy wrote:Good one, Klondike, I agree, and thanks for the laugh.

The first thing that popped into my mind, before Moira's thoughts was 'exhibitionism'. Yes, it boils down to basic rudeness, no matter how you fry it up, but you wouldn't believe the people who talk loudly about their personal lives (especially on cell phones) in the library where I work. I know more about a few people in there that I 'don't know' than my mother knows about me. And you wouldn't believe the surprised looks I get when I ask them if they could take their private conversation somewhere else. I'm a librarian, for crying out loud. What do you expect? The first requirement is knowing how to shush people. I try to do it politely and cheerfully, but people are nuts.
You raise a very good point, Miss Birdy: I often feel that the outrage of the situation lies not so much in the rudeness of the loud voices, as in the surprise on the faces of the perpetrators when they are called into question for their behavior.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by moira finnie »

Wait a minute, Birdy! You're a librarian and there's no ban on cell phones in the library? Holy cats, I can't believe that. I must be spoiled, 'cause my local library has a zero tolerance policy for those damn devices.

Another question about the loud people, especially those with cell phones in public: does blasting the tediously exhibitionist qualities of their personal lives aloud make them feel as though they are intrinsically more interesting than those who keep the details to themselves?
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Cellphones in public areas such as train carriages only are for essential conversations only. Such as 'I'll be in the station at ...' even then there's text messaging.

My husband's a teacher so you can imagine the grumbles. I thought I had it summed up, at least for this country, nobody curbs some of the young anymore. Parents can be out all day and shattered at night and teachers have no power and the kids know all their rights, they are obsessed by themselves and nobody else. It isn't confined to the young, but all sections are falling prey, I just hope it's not an epidemic that's slowly spreading. Don't you think places like facebook contribute to the 'hey, look at me' attitude?
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Garbomaniac »

Oh, yes, there is SELF-ESTEEM in anonymity! Nobody really knows what you look like. It doesn't matter if you are obese, geeky, unattractive, or stupid, the internet makes you a STAR! My Space, Facebook, Messenger, and texting all create a most powerful sense of empowerment! Youth, today, carry their cell phones everywhere. We all know how akward walking across an intersection in the crosswalk can be. You feel insecure, like all eyes are on you. The cure? Carry your cell phone everywhere like you are VERY important and have so many friends, and so much to talk about you can't be bothered by all of the stares, or glares, or embarrassment of being awkward.

As a teacher, in college, not high school, I have the privilege of putting "no cell phones in the classroom" in my syllabus. Just last month, as I was lecturing (and believe me, my lectures are RIVETING!), a student was texting in the back of the room. I stopped my lecture, scolded him in public, asked him to leave, and told him not to bother returning. You can't do that in High School, and that is one of the major reasons we have all of these self-absorbed youth coming to College thinking they are "all THAT!" I say just slapped 'em down every chance you get.

Bravo to Judith for talking up! But, she's a New Yawker, and they, from what I've heard, have plenty of gusto!
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Birdy »

Sorry so long -

Moira, no we don't have a cell phone ban.
We're a tiny library and very casual. But we do expect people to use common sense, possibly put the thing on vibrate or at least go outside with their call. After all, it is still a library, not a diner.

PS My worst offender just moved out of town.
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Post by bryce »

I am constantly on the verge of giving up on this country and its people.

As the lyrics go,

"We got a man of the people, says "Keep hope alive"
Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive"

Funny, that. The entire song could have been written yesterday. We've made so much progress since the 80s, haven't we?

This entire worldwide depression is the suicide invoice for Anglo-saxon indulgence in the last half of the 20th century. Time to write it off, we're done for.

Orwell's rolling.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by mrsl »

I still feel cellphones should be banned from automobiles while on the road. If a cellphone rings, it should be mandatory to pull over to the side of the road to talk. This is the main reason I do not have a cell phone. If I had one and didn't answer while in the car, before long the family would be calling to find out where I had been, or converging on my door step. I grit my teeth when I see young mothers talking on the phone, reaching back to give the baby a cracker, scolding the older kids, and turning on the windshield wipers, all while driving the car.

I may anger some folk, but innovations are in many ways, spoiling the tranquility of my life. I may HAVE to get a cell phone because already many pay phones are disappearing, and will no longer be available in times of trouble. When going someplace where I knew I would have to wait in line for a time, I always brought a newspaper to catch up on the news, do the crossword, check the new movies, etc. Now I bring a paperback because of the exorbitant price of the paper.

I also resent the price of postage stamps being raised every six months to alleviate the loss of revenue due to e-mails, and cell phones, etc. Even at my age I still like to receive birthday, mothers' day, and Christmas cards in the mail, but that also sadly is becoming a thing of the past.

I miss the sweet sound of my grandkids voices on the phone thanking me for gifts, or just to say hello. Now I get an e-mail or a private message on Facebook, which I joined at their urging, and now I know why.

But even so, move over rocking chair, the cell phones are here to stay.


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Re: The whiny thread

Post by movieman1957 »

I am not going so far as to think cell phone talking should be banned because it would seem "answering" it and talking is little different than talking to the person in the car with you. Dialing a full 10 digit number or texting is a whole different story. Although I'll grant you that people ought to be more careful about where they talk on their phone. The woman in the grocery store on her phone that is moving at a snail's pace down the middle of the aisle that clogs up the store is begging for a butt kicking. (Of course I'm sure men are guilty too but that one happened recently.)

Letter writing is fast becomg a lost art form. As much as I like to do it and to get them if the only way I can keep in touch with some is by email than I'll have to deal with it. Although sometimes it can help get past the awkwardness of having to get off the phone with someone after a too long call.

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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Here it's an offence to carry on a conversation whilst driving a car unless you have a handsfree kit, people still do it but I think the ban was needed. Texting, that's more difficult to spot and far more dangerous.

Klondike, I'm with you all the way. I do have a cellphone but only after much pressure from family when I was carrying Joe. They are handy but everyone who knows me knows I'm absolutely dreadful at keeping it with me. It usually sits in the drawer.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Birdy »

You can literally drive for miles here without seeing another car, but cellphone talking could distract you from seeing the deer in your path. Just as dangerous!
I think handsfree is probably the better way to go, but I haven't done it yet. I think they're talking about a ban in our state.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Marta, where are you. You can back me up about driving in Britain. You drive when you're back in the States and wouldn't dream of driving here because the roads and motorways are chocablock. Driving here is a task that requires all your senses and is not helped by having squabbling children in the back of the car.

Which reminds me, I always thought Homer Simpson's car was a great design. I want a driver only bubble :lol:
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Birdy »

The 'driver only bubble' car is coming out - I just saw one on Good Morning America last week. I'm sure how well it would hold up to the deer in my path, tho. Of course, that's part of what's gotten us in this mess; we all want to drive a bigger vehicle than the next guy to better our odds in an accident. Myself, I just have a midsize, but I have friends who have a whole fleet of Suburbans for that reasoning.?!?!
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I got told I probably wouldn't get back to work this pregnancy due to low blood pressure. It's happened to me with the other 2 pregnancies but this time it's happened at 11 weeks. First pregnancy it happened at 22 weeks, second 15 weeks. I know once baby is out my blood pressure returns to normal within a week.

I'm quite down about not working, I only do 2 days a week but it's my chance to function with adults and using my mind. I'm good at my job and it gives me a boost. I love the social aspect too.

On the plus side I might be able to watch more movies. If I can't use my mind at work, I'll use it here and leave interesting and informative posts.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by moira finnie »

Please be careful about the low blood pressure, Alison. I've had that and it is not a joke, (I almost passed out driving before the doctor and I figured out what was going on). I've also been stuck at home at times and almost started to snag the mailman and the UPS guy to have a real conversation. When you're with little kids all the time, you start to forget that there are adults in the world, (even if you love the children).

It would be terrific if you posted on any movies, books or topics that interested you while "on the nest". Take care, please.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Thanks Moira for your kind words. Low blood pressure is very strange, you can feel absolutely right as rain and then two minutes later you feel dreadful. I look great, blooming but the children do wear me down very quickly. It's Joe mostly he's such a dynamo, there's no peace. He'll be at school soon and then I'll be lonely, wouldn't you think I'd be looking forward to it.

As for needing adults, I've had times when my mouth was operating totally independent my brain. When they were both little and I wasn't working my husband would come home at night and he could tell immediately whether I'd seen friends that day.

Tomorrow I go for my first scan, I was at the doctor's today but they couldn't pick up a heartbeat. Nothing too scary they say, it's sometimes difficult depending on how padded you are down there, where it is in the uterus but of course I'm going to fret until then. I hope everything's fine and I can't wait to hear my baby's heartbeat :D
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