The whiny thread

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Re: The whiny thread

Post by rohanaka »

"Knitwit45 is at Liberty" as of today

Hiya Neighbor...

speaking as someone who has been "at liberty" for a little while.... hang in there. I will be praying for you.

PS. Chris.... STILL praying for you, my brother.

Re: The whiny thread

Post by jdb1 »

Oh, woe. I'm so sorry to hear this news, which I know you suspected was coming.
Well, take a little time to decompress, and don't make any rash decisions -- you are fortunate to have loving (and employed) sons.

We're all rooting for you. XXXXXXOOOOO
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I'm sorry this has happened, I knew you were worried about it, I hoped your company would be spared :cry:

I'm thinking of you dear friend and praying something great will come your way.
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself - Charlie Chaplin

Re: The whiny thread

Post by klondike »

knitwit45 wrote:Chris, you are a true gentleman. My temporary woes are nothing compared to those of us who have suffered losses.
I'll see you at the humor repair shop, dear friend.
About that humor repair shop . . .
Nancy, please don't forget how much time you have put in behind that shop counter, comforting the rest of us when the wheels fell off our personal wagons.
You've ministered to so many of us, Dear, always with that strong & ready prairie Heart, and without question you've been instrumental in keeping the wells here in this Oasis full & cool & calm.
Now it's our turn to offer some "shoulder time".
Please, one Cousin to another, reach out to this Community, share with us whatever is plaguing your thoughts or dimming the sunshine of your days.
Pull up a chair out front, for a change, and unburden your soul.
We'll be here for you!

Re: The whiny thread

Post by jdb1 »

Oh, Nancy, I'm sorry to break into your sad news, but I read something terrible this morning:

Venerable New York classical music radio station WQXR is being sold by its owner, The New York Times. Although it is being sold to a public radio station, it will be moved way up the dial to the radio equivalent of Thule Air Force Base, and its 6,000 watt transmitter is being downgraded to a 600 watt one, according to the news article I read. (If it becomes an all-talk sports station, I may have to commit a felony on someone -- just alerting you all now.)

Jeez Louise -- what next? Bellevue Hospital becomes a bed and breakfast? St. Patrick's Cathedral an outlet mall?
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Birdy »

Nancy? Are you there? Holy mackeral, I just can't believe this. What alotta baloney. What kinna clip joint are they runnin'?
Let's go out and get tight.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by knitwit45 »

Judith, I truly feel your pain. We lost our only FM classical station 5 years ago, and then the "smooth jazz" station went country. Now, I like country (a bit will do me for quite a while) but FOUR country stations, 2 Oldies, and one hard (old) rock? Plus 2 hip hop stations.....zowie, no wonder MP3 players are so popular.

Birdy, just name the watering hole,and I'll be there. (and I bet Klonnie will be waiting for us!)

I just re-read the well wishes from all of you, and it's astounding to me that 2 years ago, I barely knew any of you, and now my circle of friends has expanded world-wide. England, Chile, France, Austria, Sweden, and my dear ones here in the USA. I am truly blessed. Please, I will be ok, Chris and Klonnie and Alison have suffered true loss, and yet they were the first to say they stand ready for me. My cup runneth over.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by moira finnie »

Dear Nancy,
Now that I seem to be able to post again here, please accept my prayers and thoughts for your future. I've been where you are today more than once in this topsy-turvy mobile economy and each time something good came out of it. That's not saying it's fun or easy, and hasn't left its scars, but I truly hope that your silver lining appears very soon. Please remember that you are so much more than any job. Not just a valued member of this site, but one of the better people I've run across any where, any time. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by feaito »

I hadn't visited this thread for a long time.

Chris I am very sorry for your loss, my sincere condolences.

Dear Nancy, I'm sad to hear about these news. You know I'm here -skype- if you want to chat with me :wink:
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by mrsl »


Having been where you are right now several times in this wild ride I call my life, think of this time as a sort of unexpected vacation for a few days or so while you settle down and start thinking clearly. Loss of a job goes through cycles just as any trauma and you need some 'me' and 'easy' time to yourself. Don't try to tackle painting a room or cleaning the closets, just get a good book, or settle down and watch some of those movies you've missed lately, and in between, have a good discussion with the Big Man upstairs. Take care of you.


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Re: The whiny thread

Post by knitwit45 »

Thanks, Anne! I was going to start cleaning this morning, but decided to have a day to just sit and enjoy being home. I lost a job back in the early 90's, and I swear I don't remember how I survived...but I did,and the Lord provided then, and will again...I just have to do my part, too.

Thanks for good advice!
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Birdy »

I'm having a really hard time right now and I would just like to know where Nancy is with a good joke. Nancy, if you're out there, I'm going over to the 'Sailor' thread and post the worst jokes I can. I hope you'll be on soon with something that's actually funny. Seriously. I'm crying here.


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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Dear Birdy, you aren't giving much away but I do hope whatever is making you blue soon goes away. I can recommend a visit to a thread entitled 'I wish the ground would just open up and swallow me' it might make you smile.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Not really a whine but

Boo Hoo

My little boy starts school tomorrow :cry: the house will be a tranquil place without him. I'll have tonnes more time to get things done around here but gosh I'll miss him.

He's doing 2 hours in the afternoon this week and then mornings next week and then he's gone into the school system. He's just turned 4 my baby :cry:
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Birdy »

Ah, more time for TCM!

Seriously, I hope you're not too lonely!
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