The whiny thread

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Re: The whiny thread

Post by movieman1957 »


Here's hoping you and your pipes are better soon.

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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I wish I could clear what ails me, nothing specific just feel tired and a bit under the weather. Whatever it is it isn't ailing the kids just me.

On a brighter note, the weather is getting milder.
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Post by bryce »

No well-wishes from anybody, please, this is a vent, straight up:

The outgoing roommates have led to our landlord banishing pets from the flat. I am not sure if this is without a deposit or no pets period. He's pissed off, and rightly so. However, we're both animal lovers and a wonderful dog was in our future. Plus, most potential roommates (still none committed thus far :( ) we are looking at having cats. I'm slightly agitated about this, but feel I could talk our landlord into allowing pets. However, combine this with what our roommates are doing to us STILL, even AFTER they've left, and you'll see why I need to vent.

The roommates got cable/internet in their name. Fine, fine. She called me on Wednesday night, the EVENING before they left, asking if I could leave work and go to Comcast to have them put it in my name. I said no, then asked her to please leave the service running through its paid period (which is until March 11th) as we need the internet to look for roommates. She schedules a pickup for that Friday, Feb 27th. Without telling me. So when I get a call from Comcast asking if they can come pick it up, I'm bewildered, and tell them no, come back tomorrow. All right, fine, appointment made. The ex-roommate texts me at 8am that Saturday demanding to know why I hadn't returned it, telling me that Comcast said I refuse to return it, etc. Wrong on all counts, but whatever, you're a psycho witch. So, she reschedules the appoint for today, Monday, thus invalidating my Saturday pickup that I was going to be home for because I had to nurse a fever. They call today at 10am asking if they can come by early. I tell them no, I won't be home. The technician shows up ten minutes later as I'm about to hop in the shower. I'm steaming mad, tell him to come back later when he's scheduled to (1-4:30pm) or I'll just drop it off. He hears the magic words "drop it off" and he takes that as his hint to smile, wave and leave. He doesn't show back up so I call Comcast and try and get a technician out today because the ex-roommate is still bothering me about it - the soonest they can get here is tomorrow, between 1 and 5, all the while my psychotic control freak ex-roommate is harassing me over the phone.

The one golden nugget of this whole thing? Comcast absolves me of any liability. It isn't my box. It isn't my account. As one Comcast rep put it, "If it never gets returned it'll just sit on her social (security number), and since it's not your account, you're not responsible for it. She is."

I wish I weren't such a nice guy. Otherwise I'd just set it on the door steps for someone to take.

Vent over. Continue on with your daily routines.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Birdy »

Hey, people, what's to whine about? Bryce, did you get rid of your cable box? Knitty, did you get rid of your cold? Anne, are you warming up up there?
I was off here for a few days because I'm too much of a gremlin to get my stupid password reset correctly. And I'm the IT person at our house. Sad. Thanks to Jon for his help. And even then it was touch and go for a minute.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by knitwit45 »

Thanks Ms.B, I did get rid of the cold, and my pipes did thaw out. I now have sticky notes on the bathroom mirror, cabinet doors, etc to remind me to prepare when it gets cold....if I just remember to read them...

With the wide fluctuation in temperatures, I decided to drag out the emergency "go" kit for tornado season. Wish I lived in an earth-contact house, or at least one with a basement. Oh well, if wishes were diamonds, I'd SPARKLE!
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by Birdy »

knitty -I know what you mean about the fast weather changes. Our weather radio just went off - only a watch so I'm not too worried. Luckily I have a basement, but I'm usually standing on the porch. How dumb. Stay safe and watch for Ms. Gulch on her bike.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by MissGoddess »

Man, o, man, I never thought I'd need this thread.

No, I'm not going to detail what I wish to whine about. I trust
a couple of people already know what happened today without
my saying. I'm just going to let Bob Dylan "whine" for me.
He does it well:

That really did feel good. Thank you, good people.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Aghh!!!! My son has just broken the very first present my husband ever got me. It's special because at the time he had no money and was living on the dole whilst job hunting after leaving university, with little money to live on her went without to buy me a birthday present and I've treasured it and kept it safe, or so I thought!!!

Am I entitled to have nothing in one piece. Aghhh!!

Rant over, composure regained.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by klondike »

Alison, I know it's likely "cold comfort" right now, but one of the few absolute truths I have learnt in my strange, meandering life is that once a man & woman commit to having children, those children become the only truly precious "things" that you ever really give one another.
Which is not to say that you should ever stop gifting nice & meaningful things to each other, to express your love for one another or commemorate special events; just that, as you watch your children come of age, and slowly take their place in the world, they will express to you what was critical to them as they grew, and oftimes you will witness those pivotal moments & occasions yourself, and those memories will became ensconced in your mind, more luminous & radiant than the treasures of the material world.
But I sure know what you mean!
I remember when my daughter, at age 11, borrowed our wedding photo album (our only surviving possession from the first decade of our marriage), and in typical, dreamy, pubescent tomboy style, left it forgotten in a remote corner of our backyard. As we were never aware that she'd taken it outside, it was at the mercy of Puget Sound spring/summer weather for over 6 weeks . . and was about 85% destroyed when rediscovered . . that was a tough one, especially for the Mrs. . .
But now, looking into the eyes of my grandkids, it pretty much shrivels into minutia . .
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by mrsl »

I know exactly how Mrs. Klondike feels. Two weeks ago we were all scurrying around trying to find photos of my sister to put into the wake disc and my darlin daughter realized that we have no family photos at all. However it only took me about 2 minutes to remind her how my sweet little 5 year old cut up my entire album with all four children as babies, weddings, christenings, graduations, etc. Then she cut her own hair up. After thanking the lord for not letting her poke her eye out, then comforting her because all her pretty hair was laying in a pile, then finally letting my own tears come - that was then, this is now, we laughed until our sides hurt at the memory, it may have been a mixture of memories and relief after the past few weeks, but it certainly was a better memory than if she had poked her eye out.


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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Thanks both of you. I feel the same, we couldn't get each other any gifts that could measure up even in a small way to how precious the children are to us. It sure is frustrating when something you think you've put out of harm's way is shattered but it is trivial really. It's great to come here and have a whine though, it really gets it out of the system.

I can imagine Klondike that your wife was pretty upset at the loss of her photoalbum and you too Anne. I always have the camera near me. At the moment Joe 3 is sat next to me wearing a pink ballerina's outfit, it definetly doesn't suit him.

Did your kids ever show you up in public? Last week I had to go to the doctor's and I had to take Joe with me, he never stops talking and he has a loud booming voice, he passes comment on everything he sees. You could imagine my embarrassment when a rather large lady walked across the waiting room. 'oh Mummy isn't that lady really fat?' If the ground could have opened up it would have spared my blushes, the poor lady.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by silentscreen »

Well you know Alison, children aren't shy about stating their opinions. :lol: I could always count on my son to give me an honest apprasial on how I was dressed. "Yes Mom, it's age appropriate."
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Oh no 'age appropriate' doesn't sound great.

Joe is a foghorn, I'll cheer up anyone who's feeling down with a few things Joe has done.

My mother and I took Joe to watch Libby's singing in a carol service, the church was packed and Joe had to go to the toilet so my Mum took him. When he'd come back to his seat he told everyone around, in a very loud voice. 'I've just done a wee wee but Grandma did a big poo' then a pause for effect 'oh, it did smell' She was mortified, every one else was tickled pink.

He's got an obsession with underwear, particularly bras. I know this is not a bad obsession for a male but he calls them 'boobies' which over here is slang for breasts, to use the polite term. I'm stood in the middle of a queue waiting to pay for my shopping he says 'Mummy's got black bobbies with white spots on' of course there have been variations on this, always when there are other people to over hear.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by silentscreen »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by silentscreen on March 15th, 2009, 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The whiny thread

Post by silentscreen »

:lol: I'm glad Josh wasn't ever that vocal!
"Humor is nothing less than a sense of the fitness of things." Carole Lombard
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