Has America gone Mad?

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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by MichiganJ »

Unlike "entertainer/comedian" Limbaugh, Olbermann is a legitimate sports commentator and a journalist. Yes, Olbermann is now known as a "political commentator", but his credentials put him more on par with Bill O'Reilly (O'Reilly's journalistic credentials include local TV news and a stint at Inside Edition).

I wish that commentators and/or "entertainers" would be held to some kind of standard of truth in reporting, but that is not the case. But to my knowledge, Olbermann has made no racist remarks to warrant his removal from the air, and no-one is calling for Limbaugh's removal from his day job. (Well, they are, but it doesn't have to do with football.)

Limbaugh's well-known racial gaff at ESPN, and his subsequent (and previous) raciest remarks shouldn't necessarily prohibit him from being a part-owner of a football team. But it's quite clear that the controversy surrounding it would (and should) bring more unwanted negative press for the NFL. That, coupled with the idea that many players would possibly refuse to play for (or against) a team partially owned by Limbaugh, and that team owners (like Colts owner Jim Irsay) were outspoken against the Limbaugh deal, the choice to drop him was pretty obvious.

While I still think the whole thing may be a publicity stunt, the fact that Limbaugh may be learning that his silly comments sometimes come with ramifications that are personal, is worth al the hubbub.
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by movieman1957 »

I know Olbermann's sports background(and he has a vast grasp of sports history) but his over-the top rants and the unbelievable names he calls people ought to have some bearing on his image with the NFL. His latest lack of class being calling Michelle Malkin a bag of meat with lipstick. Now I don't think it is particularly funny and it's not racist but the man has made a specialty of calling people things like that. I wonder if he also has used that rather unfortunate term to refer to protesters at those tea party rallies?

Even Media Matters, where the supposed quote of Limbaugh's came from, doesn't have any record of quoting that, at least as of yesterday.

I understand how Limbaugh's name alone brings unwanted attention to the NFL. Why they thought it was a good idea I am not sure but there you go. But I still get tired of the likes of Sharpton and Jackson trying to throw their weight around over what they think people should or should not be allowed to do. Why Al thinks Goodell should meet with him is a puzzle.

Rush should have known there would be problems but the idea of being part of something he loves got the better of him.

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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by ken123 »

Rush Limbaugh is a spokesman for Mammon, pure and simple. Why else would he be paid such a high salary if he wasn]t in the corporations pocket. His faux populism is just another way to be a stooge for the minions of Wall Street. If his type of conservatism prevails, which it has to a great extinct, may God forgive us.

For almost 30 years I was a subscriber to " Nationa Review "(1965 -'94 ) which prided itself on being a bastion of right wing intellectual thought but also " Traditional Catholicism ", funny all those years they ran endless editorials about " economic freedom", in which they stated the one way that you can tell how free a country is economically is the disparity in incomes. The greater the disparity the greater the economic freedom, as America heads into third world status he have to thank " the conservative view of ( economic ) freedom " for our future. The NR's economic theories run counter to Catholic teaching, at least since the late 1800's. Was Mr Buckley more a " Skull & Bones " man than a Catholic ? I normally dont like articles that run I'm a better this or that than you, but because Mr.Buckley & NR made themselves out to be " more Catholic " than even the Pope,I think a reassment of NR's " traditional Catholicism is due. Knight of Malta Catholic Pat Buchanan fits into the same mold INHO.
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by MichiganJ »

I still don't see the Olbermann/Limbaugh connection. Olbermann is not trying to buy into a sports franchise, and, while he's said outrageous things, I haven't heard any controversy about him making racial slurs. Plus, Olbermann in no way represents the Left. Rush, on the other hand, is the Right's spokesperson. Even the Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele knows Rush is the one with the real power, hence Steele's apology to the big guy earlier this year. (Steele apologized after saying on CNN that Limbaugh was an entertainer and his comments were "incendiary" and "ugly".)

I think a comparison to another nationally syndicated radio personality works better, and that's with Don Imus. Now, unlike Limbaugh's show, there is no question that the Imus show is intended as comedy. (Note the word "intended"). But even as a comedy show, Imus, rightly, got booted off the air for making an idiotic racist comment. He was held accountable.

Limbaugh, on the other hand, has never been held accountable for his idiotic comments. As far as I know, Limbaugh has never been held accountable for anything he's said.

Until now.

I'm not sure which racist comment is not on Media Matters, but from the McNabb comment Rush made on ESPN to his playing the "Barack the Magic Negro" song on his program, and even to his "pro-school bus segregation" rant last month, there are plenty of racial comments to choose from. Oh, and Media Matters has a pretty telling article up right now: Sour Grapes: Limbaugh calls NFL an "Outpost of Racism and Liberalism".
Good title.
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by ken123 »

Media Matters is a website that focuses on rightwing misrreporting( real or not ) , hence Olbermann would not a subject of their criticism, re Malkin or anything else, unless he took an extreme rightist argument. Bozell's outfit ( he's a nephew of the late William F Buckley ) and Media Monitor are among the organiztions that " police " " our leftist media". Media Monitor, founded by the late Reed Irvine has been around for almost 40 years.

Mr Limbaugh was not removed for the Rams bidding group because of politics, but because of his racist comments. Mr Goodell, is the son of a former GOP Congressmen (later Senator after RFK was killed ), whose wife is a Fox News channel anchor. Most NFL owners are Republican, the Chargers have given the GOP almost $3 million over the last few years.

Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by klondike »

ken123 wrote: Most NFL owners are Republican, the Chargers have given the GOP almost $3 million over the last few years. [/b]
The community-owned Green Bay Packers just make me prouder to be a life-fan every year, even when their division standing isn't #1.
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by movieman1957 »

CNN apologized today for their reporting on Limbaugh's "comments" without having been able to verify them.

Olbermann doesn't represent the Left? Maybe not in a literal sense but he is every bit the Left as the President accuses Fox of being the Right. I wasn't comparing Media Matters to Olbermann comments as much as I was pointing his lack of class about Malkin. I mentioned Media Matters only because they said they were not the source of the comments attributed to Limbaugh when a book author apparently claimed they were.

My point about Olbermann and football was that he is a face of the NFL. He says things that are as insulting and awful in their way as Limbaugh's is in his. I think it should matter little if one is an owner (and with a minor stake) as another might be showing his face on highlights of an NFL broadcast with his demeanor concerning those that don't share his views.

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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by ken123 »

Does Michele Malkin ever show class ? I dont care for personal attacks, but that's all MsMalkin ever does. As a public figure she is FAIR game. :D
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by movieman1957 »

Of course she is fair game but she is not cohosting an NFL studio program. I am not even questioning Olbermann's right to call her that. I just think if the NFL is so concerned about their image then having him on an NFL program may not be the best way to go about it.

I know NBC pays a lot of money to broadcast those games and they can put on who they want but the NFL can put a little pressure on them if they were inclined, but they are not.

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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by MichiganJ »

Bottom line is that in this Free Market society it would be nothing but bad business to have Limbaugh be a part owner of a football team. Because of his daily radio show, the controversy would never die. I can hear him now on his show, "Folks, I hope Obama fails. Somebody's got to say it.--NOW, don't forget to come out this Sunday and support the Rams. Free bobble-heads to the first thousand dittoheads."

The idea that the President accuses Fox of being the Right is hardy an accusation at all. Fox "News" had little journalist integrity to begin with, and after the election has lost all credibility. Seriously, can you point to one pro or even neutral story about the Obama administration? The fun of watching Fox is to see what the negative spin is and how far it can be taken. It's so bad that even adding real journalist like Juan Williams to the panel only lessens his integrity. I'd call it "yellow journalism" but that would be a smear to Hearst. (Yes, MSNBC falls into the same category, too, but their ratings and influence are nearly inconsequential.)
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by ken123 »

Senator Joe Lieberman ( Ind - Ct ) has announced his opposition to the Health Care Reform, if the bill contains the so - called public option,which would be similiar (somewhat ) to Medicare. Last week Richard Lewis on " Countdown " called Liebermann " soulless ". I agree,he has also gone mad on most issues.,especially war in Iran and Iraq. :(
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by ken123 »

A Greek Orthodox priest was hit by a tire iron wielding U.S. Marine in Tampa, Florida, today. The Marine said that he believed the that priest, who was asking the Marine for directions, in broken English, was an Arab terrorist. Think Progress & Democratic Underground have stories. :(
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by ken123 »

The Charleston, South Carolina County Republican Committee has censured SC U.S Senator Lindsey Graham ( R ) for working WITH Senator John Kerry ( D - MA ) on a bipartisan approach in regard to a clean energy bill. Now I know nothing of the merits or demerits of the proposed legislation and Kerry & Graham to do not head my list of most admired pols, but aren't politican supposed to work together for the common good of the nation ? :(
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by ken123 »

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washingtion, DC has announced that it can no longer provide care for the homeless and other relief services unless changes are made to a same sex marriage proposal before the DC city council. Whatever the merits or lack thereof of the proposed legislation ( which may have passed in some form already ) I find it morally reprehensible of the Church, of which I am a baptised member, to use the threat of cutting off sevices to the helpless and homeless of DC, via a contract with the DC government .The leadership of the Church is IMHO morally bankrupt. Many belive the Church is bluffing and trying to excert pressure on the concil and that a compromise will be reached. But to use the the weakest in our society as a pawn is beyond belief. IMHO the Church leadership has gone mad. :(
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Re: Has America gone Mad?

Post by mrsl »



For many years the Catholic church has been a money grubbing, forgiveLESS institution.


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