To Dream of Dogs

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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by JackFavell »

She's actually a very loving little dog, as I think you saw later in the day when she curled up next to you. It's the most wonderful thing when you come home and she jumps up and and down in greeting, then rolls over on her back for a tummy rub. But she's just got so much energy... and she's ready to go take on the world the minute a door opens. She's a crazy nut.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by Rita Hayworth »

JackFavell wrote:It's definitely a battle of wills between me and Lily at the door. She must sit before she goes out, because otherwise it's impossible to get the leash on her. Plus I prefer she not go all craZy dOg when I have guests. It doesn't matter how many times I get her to sit by the door when she wants to go, the next time she's going to go bananas again. It's a matter of who's the boss, her or me.

And it's DEFINITELY her. :D
Sounds like my dog when I was growing up Jack ... and its DEFINITELY him!
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Lara's home haircut isn't that bad but I've not been able to do around her back end due to the swelling, she's so trusting, she just stands whilst I snip at her.

She's really good when we're going out, she waits very patiently although these last few days, she's gagging for the shitzu who lives on our estate, he's a couple of months younger than her and that's her target, she wants babies with him, so whereas she never pulls, she's pulling my arms out of their sockets trying to get to him. We're 2 weeks in and according to the vets she's good to be off the lead again next week. It doesn't look like it yet.

Nothing frizzy about Lara now Mum's in charge of haircuts.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by RedRiver »

Poor little Shug was scratching all night. Yet, every time I sat up to look at her, she stopped. Every time! I wanted to see where the itch was. Do I treat for fleas or the ear issue? At this rate, I'll never know. That dog is committed to making me insane! She insisted on going out during my sit-coms. I said, "Shug, can't we wait till this show is over?" She said, "No. Then you'll want to watch KING OF QUEENS. Then you'll flip through the channels, watch some more of that hockey game. Let's go now!"
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by JackFavell »

Ha! I am so amazed at how quickly they decide who they want to have their fling with. Lily was mad about a Jack Russell the first time she went into heat, then the next time it was Monty the Golden Retriever. I think perhaps she might go for anyone at that time.

Poor Shug! Lily scratches a bit too, but never seems to have any real problems with her ears or with fleas so far this year.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by RedRiver »

It looks like Pupperoni is the treat for Shug. Forget milkbones, jerky, little chewy toys. Pupperoni. Accept no substitutes!
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by knitwit45 »

Red, is she still itching? Do you feed her chicken based food and treats? Many dogs, especially smaller ones, have allergies to poultry. You might consider easing her off those products, a bit at a time, to see if that is the culprit.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by RedRiver »

Sometimes I do. I usually go with beef based. She had an ear thing going on a few months ago. It's cleared up, but the doctor said there might be periodic itching. She said I can administer drops at my discretion until I run out. Of course, we're getting into flea and tick season. I haven't seen anything, but it might be that.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by RedRiver »

I said to Shug, "Why are you so good to me? I fuss at you all the time." She said, "Dude! I deserve it. I'm a nuisance!"
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I've never thought of what flavoured treats I give Lara might affect er behaviour. Her absolute favourite are tripe sticks, she goes mad for them and any human food she can get her hands on.

Lara's my best friend, we are peas and carrots, like in Forrest Gump, we're glued together.

I think Shug must love you so much Red, she just wants to make the most of you whilst you're there. She can watch tv all day but you are her be all and end all.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by JackFavell »

Lara and Lily and Shug are so much alike! Lily's favorite treat is dried salmon. It's about the only treat we can give her due to her allergies. She also likes egg and carrots.

Lately she's been getting bold and sneaking up on our plates, if we are being bad and snacking in the living room. She's pretty short, but on hind legs can just get her tongue to run along the edge of the dining room table. she's actually come close to snatching some food that way!
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by CineMaven »

[u]JackFavell[/u] wrote:She's actually a very loving little dog, as I think you saw later in the day when she curled up next to you. It's the most wonderful thing when you come home and she jumps up and and down in greeting, then rolls over on her back for a tummy rub. But she's just got so much energy... and she's ready to go take on the world the minute a door opens. She's a crazy nut.
That little girl has a big heart. Lily is definitely a cuddly little sweetie. Hold on to your food! :)

* * * * *

I loved this dog:


...And the shrieks of the owner.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by charliechaplinfan »

That video is hilarious, that's Lara though she's a lot smaller but she mugs us whenever she sees us, especially me.

Lily sounds just like Lara, is she good on her back legs? Lara is fantastic on her back legs, she can stand on them for ages, it's quite a party piece.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by RedRiver »

You're right, Alison. A dog gives itself completely to its human. I read an article that said, "Dogs are pack animals and you're the pack!"

Lily's favorite treat is dried salmon

Sugar prefers squirrel. Living squirrel!
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by JackFavell »

OMG! That's hilarious! Lily would definitely do that, only there wouldn't be so much damage, since she's smaller.

Yes, Lily is AMAZING on her hind legs, she will stand and beg and literally walk on them, especially if Andrew is playing with her. Then she'll bat at your hands with her two paws, all the while balancing on those back legs. It's so cute.

I'm sure Lily would prefer a squirrel to salmon, I don't have to tell you she picked up that dead one and tried to bring it home. Today she jumped into the river, only there wasn't any water because of low tide. She landed in a pile of damp seaweed which she wasn't too keen on.
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