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Posted: November 20th, 2007, 3:49 pm
by klondike

> "Hollis:

I think Bogie is addressing Christians. He uses the term "why we're Christians." At that I don't think he extends it beyond that group. I would hardly consider that proselytizing. " <


'57 Chris;

If we can safely assume that Friend Bogie was indeed addressing his observation specifically to SueSue, and not this thread's general readership, I guess I can agree with your take on our little horn-lock.
But as one who candidly felt his own sharp cringe at reading Bogie's presumptive-seeming choice of words right out of the box, I personally find a great deal of relevence & importance in Hollis' reply.
Assumptions that SSO members are Christians, or U.S. citizens, or natal English speakers, or are of European descent, or attended a college, or are even, necessarily between the ages of 17 & 70 . . could result in some regretably trod-on toes in this community, and for intelligent, 21st Century movie fans, I would find those sort of events somewhere between insensitive & inexcusable.

Posted: November 20th, 2007, 4:32 pm
by Hollis
klondike wrote:
movieman1957 wrote:
> "Hollis:

I think Bogie is addressing Christians. He uses the term "why we're Christians." At that I don't think he extends it beyond that group. I would hardly consider that proselytizing. " <


'57 Chris;

If we can safely assume that Friend Bogie was indeed addressing his observation specifically to SueSue, and not this thread's general readership, I guess I can agree with your take on our little horn-lock.
But as one who candidly felt his own sharp cringe at reading Bogie's presumptive-seeming choice of words right out of the box, I personally find a great deal of relevence & importance in Hollis' reply.
Assumptions that SSO members are Christians, or U.S. citizens, or natal English speakers, or are of European descent, or attended a college, or are even, necessarily between the ages of 17 & 70 . . could result in some regretably trod-on toes in this community, and for intelligent, 21st Century movie fans, I would find those sort of events somewhere between insensitive & inexcusable.


Maybe I was a bit presumptive in my take on Bogie's commentary, but to me it did seem to sound as though he were assuming that we (the SSO family) were all of a like mind and religious persuasion. The Crusades were (if my recollection of ancient history is at all accurate) carried out under the auspices of the Church and with their full knowledge and consent. As far as Christmas and Easter are concerned, if there weren't all too many people accepting the continued commercialization of the holidays (at least in my opinion) then said commercialization would (hopefully) come to a halt.


Thanks for understanding my perspective on the posted commentary. I think you realize that my posting was meant as anything but a personal attack on either Bogie or his beliefs. As Americans (and hopefully all citizens of the world) we more than most should understand the importance of religious freedom. It was, after all, what led to the founding of this great land of ours.

As always, (and with respect to all)


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 4:51 pm
by movieman1957
klondike wrote:
'57 Chris;

If we can safely assume that Friend Bogie was indeed addressing his observation specifically to SueSue, and not this thread's general readership, I guess I can agree with your take on our little horn-lock.
But as one who candidly felt his own sharp cringe at reading Bogie's presumptive-seeming choice of words right out of the box, I personally find a great deal of relevence & importance in Hollis' reply.
Assumptions that SSO members are Christians, or U.S. citizens, or natal English speakers, or are of European descent, or attended a college, or are even, necessarily between the ages of 17 & 70 . . could result in some regretably trod-on toes in this community, and for intelligent, 21st Century movie fans, I would find those sort of events somewhere between insensitive & inexcusable.
As one who would never make an assumption about anyone's faith or political thought or age or education I guess I am inclined to assume much the same in others. This was not to discount anyone's feelings as much as it was meant to be a different perspective. As for "horn-lock" - nah. Just an exchange of thoughts.

I guess we let Bogie speak for himself.


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 5:29 pm
by Bogie
Hollis wrote:Dear Bogie,

With all due respect, we're not all Christians, and I don't think that this is the forum in which to address an issue of that sort. Commenting on the film is one thing but to make the very broad statement that Christ was "our Lord and Savior" is more than a little presumptuous. It shows a total lack of regard and respect for those who may be Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Shintoists or even Scientologists. Given that I'm not a student of theology, I'm certain that there are others I'm not aware of and have failed to mention. Further, it's been my experience that more than a few people who profess to be Christian are Christian in name only, not by belief or by action. How many millions have died by the sword in the name of Christianity? Is that what Jesus would have wanted Richard and others who led the Great Crusades to do? This is simply not the place for proselytism. I don't mean to offend you or your beliefs because you're more than entitled to them, but when I see what Christmas and Easter have become as opposed to what they're supposed to be, I have to wonder about the validity of it all.

As always,

Sheesh, don't blow my comment way out of the context it was in! First of all I was using the royal "we" and second of all i'm not the type to go into proselytism. I have many problems with what I term "bible thumpers" and i'm not one of those. I'm a lay Christian and have certain beliefs that the Church probably wouldn't like however it has been my impression by people i've spoken to and comments by others that THE PASSION was a transformative experience for them.

I was only commenting in the general sense and there's no NEED to jump on me for that. If it did come across the way you perceived it then I humbly apologize but I don't see it in the context that you did.

That's all i'll say about that.

Posted: November 20th, 2007, 6:06 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
Hey Bogie, I had no problems with your statement as I felt you were addressing Sue Sue. I was only commenting on the film itself. I am also Christian and felt I could address it from that perspective to give my thoughts on the film.

I have very strong opinions on many things, but I try to be respectful of others feelings and word things in a way where people realize I am just disagreeing with ideals and there is nothing personal in my statements. Hopefully, I did not offend you (or anyone else! :wink: ).

Posted: November 20th, 2007, 7:55 pm
by Hollis
Dear Bogie,

No apology necessary. Like Chris said, merely an exchange of thoughts. It may have been a bit of a knee-jerk reaction on my part, but as one who has felt the sting of religious persecution, I sometimes react without sufficient forethought. I meant absolutely no disrespect. Please accept my apology.

As always,


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 8:37 pm
by klondike
So, our 2 "Bogies" come to a meeting of minds, eh?

Bogie #1: "I . . came here for the waters . . but in Martinique, it's all salty . . obviously, I was . . misinformed . ."
Bogie Deux: "Yeah, well . . long's ya got some time . . whyn't ya come out fishin' with Eddy & me . . got some cold beer, and a swell rig, be perfect for ya."
Bogie #1: "After all those gin joints . . a cold beer sounds . . nice."
:wink: 8) :wink:

Posted: November 20th, 2007, 8:40 pm
by Bogie
Hollis apology accepted. I'm pretty open to religion of all stripes. I tend to think that Eastern Religion has something to teach to us in the West but enough about all that. I'm glad that we settled all that.


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 8:52 pm
by Hollis
My dearest Mr Klondike,

How very privileged and honored I am to call you my friend. You are undoubtedly, one of the quickest wits I've ever had the occasion to know. This site is infinitely better for your presence. That's not meant merely as a platitude, It's how I honestly feel. What a good time we could have sitting on the back porch at sunset with our beverage of choice in hand and nothing to contemplate but a little thing called life. We could have it all solved in a matter of minutes, don't you think? Like Khrushchev and Kennedy, the fate of all humanity in our hands. A mere trifle. Now if I could only convince Andy Reid that Donovan McNabb's best days are behind him and that it's time to consider playing the rookie he drafted, all would be well. Have a fine Thanksgiving good sir. My very best to you and yours. And let me paraphrase... "Ah to be in (New) England, not that fall is here!"

As always,


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 8:57 pm
by Hollis
Dear Bogie,

As am I. I don't like being at odds with anyone. Except the ex. But that's another story for another time. Funny you should mention Eastern religions. I'm set to read a book a friend lent me, "Buddhism for Dummies." It had to have been penned with me in mind. Have a great holiday and be well.

As always,


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 9:11 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
On another tack, anyone else notice that Pandora's Box (1928) or any Louise Brooks film has not made a list yet? Renoir's works are not represented either. :cry:

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 7:35 am
by Mr. Arkadin
I felt the same way, but in retrospect I am enjoying this because it gives me a basic idea of everyones taste, likes/dislikes. I really don't care what film wins this thing, but I'm learning a lot about fellow posters here.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 8:28 am
by klondike
Mr. Arkadin wrote:I felt the same way, but in retrospect I am enjoying this because it gives me a basic idea of everyones taste, likes/dislikes. I really don't care what film wins this thing, but I'm learning a lot about fellow posters here.
Very well said, Mr. A !
I think the revelations these lists spark about our fellow members' "personalties" as film fans is very likely the biggest rush of all for most of us following this thread!

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 8:57 am
by SSO Admins
Mr. Arkadin wrote:On another tack, anyone else notice that Pandora's Box (1928) or any Louise Brooks film has not made a list yet? Renoir's works are not represented either. :cry:
That's a horrible omission on my part, although I would have chosen "Diary of a Lost Girl." I really hate doing lists like this, because there are always some that I realize later "Oh my god! how could I have forgotten that!

I can think of five right now that should be on my list, including that one.