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Posted: January 26th, 2008, 4:39 pm
by Ollie
I've been impressed with Robert Oswald's discussion of his little brother's psychology and how such a monumental act would be consistent with Lee Harvey's mindset.

I've never been impressed with the argument that Lee Harvey was a bad shot. I suspect that every rifleman can improve with practice, but no one's ever commented about Lee Harvey's bullet purchases or gun-practicing times. Perhaps only Marina could discuss that, or since Lee Harvey first tried to shoot the general in Spring, 1963, I'm not sure he'd be very open about practicing. There are sections of the Trinity River that a person can seclude themselves in and probably take pot-shots for hours without anyone noticing, yet still be in the shadow of downtown Dallas, Oak Cliff and those central neighborhoods. I'm just not sure how someone without a car could carry a rifle thru those residential neighborhoods into those swampy river trails.

I'd be surprised that no one ever heard those shots, and that no one ever came forward to discuss those. But then again, stumbling across someone with a rifle, shooting at bottles floating down the Trinity might not be considered an open invitation to walk right up and ask for ID, for their purpose, etc.

I do believe that J. Edgar learned a lot of the facts and was happy enough to kiss the Kennedys goodbye, although I've always doubted they had more photos of him and his closet wardrobe than LBJ had. That's probably wishful thinking - I hope SOMEONE had more blackmail material on J. Edgar than he had on them!

Posted: January 26th, 2008, 11:07 pm
by ken123
It is said that Meyer Lansky blackmailed J. Edgar in regard to his wardrobe. I was taught in grammar school that Mr. Hovver was a great, if not the greatest, American alive ! :cry:

Posted: January 27th, 2008, 2:04 am
by Lzcutter
I'm curious, has anyone read Vince Bugliosi's Reclaiming History?

I admire Bugliosi a great deal and want to read this book. Bugliosi spent over 20 years investigating each conspiracy theory.

Am curious if anyone here has read it.

Posted: January 27th, 2008, 1:45 pm
by mrsl

Do you mean theories about JFK's assassination? If I wasn't so lazy, even I might take a jaunt down to the library and check them out, but not until the below 0 weather goes away.


Posted: January 27th, 2008, 3:45 pm
by Lzcutter

Yes, I meant the JFK conspiracies. Sorry for sounding so vague.

Let me know if you get to the library!

Posted: January 28th, 2008, 8:12 am
by Ollie
I've enjoyed the two Bugliosi books I've read (HELTER, of course, and SEA SHALL TELL), and both produced good films, albeit the focus of those had to be more on action than Bugliosi's procedural chapters. Which was fine for both mediums.

I'll have to find this one, and I'm rather chagrined that, as my book-reading has wallowed into boredom, I've not searched his name out to see if he's got other offerings.