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Posted: February 10th, 2009, 2:15 pm
by bryce
Can I participate?

For the second time since we moved to Chicago we are having roommate issues. The first time we moved into a place - which seemed like a good deal - sight unseen and the roommate turned out to be an addict of some sort. My money's on meth or speed. What's important is that she threw temper tantrums, laid in bed moaning and screaming all day and made my wife cry a handful of times. We got out of there post-haste and ended up moving in with another couple from Houston who...

...are moving out at the end of February having not given us a month's notice nor the landlord any. Now, I am actually glad to see them go, as she is the most passive-aggressive, combative control freak I've ever met. She expects us to pay half of a cable bill we don't use, even when we don't have a television. They don't lock the doors (her excuse is "having lived in the worst part of the Bronx, never locking the doors and having never had anything happened." I kept my mouth shut on what COULD'VE happened to her in that neighborhood). The kitchen is almost always a wreck thanks to her "cooking". She doesn't have any money to pay the electric bill despite cooking with a bottle of wine a night and buying stuff over the internet all the time. She never cleans her cat's litter box or takes her dog outside to pee/poop. Both animals have scratched up all the doors in the house. When we had to switch bedrooms because she would come home from work drunk and would keep us up for an hour or two she threw a hissy fit, screaming and moaning that we were taking up "all the space in the house" despite the fact that everything in the living room is theirs and they had the bedroom we have now before (which means they had MORE room before than we do now). After she used our kitchenware NUMEROUS times, even after I'd told her not to repeatedly, I left a note on them "Don't use our stuff" and her response was to write "ummm ur a shmuck" (she's illiterate apparently, too) and then "Pink Floyd sux" on them. Plus a lot more. All in the span of less than three months.

All this from a 27 year old girl with a master's degree in food/hospitality management that is going back to mommy and daddy in Houston because the job she took up here - at a luxury eatery - isn't paying her $60k a year starting. Cry me a river. What an immature spoilt brat. (As if you needed further proof of this, she is dating a man 12 years her senior simply to piss daddy off. She's a rich white girl and he's the quintessential "badass" rocker boy. They fight ALL THE TIME whenever he doesn't completely agree with her.) I will not be sad to see them go.

All I want is to find a good roommate to live with. Third time's the charm, I suppose...

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 2:27 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I sympathise with you. Home should be somewhere where you close the door on all your troubles not where the are. She sounds horrible, they say you don't really know someone until you live with them.

Fingers crossed, third time lucky. :wink:

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 2:41 pm
by knitwit45
Good Luck, Bryce.

Will you stay in your present house? If so, will you be able to actually interview prospective roomies? That isn't 100% accurate, but at least it would put you miles ahead of the game, wouldn't it?

We'll all be pulling for you, kiddo!


Posted: February 10th, 2009, 6:06 pm
by Birdy
Thank God someone else is whining - I was starting to get a complex.

I'm so sorry you're having problems with the people you live with. You know, you can avoid your relatives but you can't avoid your roommates/neighbors. That's why I moved to the country, and now I'm afraid I'll have close neighbors again now that we're selling. Let's hope a comfortable and peaceful situation works out for us all. You could buy my 4/5 bedroom Victoria farmhouse for a steal - but it might be a reallllllly long commute.


PS At last, at last, I'm free at last...

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 10:06 am
by jdb1
Poor Bryce - it's really a shame, and what a strain it must be to have to confront someone like that every day. I have noisy, thoughtless neighbors, but at least they aren't right in front of my face!

Is there any alternative living arrangement you can make? As a New Yorker, I know how outrageously expensive urban living space is now.

This is one of the reasons I have stayed in Brooklyn. Even when I was single, the idea of roommates, especially roommates I'd never met before, was too off-putting. The horror stories I hear, like yours, are more than enough to keep me in my nice, unassuming, working class neighborhood, where your roommate is much more likely to be a family member you might actually be able to stand. I'd much rather live away from the "action" on my own in a place I can afford (though that's not a sure thing any more).

Hang in there. I know it sounds facile, but one of the ways I cope with my awful neighbors is to simply tune them out and try not to let anything they do bother me. It takes practice, but it can be done.

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 4:45 pm
by Hollis

I can empathize. Many years ago I roomed with a speed freak (unknown to me at the time) who was fine as long as he had his methamphetamine. But look out when he couldn't get a fix! Hell on two legs. As soon as I found out what was going on, I split in a heartbeat! Like Neil Young said, "Every junkie's like the setting sun!" All my best to you.

As always,


P,S. Where did you find your avatar? It's incredible! With the red eyes he could be the first cousin of Cujo!

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 3:11 pm
by mrsl
Since this is called the Whiney thread, and I have been a grade A "W"itch to poor Hollis - this is my state of mind right now.

My sister is on Hospice so we are playing the waiting game. Her heart is very strong although all the other organs are breaking down, so she is aware of all that is happening. She has three kinds of cancer and she has never smoked a cigarette in her life.

My daughter has been out of work for 2 years now and almost lost her house but at the last minute, some money my dad left me came through and we were able to bring her up to date, but the money is gone and things are getting tight again.

Medicare refused me a scooter and so I can't get one, and I'm to the point that I cannot walk totally from my back door to my living room without stopping in the kitchen to rest.

My older granddaughter has been in and out of the hospital since the holidays just about every other week with extremely high fevers and infections which they can't seem to find solutions for.

The telephone company, the TV dish company, and the electric company have all raised their prices in the last three months, so the minimal raise I received from Social Security Disability is eaten up again as it was last year by the blessings of Dubya's Part D for meds.

BUT . . . the sun is shining and it's a lovely day :!:


Posted: February 20th, 2009, 4:51 pm
by movieman1957
For awhile I was whiny about my daughter. She has been driving my bride and me a little crazy. She is 18 and thinks she can do everything.

A little perspective can shake one back to reality. Two weeks ago a childhood friend lost his 19 year old son when he took his own life. Five days later a former neighbor who we are still friends with lost her 34 year old daughter to a heart atack. Today I quite accidently found out on the news that a customer's daughter is being held by police, along with a group, on an attempted arson charge.

Maureen doesn't seem so difficult now.

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 6:52 pm
by knitwit45
Chris, I lost 5 family members over a period of 5 months. You learn to love them, no matter what, and to count each day together as precious.

Anne, I hope your sister is not in pain, and that she will be released from her suffering soon.

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 7:00 pm
by bryce
Bad news all around, it seems. I am sorry for everyone's misery. This winter's been a tough one, and it hasn't been thanks to the weather.

If we don't find someone to rent in the next week, we'll be homeless. I for one will be glad when this god damned move to Chicago makes good. Thus far, aside from enjoying the company of friends (such as ChiO, who is a great one of those), it has been positively a disaster. I've been ready to throw the towel in since October and it's only thanks to an understanding woman with infinite patience that I haven't. If I can't even enjoy the things that I moved to this city for, what's the point in being poor and miserable in it? I can do that back in Dallas - miserable it would be, but at least I'd be familiar with it. For what we pay in rent here we could get a huge ranch house and a garage back there...

Bollocks to that, though.

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 8:24 pm
by klondike
Hollis wrote:Like Neil Young said, "Every junkie's like the setting sun!" All my best to you.

As always,

HA! :lol:
That's a hoot, Bro!
You live in Alabama, and you quoted Neil Young!
Sorry, I know I was supposed to whine on this thread . . but I couldn't resist a good laugh! :wink:

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 11:48 am
by Hollis
Hey Klonnie,

Remember that I'm a transplanted Nor'Easter! True, you won't hear "Southern Man" on any local radio station, but you can't go more than a couple of hours without hearing Lynyrd Skynyrd and "Sweet Home Alabama" the "unofficial official" state song! I shared your laughter because you're just so damned funny!

As always,


Posted: February 21st, 2009, 3:24 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Anne, you have my sympathy, you certainly have your share of problems. Let off steam here whenever you like.

Bryce, hope there's a nice tenant around the corner for you. Here's hoping.

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 11:31 pm
by Birdy
Bryce - HANG IN THERE - I can just tell there's a renter around the corner - the same corner prosperity's around.

I was about to give up hope today - afraid I'll sell but not be able to find the right thing to buy and a friend set me straight - the most amazing thing will happen right when I need it to and when you make makes GOD laugh!

Anne - am keeping you and yours in my prayers.

The surgery is over and rehab is on....wish me luck.
THe bankers have been placated...and you can make that into as spicy a scene from my movie as you want in your own mind.

In the meantime, from the immortal Cogsworth from Disney's Beauty and the Beast...."Don't whine, glasses."

(just kidding, whine away ...or while away, as you please)

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 3:36 pm
by charliechaplinfan
A small whine.

I have a lovely table centrepiece an original that is quite ornate. We've kept it out of the way of our clumsy second child only for the cat to take a leap too far and pull the whole thing on top of himself and breaking it smithereens. He'd better not expect any treats tonight.