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Re: Cinderella(s)

Posted: July 12th, 2010, 10:50 pm
by knitwit45
she stayed on key!!! I have a tendency to slip around it, so it's something I truly admire. And the gentleness of the first part of her performance in that clip is totally charming.

Stiff upper lip, Ms. B, you'll have your day yet!!!!! :D :D :D

Re: Cinderella(s)

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 9:10 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
Gee, I think we should open this up to all Cinderellas, from Disney's animation to Jerry Lewis' CinderFella. Then I could point out my favorite fairy godmother as Estelle Winwood's dottie character in The Glass Slipper. And my favorite step family as those who tortured Deanna Durbin in First Love -- which is probably my present favorite Cinderella. But you're right, best dress remains Lesley Ann Warren's (even if the weight of it did make her shoulders bleed!).

Re: Cinderella(s)

Posted: August 16th, 2010, 11:24 pm
by Birdy
Eeechh...I never knew that sticky little tidbit. But as stated before, "Beauty knows no pain, girls!" I never thought those glass slippers looked any too comfortable, either. But without them, there'd be no plot. I wonder how many movies say the word "Cinderella" in mention and how many movies have an image of a girl losing a shoe. I'm sure it's a lot, and just saw another one recently in Someone Like You.

Where did you learn about that and do you know any other Cinderella behind-the-scenes trivia?

(Sorry so late replying and I'd love to chat about any Cinderellas.)