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Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 5th, 2012, 2:52 pm
by JackFavell
I just watched The Women In His Life... my gosh, what an undiscovered gem! Yes, there are some histrionics, but somehow Otto Kruger pulls them all together into a really grand performance. I just loved it. I could see this as a Warren William role, but there's far more emotion in Kruger's performance than I think William would have had. He does about the best pneumonia I've ever seen, much better than any Camille. :D

Honors go to Una Merkel who has the most remarkably funny and unexpected line readings of anyone, in every one of her films. She could wring laughs out of an oyster. This film was far racier (at least in the dialogue) than most pre-codes I've seen, lots of innuendo and loose living discussed. Loved every minute of it.

And a heads up to the Maven, Samuel S Hinds turns up in the last 30 minutes or so.

So, did anyone watch or record the other films on last night? I recorded everything except Son of Fury, darn it, I came in on it and could have killed myself for missing it. They all looked good, and I haven't seen Marked Woman since I was about 14 years old.... ditto for Honky Tonk. Thunderbirds was probably the most beautiful airplane picture I've ever seen, the Technicolor was outstanding. I'll have to actually watch the whole thing later, the beginning looked promising, I loved Gene Tierney's entrance.... just her gorgeous legs under a rack of dresses. :D

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 5th, 2012, 6:33 pm
by Rita Hayworth
JackFavell wrote: Thunderbirds was probably the most beautiful airplane picture I've ever seen, the Technicolor was outstanding. I'll have to actually watch the whole thing later, the beginning looked promising, I loved Gene Tierney's entrance.... just her gorgeous legs under a rack of dresses. :D
That's one of my favorite Gene Tierney's movies ... her entrance is incredible!

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 5th, 2012, 6:57 pm
by MissGoddess
i'm biased because genie beanie is such a favorite of mine, but her beauty in thunder birds is something in this world. no wonder she's robert's favorite.


Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 5th, 2012, 8:39 pm
by JackFavell
I'd be surprised if anyone didn't have her at the top of their list! I don't know how anyone, male or female, could resist her, she's smart and the most gorgeous actress ever, especially in Technicolor. She's always been a favorite, ever since I first saw her.

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 5th, 2012, 9:14 pm
by Rita Hayworth
JackFavell wrote:I'd be surprised if anyone didn't have her at the top of their list! I don't know how anyone, male or female, could resist her, she's smart and the most gorgeous actress ever, especially in Technicolor. She's always been a favorite, ever since I first saw her.
I put her and Rita Hayworth in the top 5.

1) Rita Hayworth
2) Elizabeth Taylor
3 Gene Tierney
4) Marilyn Monroe
5) Jane Russell & Hedy Lamarr ... tied for 5th.

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 5th, 2012, 9:17 pm
by JackFavell
That's a great list, Kingme! All beautiful and talented women.

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 5th, 2012, 9:32 pm
by Rita Hayworth
Thanks Jack F!

Hey Miss Goddess ... Super Duper Avatar of Sean Connery!

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 5th, 2012, 9:34 pm
by MissGoddess
I agree with your choices, kingme. Maureen O'Hara was also radiant in technicolor and of course...


Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 6:01 am
by ChiO
I'd be surprised if anyone didn't have her at the top of their list! I don't know how anyone, male or female, could resist her,
Ahem...(hand goes up). I'm that guy. I find her cold. And I've said it before and I'll say it again, my Aunts Sue and Virginia were beautiful...but that doesn't mean I'd watch them in a movie.

1. Barbara Stanwyck (she's also #2 through #10, but I'll let some other gals play the game today)
2. Jean Arthur
3. Marlene Dietrich
4. Ida Lupino
5. Claudette Colbert

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 9:04 am
by JackFavell
In my mind, I see the more popular stars in a completely different category. I love them, but they are a known quantity. They are pretty much a given, already so high they can't get any further up, but also they are actresses who I have seen the most of, so my mind kind of wanders elsewhere for favorites.These are the actresses, I love each of them, but they don't quite fascinate me as much anymore.

Vivien Leigh
Barbara Stanwyck
Ingrid Bergman
Bette Davis

My favorites:

Myrna Loy
Marlene Dietrich
Marie Prevost
Gene Tierney
Jean Arthur

Constance Bennett
Ava Gardner
Ella Raines
Laraine Day
Ruth Hussey

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 11:00 am
by MissGoddess
I know just what you mean, Wendy, about the known quantities, the favorites that are already so familiar that for variety you look deeper into the "catalogue" of the golden era. like you, i've kind of turned a little toward character types, especially with the male performers.

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 12:13 pm
by JackFavell
Do you find it easier to list favorite actors? I l know I do.

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 1:38 pm
by ChiO
Do you find it easier to list favorite actors?
Yes, and I always feel guilty about it. There's Stanwyck as my favorite of either gender. Then I'd probably list 20 male actors before I'd get to Arthur (and I really like Arthur).

And you listed Constance Bennett, which reminds me that I should have listed Joan Bennett in my list of five.

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 3:39 pm
by JackFavell
I was feeling guilty for leaving Joanie out, but for years the only thing I had seen her in was The Man in the Iron Mask and The Son of Monte Cristo, with a few of her blonde precodes. She has completely blown me away since I've been watching her in noirs, especially Scarlet Street. She and Ava Gardner have moved up the most for me in terms of likeability (is that a real word or a slogan made up by Madison Ave?). Ella Raines is the newest of my favorites, she really made a strong impression. I was trying to figure out a way to get Peggy Cummins on my list. (ha! I just sneaked her in!)

Re: The October Schedule for TCM

Posted: October 9th, 2012, 6:07 am
by CineMaven
Darn...I missed my Sammykins the other morning. That's so tricky with the character actors; unless you know their filmography like the back of your ofttimes miss them in something b'cuz they're slipped in there between the covers. Liked so many stars on many of your lists above. I sometimes want to break away and go deeper in that great bench of stars, but it's hard to pull myself away from my ol' standbys; those cream of the crop. I don't know WHY I'm waiting to see "Thunderbirds." I've seen snippets, but I guess I'm holding back on seeing Gene. Can anyone be too beautiful, or too handsome it kind of hurts to look at them?

Looking a bit at Wednesday's morning schedule ( October 10th ) I see two faves of mine and then another whose rising on my radar. I hear there's talk of Warren William groupies on the board, so I include him in the bunch I hope to record tomorrow morning:

A lady lawyer for the mob tries to break free of her criminal connections. Dir: William Clemens Cast: MARGARET LINDSAY, GLENDA FARRELL, Warren Hull.

Dir. William Clemens Cast: WARREN WILLIAM, Claire Dodd, Winifred Shaw.

A district attorney sells out to the mob until he falls for an innocent girl. Dir. Frank McDonald Cast: ANN DVORAK, JOHN LITEL*, Carlyle Moore Jr.

* Hey, it isn't the 1930's without John Litel!!