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Re: TCM Remembers 2013

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 6:10 pm
by Nick
Hmm...I could've sworn that Carey Jr, Klugman & Durning died last year and not in 2013... :?

Anyway, I wish they had included Rise Stevens and Louise Currie in the video.

Re: TCM Remembers 2013

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 6:34 pm
by Lzcutter

They died late in the year and were not included in last year's memorial. Sometimes, when that happens, TCM includes them in the next year's memorial.

Re: TCM Remembers 2013

Posted: December 19th, 2013, 5:24 am
by Nick
Well, then wouldn't it be better if they made these tributes towards the very end of December? Like, on the 30th or 31st?

Re: TCM Remembers 2013

Posted: December 19th, 2013, 7:00 am
by JackFavell
I think December is the perfect time of year to air the TCM Remembers clips. Any time of year is likely to have this same problem as death knows no calendar. No matter when they show it, people are likely to die right afterwards.

Though timing is not particularly important to me, I've never been one to get all hung up on when things happen, I don't think I'd like it much having January come in, the start of a new year, with this heavy tribute airing every day. And they have done a fantastic job adding the stars who've passed late in the season, haven't they? I think perhaps they show it in December in order to start the new year fresh. It's the right time for reflection back over the last year.

Re: TCM Remembers 2013

Posted: December 19th, 2013, 9:24 am
by Sue Sue Applegate
Frankly, I am happy whenever they are able to make this beautiful tribute, and feel very grateful that there is one network in the entire universe who focuses on classic film personalities WITHOUT commercial interruption. While whimsical, willy-nilly corporate decisions can be levied at any time, I hope TCM can continue with integrity ad infinitum.

My next campaign? Let TCM craft the "Oscars' Remembers" segment. Make it longer, make it thorough, make it matter.

Re: TCM Remembers 2013

Posted: December 19th, 2013, 11:11 am
by Lzcutter
Well, then wouldn't it be better if they made these tributes towards the very end of December? Like, on the 30th or 31st?
Part of the problem with that is that most people, including TCM staffers, take the holidays off and aren't in the office. There is more than one person involved in the production of the *TCM Remembers* and more than one department, so even if the producer and the editor were around, the point person in legal and those that sign off on the memorial may not be. Or visa versa.

TCM does try to honor as many as they can and does make an effort to revise, when possible, when death refuses to take a holiday.

Thats' why some appear in the following year's memorial.

It's a long standing tradition in media to pay tribute to those who passed at the end of the year.