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Posted: March 17th, 2008, 4:36 pm
by Ollie
BLAST! (And that's as close to cussin' as I'll post here..)

While I was making fun of this show earlier, I saw an article in TV NEWS (so who knows it's worthiness) that CBS could air a Wrap-Up in the two remaining episodes for this abbreviated Season 2.

They filmed two versions of that Season 2 finale - one as yet another cliffhanger (JR gets shot AGAIN?!!) and as a wrapped-up, all T's crossed, I's dotted, true series finale.

Online viewer numbers are a disappointment, apparently. (And everyone knows how smart network execs are with viewer numbers - just ask the Star Trek hatchet men... if you can find them in the trashlands.)

I know the questions they raised in Episodes 1-2-3-4-5 which were never answered but only 'teased' by inserting other issues and more characters were the factors that let me skip it a time or two. Then I felt so many new characters were on-screen that I couldn't tell the players without a scorecard. And I gave up. LOST did the same thing and lost me as well.

I'll be sorry for the fans. I suspect we'll see the Cliffhanger ending then when the Cancellation Notice becomes final, they'll offer the DVD Set with the Alternate Ending. "Only available on DVD!"

Teasing seems to be a big deal now. Yawn.

Posted: March 17th, 2008, 7:12 pm
by Lzcutter

It's been a great short season, I bailed early in Season 1 but found in summer reruns the second half of the season really picked up and began to find its voice.

This season has just been great.

While the viewership is not great, the people watching it on and via Tivo seem to be quite up.

I can only hope that CBS is thinking it should hang on to the one dramatic show that gets the younger demographic that they just lost to Fox this sweeps period.

Why CBS didn't reverse the order and have "Jericho" follow NCIS instead of "Big Brother" just goes to show that someone in programming screwed up.

Those two shows back to back and CBS might have been able to hold their own against American Idol.

Here's hoping, hoping, hoping.....

Posted: March 17th, 2008, 9:29 pm
by mrsl

You really have something there, about following NCIS. I never miss an episode of that and have been catching the second season on USA, which I missed because of a change in work schedule.

But I also agree about the intelligence of the hatchet men, too bad they don't have any.


Posted: March 18th, 2008, 10:52 pm
by mrsl

Let's keep our fingers crossed. The last screen said SEASON FINALE and not SERIES FINALE, so possibly they have received the go ahead for more episodes.

A sour note on this episode. Why would they let Mom come and visit and then leave? Or was that what was meant when Beck said to pull out all the stops? In any case, he certainly didn't mind how Bonnie died, did he? He will never be 'in the circle'. He will always be the opponent.


Posted: March 19th, 2008, 1:31 am
by Lzcutter
Hey Anne,

I am hoping, hoping, hoping that CBS renews this show. Will CBS announce this week its intentions? Or will we be left to hang until the eppy airs next Tuesday?

Tonight was another good one, not as emotional as the last two but definitely leading us up to next week.

I really liked MayorGrandpa coming to Jake in his dreams. I'm thinking it was originally supposed to be MayorDad but McRainey's schedule must have gotten in the way. MayorGrandpa did a good job though.

Loved seeing MayorMom back too. Though you would have thought that Beck would have had her and Mimi (for that matter) under surveillance.

Loved Bill and Jimmy "the hog farm!"

Hawkins getting played must be a sign of the apocalypse. Because when he's worried you know the end must be near.

Beck had opportunities to do the right thing throughout the season and he seemed to want to be a better man and do them but he also is a military man in a time of revolution and that is cause for conflict.

How weird is it that this series is winding down on a theme of revolution just as John Adams, the miniseries, is getting going?

I hope the shift of focus to Cheyenne next week doesn't mean that Jericho, the town and characters, get glossed over.

Oh and Stanley, marry Mimi and feed some chickens.

Bonnie would want that.

Posted: March 24th, 2008, 9:47 am
by vallo
I hate to be the bearer of Bad News. But: CBS cancels "Jericho" despite fan fervor. Story here:

But we keep reality TV.... *sigh

Bill (vallo)

Posted: March 24th, 2008, 11:04 am
by cinemalover
That's too bad. It's a quality, entertaining series with an interesting premise. Perhaps a little too deep for the masses.

Add it to the long list of fine series going down the tube. At least I can watch poker on TV whenever I feel that overwhelming need.

Posted: March 24th, 2008, 12:40 pm
by Lzcutter

I read about it over the weekend. It's too bad that just as the series was really hitting its stride that CBS chose to cancel it.

If they had paired it with "NCIS" they could have had a powerhouse on Tuesday nights.

I think the networks are still trying to figure out how to deal with time-shifting, folks watching eppys on-line, via On Demand and via Itunes.

Until they can learn to accurately count all the different ways viewers watch their products they will continue to resemble the music industry's slow implosion.

Posted: March 24th, 2008, 7:16 pm
by mrsl
Well, s**t:

As someone said, at least I can watch someone play poker just about any time I want. How stupid can the networks be? Even if I had an iTune (which I don't), I wouldn't want to try to watch a series episode on that itty bitty screen, and teenagers (who are the ones who mostly have iTunes), don't watch series like Jericho anyway. Also, I don't have On Demand which I believe is more typical than not. I only watch on-line when I can't find an episode because it's been moved so much, but I don't make a habit of it. I'm just about done with bothering with network TV anymore. Once NCIS and Ghost Whisperer are over, I guess I am too. There is nothing else on network except reality crap - Do people really watch that stuff?
