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Posted: July 27th, 2007, 12:44 am
by mrsl
What a day this has been. After talking to Ken123, Vecchiolarry, and Moraldo, and watching Dewey's You Tube offerings, I've been close to blowing a gasket for hours.

I hope I'm not being disruptive to anyone, but certain things are very important to me, and I like to discuss them with mature adult people who basically understand where I'm coming from.

Everyone should listen to the above mentioned You Tube clips. In addition to all of this stuff, Michael Moore was on Leno tonight, and can you believe he was subpeonaed for going to Cuba?!! The fact that he went for the sake of the 911 volunteers who were not getting proper care because their insurance didn't cover them for heroism, doesn't seem to matter. Of course like he said, "Don't they have other more important things to worry about right now?" Amen brother.

God help us if we can't recover from these bloodsuckers who are in control of this country right now - the idea of freedom is getting farther and farther away from the original concept of our constitution by the day!!!


Posted: July 27th, 2007, 12:54 am
by Dewey1960
For anyone who needs further proof of the ongoing lies and criminality of the most corrupt political administration in American history.

Keith Olbermann on July 17, 2007 (just over one week ago)

Let us be thankful that there are journalists in this country not afraid to tell the truth--and in no uncertain terms.

Pat Tillman

Posted: July 27th, 2007, 12:58 am
by ken123
For some terrible news in regard to the " Pat Tillman murder " please see the Crooks and Liars Website. Olbermann is great !


Posted: July 27th, 2007, 12:59 am
by Moraldo Rubini
mrsl wrote:Everyone should listen to the above mentioned You Tube clips. In addition to all of this stuff, Michael Moore was on Leno tonight, and can you believe he was subpeonaed for going to Cuba?!! The fact that he went for the sake of the 911 volunteers who were not getting proper care because their insurance didn't cover them for heroism, doesn't seem to matter. Of course like he said, "Don't they have other more important things to worry about right now?" Amen brother.
I sure do believe it. I'm just surprised I hadn't heard about his subpoena before this. When was he subpoena'd? I assume his trip to Cuba actually happened about a year ago, no? While watching the film I wondered how he got there without being stopped; especially since he stopped by the shores of Guantanamo first. Clinton's policies on Cuba started relaxing, but Bush's gang was being more stringent. Since Jeb Bush was under heavy political pressure from his Cuban-born constituents in south Florida. There was a time in the 1990's when many Americans were travelling to Cuba via the Yucatan, but when Bush came into office they started cracking down on this. Americans can only travel to Cuba if they have an academic visa or have family there.

Posted: July 27th, 2007, 9:07 am
by mrsl

I don't know if he was served as he approached NBC, or actually in the Green Room, but it sounded like it was one or the other. His family hadn't heard about it yet, but at Jay's urging, he announced the fact that he had just been served.

Yes he was there during the filming of Sicko so it's taken this long for them to decide he was in the wrong. Because Iraqi pow's were given top medical, dental, and eye treatment, Moore took some of his 911 volunteers over there to outside guantanamo and through a loudspeaker, asked why his people could not get the same medical attention that the pow's were receiving.

This whole thing is just too much. I can't believe impeachment proceedings were started against Wild Bill, for a marital foible, yet George is going along in his sickeningly, smirky way. Aren't there any decent congressmen left at all?


Addie Ross

Posted: July 27th, 2007, 12:57 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
mrsl wrote:...Aren't there any decent congressmen left at all?
Funny you should write that coda. A pal of mine just sent me a letter that he has composed and mailed to his senator, Diane Feinstein. He's urging all of his friends to join him in writing her. I'll include the main body of the letter:
I am a 44-year old constituent who has voted consistently Democrat in my adulthood. I have never before, however, written a letter to one of my elected officials to express an opinion.

The Attorney General's actions are so disturbing to me, and the integrity of his position so critical to our faith in our government, that I feel compelled to write. I strongly support your request for a Special Counsel, and I hope very much that you will continue to pursue this issue with the intensity that it deserves. I am losing faith in the ability of our system of checks and balances to sustain itself, and AG Gonzales is largely responsible for this problem. Please do everything in your power to see that the integrity of our system of government is protected by ensuring that, if Mr. Gonzales has lied to Congress or otherwise acted illegally, he is removed from office and punished appropriately. Any such investigation should also extend to AG Gonzales's participation in decisions that have led to the unlawful imprisonment and torture of citizens of the world.

I am deeply troubled by the war in Iraq; I am gay and care passionately about domestic partnership rights; I am very concerned about global warming and the environment; I am distraught about the Bush administration's destruction of the United States's reputation abroad in so many ways I cannot enumerate them; I am disgusted with the lack of a social services safety net for our citizens, especially with respect to healthcare; and I am very worried about the future of the US economy and how to pay for the retirement of the baby boomers.

None of these issues is nearly as important, however, as the erosion of our system of government. Mr. Gonzales is the embodiment of this erosion. Please do all you again to help correct the wrongs that have been done.

Thank you for all you do for me, the citizens of California, the US people, and the people of the world. I believe that Californians elected you to serve the whole world, not just Californians. The world needs you to preserve the American system of government.


Posted: July 27th, 2007, 3:43 pm
by mrsl

I actually watched the program yesterday, so I saw all of it. I liked the term 'Velveeta caper'. At least the guys on the inspection line were doing their jobs, the problem came in when someone picked up the story, but didn't continue on with the final outcome. For petes sake, the lady was leaving the cheese state, why shouldn't she have cheese in her bags? One thing that has come to my mind however is this:

Cheney and Bush are so corrupt, could it be possible they actually have some sort of a strangle hold on Gonzalez? With these phoney terror scares, the BS involved in the Pat Tillman murder, and the negative remarks about Obama and his wish to have one-on-one discussions with nations who are not happy with us, among other things, could Gonzalez simply be under some pressure not to disclose ANYTHING even to the point of looking the fool? He is an intelligent guy, he was a lawyer for years before getting into politics, but just his unfortunate luck to live in Texas. He was on the Texas Supreme Court, and an advisor to then, Governor Bush. He's no dummy, yet he looks and sounds like one during these hearings. Could Cheney and Bush stoop to a level as low as threats against AGs' family and/or friends? I can hardly think of anything that would make an intelligent, educated man look and act so lame brained.

Similarly to Brown in the FEMA affair, Brown took the fall. He was not really adequately trained in FEMA procedures, but even so, the same thing happened to him. At first he tried to defend himself, but then he became a blathering idiot and finally was fired in disgrace. Can we really blame AG, or has he been acting under orders?

What do you folks think of Obamas' ideas? I say, if he gets in, he should try to proceed with his plan, if for no other reason, he has a brain to back up his charm unlike Bubba.


Posted: July 27th, 2007, 5:00 pm
by Dewey1960
Bill Maher again...


Posted: July 27th, 2007, 7:21 pm
by Vecchiolarry

Today at lunch, I was introduced to a young Chinese man, who is busy reading the prophecies of Nostrodamus. He is improving his English through reading.
He laughingly told us that one prophecy is that in time to come, we will be so mesmerized & hypnotized by a machine with rays that we will elect the village idiot as our leader.
We all said at once TV & George Bush..

Face it folks, we have elected the village idiot!!!!!


Posted: July 27th, 2007, 11:59 pm
by ken123
Bush will never fire Gonzo, his regime cannot afford to have someone else go through Confirmation Hearings as the new AG. Those Hearings just might cause the Bush Administration's downfall. Shame on the Senate Democrats who have allowed Bush to pack the Courts, including the Supreme Court with right wing ideologues. :cry:

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 3:49 pm
by traceyk
Darn darn double darn! I must get on youtube at the wrong times, because I always get left hanging in the middle of the videos. From what I did see, though, it's obvious that you all are right--this administration has . They've trampled the constitution and Bill of Rights, damaged US relations with other countries and don;t seem to care about the long term results of their actions.
Republicans are just plain bad for this country. No matter how things start out, in the long run, we get screwed whenever we have a Republican administration. I'm not sure that Democrats are any better, but at least we as a country tend to weather the aftermath better (Except poor Jimmy Carter and I'm not sure how much of that was his fault). We've got a little over a year left with this bunch. Here's hoping we last that long.

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 5:57 pm
by mrsl
I'm not sure it's only the republicans, I'm pretty sure all of them are crooked. That's one reason I kind of like Obama - he still has his ideals, they haven't been taken over yet, hopefully.

I was just literally an infant when FDR died, and I'm pretty sure the U.S. said a collective Oh Woe is me, now we're stuck with Harry Truman, but he proved them wrong and has gone down in history as one of the quiet, but truly great presidents of the modern century. Our problems started when JFK (a democrat) chose Lyndon Johnson as his running mate. So you can't really say Republican is worse than Democrat (I still think LBJ had a lot to do with Kennedy's death), and I'll never, ever in 10 lifetimes accept the miracle bullet idea, talk about your hogwash!

Here's a fun thing to do. Go to your home page and type in Front Pages in your Search option box. Then randomly choose various papers and look at the stories on the front pages. With the wild week we've had, today I saw front page stories about the Bears arriving for summer camp, another was titled: 'It's not your moms mini-van', and yet another about Lindsay Lohan.

My point is that it's not only the congressmen, when the media wastes its time on this kind of junk, what can you expect? Those stories are from three different papers, BTW, one from Chicago, one from N.Y. and the last from California.

Oh yes, in my perusing, I saw a story about our soldiers who rebuilt a church for some Iraqi minister, and he won't use it! Let's send some more boys over to do more stuff they're not wanted for. :evil:



Posted: July 28th, 2007, 6:55 pm
by ken123
On the day FDR died my mother was in the back yard talking to a neighbor, when the neighbor's father ran out of the and yelled " That SO* is dead ", or at least that's the story my mother ( who died 2 weeks go) told me many times. My mother & father ( he died Easter Sunday 2006 ) loved FDR. The nuns in grammar school, those who offered an opinion, thought FDR was a Red. :cry:

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 10:49 pm
by mrsl
It's odd how each generation seems to have somebody. Ask anyone born after 1940 where they were the day that JFK was shot, and they will tell you in detail. I cried for an hour after hearing the news, and later went to the grocery store and everybody was walking around with a hankie wiping their eyes and blowing their noses. I guess the next generation had John Lennon.


Posted: July 28th, 2007, 11:21 pm
by patful
mrsl wrote:He is an intelligent guy, he was a lawyer for years before getting into politics, but just his unfortunate luck to live in Texas. He was on the Texas Supreme Court, and an advisor to then, Governor Bush. He's no dummy...
Trust me Anne, being on the Texas Supreme Court is not in any way related to intelligence, just lobbyists, friends, and lots of money. We have the absolute worst state government in America.

After Mr. Gonzales is done talking to Congress, I'd love to discuss the inequities of the jury selection process with him. I was summoned for District Court a little over a year ago, Municipal Court one month ago, and just got another District Court questionaire in the mail today. Yay! I think this is my eight time. My brother has been called around twenty times. Most people I know have never been called. STOP IT!