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Hear! Hear!

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 3:11 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
Bravo Fernando!

I too have completely abandoned the TCM boards. I don't even check there anymore. I usually have the Silver Screen Oasis on at my side when I'm at work and check it throughout the day.

I'm sorry to see that people think their posts are ignored or dismissed if there isn't a response. I only post if I can add some pith to it. So if we're discussing a movie I've never seen, I probably won't be responding -- but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy hearing about it; and I've probably made note to see it in the future. Adding a "thanks for posting" would let you know that it was read and appreciated, but it would be a little tiresome to have one post followed by 50 thanks. So let me say it now: thank you all for your wonderful, informative, interesting posts! I appreciate all of your efforts.

[P.S. to Fernando: If you didn't tell us, I don't think anyone would guess that English is your second language. I find your posts to be articulate and reflective of your enthusaism for classic film. Thank you!]

And now, I'd like to interrupt for a commercial break:

I hope everyone has seen my post regarding the Uptown Theatre in Chicago, and those who are interesting in history, architectural heritage; and old movie houses have signed the petition. :)

Further note: I see that there have been 15 replies to Anne's original post in this thread, but there have been 115 views. Lack of response is not indicative of "dismissal".

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 3:20 pm
by feaito
Thanks Chris. Maybe I'm too self-conscious about my English. I'd certainly would like to have someone near with whom to speak it on a regular basis. I thank my father for making a point of giving all his children the chance to have a second language. I was lucky enough to attend a good traditional private school run by British people here in Santiago.

Speaking English made possible my access to tons of books that have only been published in that language and to loads of movies that are neither available subtitled nor dubbed in Spanish.

Now, if only I had learnt French so I could be able to understand Mylene Farmer's lyrics...

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 3:21 pm
by jdb1
Nancy, I feel so unhappy that anyone would think we are dismissing anyone else's opinion. Really -- sometimes it just doesn't occur to me to write "yes, you are right," when I'm in complete agreement, or even if I'm not, but I don't think I have anything to respond that would add to the exchange. I think part of that is due to the fact that I'm a 50+er, and I forget that nodding my head in agreement isn't enough on a message board; I have to write it down so the rest of you can see it.

I haven't read one bad thought or silly idea on SSO. Everyone here is thoughtful and enthusiastic. Sometimes, though, I don't even log on, but just browse the site to see if there's anything new going on. I think I read just about everything, even if I don't always respond. That's probably the case for most of us. Many times I just don't have the time to post an entry, even if I'd like to.

I do really believe, though, that not every day is a breakthrough day, and that sometimes we just don't have much to say. Just as there are different levels of film expertise here, there are also different levels of message board expertise. The TCM board was my first foray into the world of message boards, so I'm not yet a fervent devotee, as many of you are. But I do enjoy talking with all you, and I do love to hear of your cinematic experiences. Those who may not have seen as many movies as I have give me all fresh insights to many of the films I may take for granted, because they are so familiar to me. And those of you who are Old Hands always give me something new to think about. And that's why I'm here.

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 3:22 pm
by MissGoddess
Fernando, your English is much better than many native English speakers, that of myself included! :oops:

Re: Hear! Hear!

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 3:34 pm
by feaito
Moraldo Rubini wrote:Bravo Fernando!
I too have completely abandoned the TCM boards. I don't even check there anymore. I usually have the Silver Screen Oasis on at my side when I'm at work and check it throughout the day.
Many categories of websites have been blocked at work and thank god I'm able to access regularly SSO.

I'm sorry to see that people think their posts are ignored or dismissed if there isn't a response. I only post if I can add some pith to it. So if we're discussing a movie I've never seen, I probably won't be responding -- but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy hearing about it; and I've probably made note to see it in the future. Adding a "thanks for posting" would let you know that it was read and appreciated, but it would be a little tiresome to have one post followed by 50 thanks. So let me say it now: thank you all for your wonderful, informative, interesting posts! I appreciate all of your efforts.
[P.S. to Fernando: If you didn't tell us, I don't think anyone would guess that English is your second language. I find your posts to be articulate and reflective of your enthusaism for classic film. Thank you!]
Thanks a million.
And now, I'd like to interrupt for a commercial break:
I hope everyone has seen my post regarding the Uptown Theatre in Chicago, and those who are interesting in history, architectural heritage; and old movie houses have signed the petition. :)
I was impressed by the stunning architecture and décors. Palatial.
Further note: I see that there have been 15 replies to Anne's original post in this thread, but there have been 115 views. Lack of response is not indicative of "dismissal".
Excellent point!

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 3:45 pm
by feaito

I agree with you. Sometimes we really have not much to say or we are in one of those "dry" periods. It happens to me constantly. For example, although it may sound corny, I cannot write properly about a film I have seen if I'm not really inspired to do it. I might have loved a particular film, but if words don't come to my mind in order to express my thoughts and feelings, I'd rather not write anything.

And April: Thanks for the nice compliment, but your English is better than mine :)

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 3:52 pm
by knitwit45
I think my original post came off as sounding whiny, and that was not my intention. I have always been treated with respect on this board. I guess I was just trying to explain why I don't start threads, and don't chime in that much. I love being here, and hope we all post till someone has to prop us up at the keyboard! :lol:


Posted: September 13th, 2007, 4:29 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
Group hug!


Posted: September 13th, 2007, 5:31 pm
by pktrekgirl
movieman1957 wrote:
feaito wrote:

Being the only Board member who is not a native English speaker affects the quality of my posts, since I don't have the vocabulary range most of you have and I seldom can practice English orally, but still, I try to share as much ideas as I can, switching constantly from Spanish (which is what I'm speaking and writing almost 100% of the time) to written English.
While we may have thought Spanish is your native language it is certainly not apparent. English appears to come quite naturally to you so thanks for staying with it (and us.)
I wholeheartedly agree, Fernando.

I think you are exceptional in English, and I admire anyone who posts like you do - on a board that is not in your native language.

And I think everyone here feels the same way.

I know I could certainly not do what you do, and I admire the effort you put into participating here.

Love Fest...

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 5:55 pm
by benwhowell
I seldom visit (or post on) the TCM message boards since I was (thankfully) invited to join this "community." I'm a small town boy/hippie at heart...and I love our "film commune."
Even spending a year at TCM I would always feel a little apprehensive about posting (or starting a thread) for fear of a nasty comment.
Nancy, I can relate to what you wrote.
I've LOVED movies my entire life and it's a great feeling being around people who share that passion, but sometimes I feel like I "don't know anything" compared to others who seem to have this encyclopedic knowledge of movies. The good news is-I've been introduced to numerous movies and the people who make them, etc. That's priceless!
Fernando, your english is excellent. I always enjoy your articulate posts. I'm fascinated that someone from Chile knows SO MUCH about American movies-from silents to current releases. BTW-did you ever see "Apartment Zero?"
I have been frequenting TCM the past month for the schedule programming challenge. I hope you guys will check it out. (Voting ends tommorrow. ) sugarpuss has done a great job as host-despite all the (technical) difficulties. All the schedules are great. It's fun. If you get the chance, check it out... ... 1&tstart=0

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 6:45 pm
by sugarpuss
I always feel guilty whenever I post on the TCM boards. Granted, I don't post a lot on either board mainly due to time constraints, but I always feel bad whenever I post "over there". I feel like a traitor. This does not help my growing list of neuroticisms.

A major reason I don't post a lot here is because compared to many of you, I'm relatively new to classic movies. I didn't really grow up with them. I stumbled into them and I'm still learning. There are directors and actors that I'm just discovering and I don't feel that confident about posting when I don't know much about the subjects at hand. Not to mention that compared to you guys, I'm as eleoquent as a "_____ For Dummies" manual. I'm still very self-conscious about things I post. I'd start threads about things I like, but when I do, I find that they're not received well so I just don't do it. Also, on the TCM board I've noticed I'm a thread killer--I post, hoping to get a discussion going and then the thread just stops. Again, not helping with the neuroticisms. This is not to be taken as a self-pity post in any way, shape or form--it's just something I kind of wanted to get off my chest.

I post on the TCM board sometimes, because there are threads that catch my eye and I want to throw in my two cents. I stay away from the flame wars because I have better things to do with my time that fight with idiotic sockpuppets. I do like the fact that some of us are still over there because I know who to trust. I like reading the posts here because you're all witty and smart and knowledgeable! I've learned a lot from both boards and I wish they could both peacefully co-exist without any sort of tension, but I don't think that's possible. We've all been burned by TCM in some way or other.

But I will admit, it's always depressing when I come here and find that there are no new posts. Even when there are topics about things I don't know about, I like to read them. I will always be grateful for this board as it's a "safe haven" for the normal and sane posters*. It's wonderful!

*within reason ;)

Just some quick things:

--Lynn, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. You're in my thoughts and prayers and I hope the future gets easier for you. Please take care of yourself and your family.

--Fernando, I never realized you weren't a native English speaker. I've read your posts (I don't really think we know each other at all), but seriously, your English is amazingly great!

--Ben, thanks for the plug!

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 7:42 pm
by CharlieT
I'd just like to express my feelings on this topic - although all of you have covered it much better than I ever could.

First, I'd hate to think that anyone would feel that they had to post a minimum number of posts or start a specific number of threads to be a member of this forum. I haven't started a thread yet and may never. I post replies to threads where I feel I have something to add. I don't feel that I am obligated to read all threads or to reply to any that I read. And the really great thing about this is that I know that all of you are OK with that.

Second, I don't care if any of you want to post at TCM and here, too. That's up to you. I rarely spend any time over there anymore. I work a 40 hour week in a factory and don't have internet access at work, so my time here is limited and I want to get the most enjoyment out of my computer time and come here to get it. Trying to fit this in with reading, watching TV and my share of running the household makes me one busy puppy at times.

Third, I appreciate all of the expertise that I am exposed to here (and formerely at TCM), without which most of those wonderful character actors might have been doomed to a life of being called "Oh, you know who I mean!" whenever I discussed old movies with my friends and family. The stories from mongo and Larry are the kind of thing that I could only dream of.

And lastly, I find it funny that over here there is no spell check and everyone gets along fine without it. Over at TCM, you not only have spellcheck, but also a couple of "friends" to inform you if you forgot to use it. We're all human and, therefore make mistakes. Thank God.

One other reason that I came here in the first place was that over there, you could be in the middle of a wonderful discussion about movies or actors, and a political argument would break out. I don't mind posters discussing politics, but they should have their own threads - like here. That way, if I don't agree, I can just ignore that thread instead of wading through 3 or 4 pages of which party is the stupidest.

I understand pktrekgirl's feelings about not getting feedback on her art. Anyone who is artistic needs validation. I never replied to her threads because she was usually offering her artwork for backgrounds and such, and I wasn't looking for anything like that.

Sorry I got so verbose, but I think my allotted character count was a little down (just kidding :lol: )

Posted: September 13th, 2007, 8:10 pm
by mrsl

I thank all of you for your wonderful responses. Feaito, I agree that I would never believe English is your second language - Don't ever be afraid to voice your opinion, you do it beautifully!!!

I, too may have sounded whiney but if so, it was only because I miss having the great discussions I know everyone is capable of. Heck, if I make a comment about someone, whether good or bad, I certainly don't mind if someone comes back with an alternate or opposing opinion. That's what the boards are for!!!

I only hope this will wake us all up to the fact that we are classic movie lovers and want to discuss our hobby, or great love, or whatever you want to call it.
