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Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 2:17 pm
by knitwit45
Hey, Ms. B, we're talking sunshine and DAFFODILS.....It's so nice to be almost warm again.....
I just inherited another dog, a red-haired fellow named Bentley (I think that name is going to go
away, he's more like a "Buster" to me.) He and my little guy, Murphy, are best buddies, and it's like having my own
3 ring circus. The cat thinks I'm crazy, and would like to kill them both, but we have an uneasy truce right now. :lol: :shock: :lol:

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 2:56 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Brenda, they truly are bonny babies. I'm so happy for you all

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 8:41 pm
by silentscreen
Thanks Alison! Here's what Josh says about the babes. He's on cloud nine.

Well, the little ones have arrived. We went to the hospital Sunday night to begin the induction process. By Monday afternoon Dani had not made much progress and the Dr. could tell that Baby A (Emma Jean) was in the proper head down position. However Emma was facing up at the cervix instead of looking forward. So they made the choice due to Emma's position and Dani's lack of progress to go ahead and do a c-section. 30-45 minutes the twins were out and pissed to be out of a perfectly good womb. They both came out swinging and in great health. Emma did get a good poke in the eye at some point, so she looks a bit beat-up at the moment, but is in good shape and loves her some sleep. Anna is a lot more interested in the world.


6 lbs 10.6 oz

19 ½ inches long

A thick head of brunette hair

Annabelle Mae

5 lbs 9.5 oz

18 ½ inches long

A full head of blond hair and a cute little dimple in her chin.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 9:29 pm
by feaito
Dear Brenda,

My sincere congratulations on the birth of your granddaughters! :D :D

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 9:37 pm
by silentscreen
Thanks Fernando,

I called tonight and Miss Anna was not happy. 8) Miss Emma was hungry but wouldn't eat, and decided to suck on her sisters fist instead. :lol: They have their hands full! I leave this Saturday for a week to help a bit. I can't wait for a cuddle! Annabelle looks like her Dad, and Emma looks like her Mom. I'm rather glad they're not identical.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 2:55 am
by charliechaplinfan
Libby looks like me and I never get bored of people telling me, Joe is like his Dad. It's nice when it's like that. They sound perfect, I bet you can't wait for a cuddle.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 7:07 am
by silentscreen
Your children are adorable Alison. I'd love for people to tell me they look like me too!And you're right of course, can't wait to hold them. Thanks to all for congratulations.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 8:37 am
by jdb1
silentscreen wrote:Thanks Alison! Here's what Josh says about the babes. He's on cloud nine.

Well, the little ones have arrived. We went to the hospital Sunday night to begin the induction process. By Monday afternoon Dani had not made much progress and the Dr. could tell that Baby A (Emma Jean) was in the proper head down position. However Emma was facing up at the cervix instead of looking forward. So they made the choice due to Emma's position and Dani's lack of progress to go ahead and do a c-section. 30-45 minutes the twins were out and pissed to be out of a perfectly good womb. They both came out swinging and in great health. Emma did get a good poke in the eye at some point, so she looks a bit beat-up at the moment, but is in good shape and loves her some sleep. Anna is a lot more interested in the world.
Now, this makes me a bit sad -- or something . . . . I was in a similar predicament with the position of the baby during labor (they called it "back labor"), and nobody even hinted at a C-section -- they just yanked my little miss out with forceps! Plus, folks, with no anesthetic, because the baby's heartbeat was slowing down. That was an out-of-body experience for me on several different levels. I am very happy for Dani - she would not have liked the alternative to the C-section. I think the current generation of babies are certainly getting bigger (probably one of the reasons doctors are so quick to do caesareans) In my childbearing days, 5 or 6 pounds for a twin was considered pretty large. I hope the little girls continue to thrive.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 2:33 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Libby was stuck in a similar way and I was left for 36 hours before they decided to do a C-Section, well they weren't left with a choice. I can imagine the alternative to a section Judith, and with no painkillers, did you go on to have another child after that experience?

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 3:51 pm
by jdb1
charliechaplinfan wrote:Libby was stuck in a similar way and I was left for 36 hours before they decided to do a C-Section, well they weren't left with a choice. I can imagine the alternative to a section Judith, and with no painkillers, did you go on to have another child after that experience?
Are you kidding????? The only other children I ever want to have are grandchildren!

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 4:36 pm
by charliechaplinfan
It would have put me off too. I'll second that, grandchildren will be my next experience of baby rearing but not for a long while.

It's true that no one describes their labours to first time mum's until they've been through it themselves and then they filled in on the details.

Can you imagine my cousin filmed his wife giving birth and she was happy about it. Some people are strange.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 7:42 pm
by silentscreen

My son was in the same position, head down, but face up. They had me on an epideral for several hours, so the painkillers were there. They wheeled me into the delivery room, and the doctor managed to turn him around, and out he came with forceps. The worst was in the recovery room after epideral was taken off with a mean nurse. I don't want to think about what you went through with no painkiller. I didn't have another baby because it just wasn't meant to be, but I can understand why you wouldn't want another. Daddy's really have no idea... Josh just stood there holding her hand and feeling helpless.

These babies went to 38 1/2 weeks, so they were full term, probably why they were a good size. Emma at almost 7lbs is quite hefty looking, Annabelle looks sweet and diminutive at 5 lbs, 9.5 ozs. I doubt she weighs that much now. She's the dainty one. Poor little dear hasn't been able to keep anything down, and is now going on soy formula. She resembles Josh as a newborn with her blond hair. My eyes always go to her first. She's like the little girl I never had. :)

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 4:44 am
by charliechaplinfan
At least Josh was there. I know my husband came away quite humbled by the expereince, he felt traumatised by Libby's delivery, my memory is hazy to some of the later details probably because of the epidural but he remembers and there are things today that he won't tell me that I'm blissfully unaware of.

The sensation of having a C Section is quite like no other. I can remember everyone talking about the cost of parking, even me whilst the biggest event of my life was going on. Surreal.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 7:40 am
by Synnove
Brenda, I was so happy to read about the babies. This is such great news. I remember your discussion of the names here on this board as well, Emma and Annabelle. They are lovely, old-fashioned names. :)

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 8:53 am
by movieman1957
When our first was born we went through the whole pregnancy and never once brought up the idea of a C-Section. I don't know why we didn't look into it but we didn't. My bride had been in labor for 36 hours and only got one centimeter when they decided it was time to do a C-Section. A group came in like a SWAT team. THey pushedme out of the way and went to work on her.

Finally, as they were taking out my son I heard him cry before they had cut all the way through. My bride kissed him. They cleaned him up, checked him out and finally handed him to me. All I could think was "And so it begins..."

It took her weeks to get over the surgery. We found out later they might have given her a body wrap (which we had for the second one) and it could have made a huge difference.