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Posted: January 15th, 2014, 12:13 pm
by JackFavell
Gosh, this was hell! Trying to not only rank some of my favorite movies of all time, but then pare it down to ten? I feel kind of sick having to bump movies like Sullivan's Travels, Never Give a Sucker an Even Break and Hold Back the Dawn, not to mention The Strawberry Blonde. I decided to give Raoul Walsh one spot in the top list, and Betty Grable one spot in the top list, and Preston Sturges one spot in the top list. Honestly, this is pretty random as far as ranking goes. What I'd like to do is rank all 20 movies at number one, I like them all that much. When Meet John Doe, Face Behind the Mask and The Little Foxes get bumped off the list, you know it's a good year.


1. Citizen Kane
2. High Sierra
3. Ball of Fire
4. How Green Was My Valley
5. Shepherd of the Hills
6. I Wake Up Screaming
7. Maltese Falcon
8. Blues In the Night
9. The Lady Eve
10. Here Comes Mr. Jordan

11. Hold Back the Dawn
12. Sullivan's Travels
13. Never Give a Sucker an Even Break
14. The Strawberry Blonde
15. Moon Over Miami
16. The Wolf Man
17. A Woman's Face
18. 49th Parallel
19. The Great Lie
20. Mr. and Mrs. Smith


Posted: January 15th, 2014, 1:22 pm
by RedRiver
I WAKE UP SCREAMING is more cute than great. It's fun the way DEADLINE AT DAWN is! Not taken too seriously. BALL OF FIRE is simply one of the great romantic comedies of all. Again, I hate that that genre has become synonymous with "stupid." It wasn't always that way! I like SERGEANT YORK just fine while Alvin is a drunken rowdy. (Those Kentucky boys!) It's OK after he goes to war. It's when he comes back that the movie falters. "Welcome back to...PARADISE!" It's as if Frank Capra is hiding behind a curtain.

Of all the films mentioned here, the adventure of Spade, Brigid and Effie darling is my favorite. An exercise in pacing, it's impossible to be bored, skeptical or disengaged. There's no time! Yes, CITIZEN KANE is one of the greatest of the great. If I fail to give proper credit, it's because there are other movies I like just as much. But with repeated viewings, it gets better and better. In fact, lately I have a desire for my own copy of this classic. Something I've never had.

What's a good way to access a comprehensive list by year? I've found it difficult. But I have trouble operating an electric can opener!


Posted: January 16th, 2014, 7:48 am
by CineMaven

There were so many more great movies made that year than I realized. I could have looked like a smart movie buff if I picked ten classic high brow movies. But I searched my heart, soul and guts and picked movies that I really really really like; they are easy like old friends. That’ll probably be the criteria for all my lists - ease, repeated viewings, most often in the mood for watching them:



Abbott and Costello - instead of them riding the range, they’re fly boys now contending with Martha Raye as twins. A fun silly movie with a touch of the serious when a pilot has issues with flying. We're not in the war yet, but it's unfortunately only a matter of time.

* * * * *



Peter Lorre, so poignant and damaged. Happy to make a new life here in America there's an accident leaving him horribly burned. He can't get a good job so he wears a mask, goes gangster, finds love with a pretty blind girl ( Evelyn Keyes ) and wreaks justified vengeance on the bad guys. I liked Don Beddoe in this as Lorre's only true friend.

* * * * *



Isn’t this the film considered the first film noir? ( Let the debate begin. ) This movie makes me think of “Fallen Angel.” A good-looking hunk ( Victor Mature ) is menaced by a hulking cop (Raymond Burr Laird Cregar ) for the murder of a beautiful aspiring actress ( Carole Landis ) who was sought after by every stagedoor Johnny. With Betty Grable by his side, what guy can lose and get himself out of a jam like this?

* * * * *



Bogie is detective Sam Spade and he’s got his hands full with two guys, a girl, and an ebony statuette of a bird. It’s a perfect movie. What detective doesn’t fall for a damsel-in-distress. What damsel-in-distress is not a pathological liar. The movie is filled with nice touches that will become standard m.o. for this genre.

* * * * *



Oh I wanted to pick some other movies like “Ball of Fire” “Blood and Sand” “High Sierra” “Here Comes Mr. Jordan” “Lady Eve.” But in good conscience, I had to go with “my heart's desire” with young love, comic foibles and it all being in the Moose's head. And topped off with Patty, Laverne and Maxine, you've got a cute romp in this old dark house.

* * * * *



Blah blah, best film of all time for many many years on many many lists. I saw it in college. Meh. I saw it in bits and pieces over the years. It was alright. The last time I saw it in its entirety, must have been maaybe two years ago. And something clicked inside my obtuse skull. I didn’t want the movie to end. I was totally engrossed in the tale of this man. We're watching a man's life and all the mistakes he makes. A lightbulb went off in my head. Finally.

* * * * *



I was totally captivated following this one family. And young Roddy McDowall was fantastic. This wasn't a movie I watched over and over again in the past. Corny, hokey. But when I saw it on TCM a couple of months ago, I really got into it. And seeing it on the roster for 1941, I just had to list it. My apologies to other giants like “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” “H. M. Pulham, Esq.” “Hold Back the Dawn” and “The Little Foxes” ( even though Bette is the Queen ‘B.’ ) The movie has a dark tinge to it with tragedy in the coal mine and unrequited love in the midst of the story of Life.

* * * * *



Von Sternberg pumps pure opium into celluloid. This movie is like a drug for me. I love the command of Ona Munson playing Mother Gin Sling. ( Great name, great make up & hair a la Patti LaBelle, for 'Belle Watling.' ) I'm crushing on my boy Walter Huston who is just about the most natural actors in movies. Ahhhh Victor Mature, so sedentary. But the movie is all Gene Tierney’s. Usually coiffed and glammed within an inch of her life ( other than her very composed unhinging in “Leave Her to Heaven” ) I love watching her transform from a spoiled little rich girl, to a strung out mess. It’s the last time I think I saw Gene all loosey/goosey in a movie. Gene as a mess is a glorious sight.

* * * * *



I hate to call it a “Woman’s Picture” but it's a “Woman’s Picture.” And I love it. Bette Davis retracts her claws and is the ‘nice girl’ this time around. Mary Astor is the...the...piano player; the pregnant unmarried concert pianist. George Brent and Mary marry one drunken night. They divorce, but Mary is pregnant. Davis now married to Brent, schemes to pass off Mary's baby off as her own. Maybe this is a movie about women who stay at home vs have a career. I just love Davis and Astor squaring off. ( Astor won an Oscar for this movie. ) Astor was up to the challenge. She did good, and thanks Bette Davis for it.

* * * * *



Lon Chaney Jr., steps out from behind his father’s shadow with this monster of his own. It has a great cast: Claude Rains, Evelyn Ankers, Ralph Bellamy, Warren William, Patric Knowles and Maria Ouspenskaya and the tragedy that is lycanthropy. He can never walk a girl in the moonlight again. Lon's poignancy as this trapped man is heartbreaking. I love monster movies. Saw it on the big screen at TCM's Film Festival, and it really pops. Poor poor Larry Talbot.


Posted: January 16th, 2014, 12:16 pm
by RedRiver
Holy cow! FACE BEHIND THE MASK? I'm not familiar with that one. It sounds like a comic book. A fable. I love this movie, and I haven't even seen it! CITIZEN KANE...It may not be your favorite, but you never get enough of it. I'll go to my grave wanting to watch it one more time. Maybe I'll take it with me!


Posted: January 16th, 2014, 1:47 pm
by JackFavell
Love your choices everyone, and Maven, the descriptions! Sistah, you and me and The Great Lie. I revel in Mary's success and excess.

Every single post has made me say, "yeah! I;m on the same wavelength! Perfect choices."




Posted: January 16th, 2014, 4:32 pm
by CineMaven
[u][color=#FF0000]RedRiver[/color][/u] wrote:Holy cow! FACE BEHIND THE MASK? I'm not familiar with that one. It sounds like a comic book. A fable. I love this movie, and I haven't even seen it! CITIZEN KANE...It may not be your favorite, but you never get enough of it. I'll go to my grave wanting to watch it one more time. Maybe I'll take it with me!
Red Rover Red Rover. Luckily Jackaaaaay has provided you with the link to see "Face Behind the Mask." It's a great little movie. Nice. Tight. I love your commitment to taking "Citizen Kane" with you beyond beyond. :lol:

* * * * *
[u][color=#FF0000]JackFavell[/color][/u] wrote:Love your choices everyone, and Maven, the descriptions! Sistah, you and me and The Great Lie. I revel in Mary's success and excess. Every single post has made me say, "yeah! I;m on the same wavelength! Perfect choices."
MI HERMANA! I liked many of your choices too JaxXxon. Ten of them in fact would be on my list: "Citizen Kane" "Ball of Fire" "How Green Was My Valley" "I Wake Up Screaming" "The Maltese Falcon" "The Lady Eve" "The Wolfman" "Hold Back the Dawn" and "The Great Lie." You know, we ought to watch that one together sometime.

I'll be looking for you all in 1942.


Posted: January 16th, 2014, 4:53 pm
by JackFavell
God, I'd love to watch The Great Lie with you! My family doesn't understand my passion for that film. It's all quizzical looks and secret communiques between them. I'm guessing they are signalling to each other that mom ranks up there with Mary Astor on the crazy-o-meter.

I noticed that I gave Betty Field two films in my 1941 list. Coincidence? I think not. :D

I have to get cracking on 1940, before everyone gets going on the summer of 42.


Posted: January 16th, 2014, 9:13 pm
by CineMaven
[u][color=#FF0000]JackFavell[/color][/u] wrote:God, I'd love to watch The Great Lie with you!..

( * ) Find that DVD and leave it over to the side.
( * ) You relate to Mary and not Bette? Interesting.
( * ) Get crackin' on 1940.
[u][color=#FF0000]kingrat[/color][/u] wrote:I'll hold off on 1942 until you post your 1940, JF, but if I have to tell you, the 1942 list definitely includes a film with Betty Field.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... :wink:


Posted: January 17th, 2014, 9:02 am
by JackFavell
Yeah, I relate to Mary. Funny, huh? I'm living Bette's little country life here, but secretly I'm a Mary at heart. :D


Posted: January 17th, 2014, 9:11 am
by JackFavell

1. His Girl Friday
2. Grapes of Wrath
4. The Great Dictator
5. The Philadelphia Story
6. Pinocchio
7. Foreign Correspondent
8. The Thief of Baghdad
9. The Westerner
10. Christmas in July

11. The Long Voyage Home
12. Contraband
13. Remember the Night
14. Stranger on the Third Floor
15. Night Train to Munich
16. They Knew What They Wanted
17. Vigil In the Night
18. Waterloo Bridge
19. All This and Heaven Too

I am embarrassed to say I've never seen The Great McGinty or I am sure it would have ranked up there in the top ten.


Posted: January 17th, 2014, 1:29 pm
by RedRiver
Wendy J. Favell! For my money, you've listed John Ford's very best movie and Hawks' funniest comedy. I refer, of course, to GRAPES OF WRATH and HIS GIRL FRIDAY. You've included my favorite type of Hitchcock film, the spy adventure. THE WESTERNER is different. Unpredictable. I like it. It's just...different! And the quiet, thoughtful VIGIL IN THE NIGHT deserves more attention. It may be Ms. Lombard's finest performance, but that's hard to say. She was always almost perfect.

A friend of mine called PINOCCHIO his favorite movie. His FAVORITE movie! I don't know that I'd go that far. But it's darn good Disney, and I'm glad you've cited it.


Posted: January 17th, 2014, 3:43 pm
by JackFavell
Pinocchio is, to my way of thinking, the best animation Disney ever did... I say that with reservations since I am sure someone will think something is better, and I may not have remembered whatever it is. The story is dark and interesting, though the moral is kind of ambiguous and screwed up.

Interesting that one of our members here has his name included in the title....