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Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 13th, 2012, 8:08 am
by JackFavell
Can you IMAGINE schmoozing with Liza (with a Z), Mickey, and Peggy, Larry Hagman, Marge Champion? It sounds wonderful!

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 13th, 2012, 9:24 am
by feaito
Indeed Wendy. Thanks Christy for taking the time to write down your experiences and sharing them with us all. I really do appreciate it.

By the way a very dear friend of mine since my childhood -raised in Indiana and who lives in CT- and who's become a Classic Movie Buff due to my good influence :wink: , ejem! is attending for the second time the TCM festival and she's thrilled.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 8:03 am
by moira finnie
Many thanks to all the SSO members who are sharing their impressions of the TCM Classic Film Festival.

I'm really looking forward to more, though based on the incredibly diverse posts seen on the TCM staff's LIve Blog from the event in the last few days, I just don't know how any of you can choose which uniquely appealing venue to go to next! I imagine it will take time to digest everything you have witnessed, but it sure is fun to think of you guys having a ball and rubbing elbows with other lovers of classic films. Btw, did anyone else spot some well known members of our merry band in the photos that have been posted on the Photo Gallery? I think I did, though it's only a guess, so I'm not telling!!

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 9:35 am
by Lzcutter
TCM's own King of Cool, Tom Brown pulled the hosting duties for Wings, the restored version, and introduced A..C. Lyles as "Mr Paramount". I promise to come back later tonight to tell the rest of that story.

The restoration was great, by far the best print I have ever seen of the film and the vintage score was terrific. Ben Burtt has added battle sounds to the war footage and plane sounds, used very effectively in the scene with Gary Cooper, so if you are silent film purist, be aware.

"My father was Wild Bill, I'm Mild Bill." Bill Wellman, Jr being introduced by Tom Brown after the screening. More later!

"I have to tell ya, I'm friggin' nervous" Ben M confided to the audience as he prepared to introduce Kirk Douglas at the screening of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

The crowd roared and jumped to their feet as Kirk Douglas took the stage.

Ben did just fine and even got Douglas to sing the first verse of A Whale of a Tale. They talked at length about Douglas and the breaking of the backlist. Kirk has a new book coming out this summer called I am Sparatcus about the making of the film and his decision to credit Dalton Trumbo on screen.

"Sweet Mystery of Life at last I've found you"- Once again TCM's King of Cool, Tom Brown singing as he approached the stage to introduce Mel Brooks at the screening of Young Frankenstein.

He asked the audience how many had seen Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein earlier in the day. Hands all around the theater shot up. "You may be feeling like you have a case of whiplash before this film is over." he told them.

As part of the "housekeeping" announcements, he reminded people to turn off their cell phones and to refrain from taking pictures of the screen during the movie.

"If you take a picture of a projected image, you get nothing. Besides, you can buy this film on DVD."

Mel was in terrific form. He told the story about seeing the original Frankenstein in 1931 when he was 5 years old. He was afraid that the monster would climb through the fire escape window of the family's 5th story apartment, kill him and eat him.

That is till his mother explained that the monster would have to take a train from Translyvania, then a boat across the ocean, the subway to Brooklyn and would likely go after the first floor neighbors before climbing five flights of the fire escape.

He then told the story of how Gene Wilder was writing the script during the filming of Blazing Saddles.

"I love you guys, but you're nuts!" Mel said at the end of his discussion.

The movie was on 35mm film and as pitch perfect as it was 38 years ago when it was originally released.

Coming out of the screening we ran into Scott McGee whose voice was already getting raspy. He told us that the print of The Searchers which screened earlier in the morning against Wings was gorgeous!

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 12:09 pm
by mongoII
So good to see all those wonderful snapshots from the festival. Debbie Reynolds looks swell as does the great Mickey Rooney and Barbara Rush, although I didn't recognize Michael York right away.
Also enjoying the video clips of the festival on TCM. Looks like a wonderful affair.
Keep us informed Sue Sue, which we all appreciate.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 1:17 pm
by knitwit45
Poor Michael York. What happened to him? He looks like he's had some really serious health problems. Good for him, that he came to the festival, even if he doesn't look too good....sign of real self confidence, isn't it?

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 2:07 pm
by moira finnie
knitwit45 wrote:Poor Michael York. What happened to him? He looks like he's had some really serious health problems. Good for him, that he came to the festival, even if he doesn't look too good....sign of real self confidence, isn't it?
Michael York had to cancel scheduled appearances at film festivals in the last year due to an unspecified illness. I think he is a brave man to attend the restoration of Cabaret considering his apparent vulnerability. Call me Pollyanna, but I sure hope that people are kind to him. I agree, Nancy--good for him.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 3:39 pm
by JackFavell
I am loving the photos! I see some people I know!

I'm also getting some good tips on dress and makeup from all these pictures.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 8:50 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
moirafinnie wrote:
knitwit45 wrote:Poor Michael York. What happened to him? He looks like he's had some really serious health problems. Good for him, that he came to the festival, even if he doesn't look too good....sign of real self confidence, isn't it?
Michael York had to cancel scheduled appearances at film festivals in the last year due to an unspecified illness. I think he is a brave man to attend the restoration of Cabaret considering his apparent vulnerability. Call me Pollyanna, but I sure hope that people are kind to him. I agree, Nancy--good for him.
Did you all see the interview of Michael York that was televised (Associated Press, I think)? It was a little jarring to see him (but perhaps no more jarring than seeing anyone who's been absent for a couple of decades), then he spoke and there was that voice. I always thought he sounded like James Mason reborn. The voice of melted caramel. How nice that he was able to make it. I posted the interview on lzcutter's Facebook page, in case any of you are on FB.

I'm sorry I couldn't make the festival this year, and so very thankful for these reports.

Now what happened at the Snow White screening?

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 15th, 2012, 12:51 am
by Lzcutter
"On the naming of the dwarfs, there was supposed to be one named Awful. According to the notes, 'he drinks, he steals and he is always dirty'" Disney historian JB Kaufman giving a presentation to Spotlight passholders this morning at breakfast. Thanks to the kindness of filmlover, I was able to get to the Roosevelt in time for JB's presentation this morning (MrCutter had to take care of the feeding of the baby turtles this morning).

As the author of JB's PowerPoint presentation, I was able to attend his presentation. He did a terrific job of talking about some of the lesser known stories about the making of Snow White. Also, Becky Cline from the Disney Studio Archives was there and brought one of the models of the Nautilus from 20,000 Leagues as part of her presentation.

All in all, two terrific presentations and hopefully, successful enough that TCM will consider dong more of them next year.

I wanted to get over to the Chinese multiplex to hear Walter Mirisch talk about Fall Guy but the Kim Novak hand and foot print ceremony was going on in the forecourt of Grauman's and it was impossible to get across the street in time.

MrCutter arrived in time for Snow White which he had never seen on the big screen. Though the restoration was done in 2009 this was the first screening of the restored version. It looks beautiful.

Leonard Maltin did the introduction honors and brought Marge Champion to the stage. Marge was the model for Snow White when she was a teenager attending Hollywood High School.

"This is rather fitting as I was born on Orange Dr (the western boundary of the Chinese theater) between Fountain and DeLongpre. I watched them build this theater." she told an appreciative audience.

Maltin then brought out Gennifer Goodwin who plays Snow White on the tv series, Once Upon a Time and she talked about her life-long love affair with this film and the character.

A little over half through the film there was some sort of medical mishap that required one of the patrons to be taken out of the theater in a wheel chair. Not sure what happened but hopefully, it wasn't serious.

I'm also not sure how much of the audience was aware there was a problem. We were seated nearby and saw the theater and TCM staff respond immediately. The audience booed and hissed the evil Queen and applauded when she got her comeuppance.

After Snow White, we got back in line again at Grauman's, this time for Casablanca another film MrCutter had not seen on the big screen. The nearly full audience loved the restoration as much as we did.

People applauded loudly after Victor Lazlo led the French bar patrons in that rousing rendition of the Le Marseillaises

After that we hurried over to Club TCM at the Roosevelt for a special screening of Home Movies from the collection of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. We saw color home movie footage of parties at Fred MacMurray's house (Caesar Romero was dreamy!!!), color footage of Gilbert Roland, shirtless and on a boat.

Hollywood in 1947!!! OMG!!!!

Footage of costume party at Marion Davies beach house that included Carole Lombard and Clark Gable among the revelers. Home movie footage of Shirley Temple making Heidi- The footage was shot by her mother. Margaret O'Brien, June Allyson and Cyd Charisse (and possibly Ava Gardner) doing a ballet.

It was over all too quick though it lasted almost an hour.

Then it was time for TCM's 18th Birthday salute.

Robert O took the stage and thanked everyone for being there. He recounted the story of how he was hired by Ted Turner but had yet to meet him. They were to have lunch together but Robert O was worried about what they would talk about. Luckily, Turner confessed that he loved movies, especially classic movies and wasn't all that interested in sports. He told Robert O that's why he was always falling asleep at the baseball games.

Robert O invited Ben M to join him on stage.

"It changed my life forever" Ben M at the 18th TCM Birthday Salute talking about how joining the TCM family in 2003 affected his life.

Robert O then introduced special guests Margaret O'Brien, Kim Novak, Peggy Cummings (on her visit to Los Angeles in almost 60 years) and RJ Wagner.

"Thank you for saving our memories" Kim Novak to the audience at Club TCM during the Birthday salute.

We were sitting in the back and joined everyone in toasting our favorite network and sang "Happy Birthday" to TCM.

A very long day but a very fun and memorable one!

More later!

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 15th, 2012, 11:09 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
Wow! Peggy Cummins?! What movies of her's did they show? I'd love to see Night/Curse of the Demon on the big screen.

Hey! I saw Glenn Taranto interviewed on TCM tonight. I remember meeting him last year (and have him to thank for my attaining the fantastic MGM Backlot book), and believe he's one of our SSO denizens (though I don't remember his handle). Glad to see he made it to the Fest again; he made a great interview.

Thanks Lynn. Hope to hear more stories from the front.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 2:27 pm
by moira finnie
There's tons more about how others experienced the festival over on the TCM Message Boards. Homebodies can enjoy much of it vicariously...without standing in line. Enjoy!:

TCM Film Festival 2012

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 12:49 pm
by Rita Hayworth
After reading all these posts and your adventures ... its seems that everyone of you that shared had a wonderful time together and I for one; wanted to thank you all for sharing that with us. If you got more to share ... please do! :) :) :)

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 1:33 pm
by moira finnie
kingrat wrote:For four days I did not read a newspaper or turn on TV.
And this is bad because...?

When you have a chance to catch your breath (and catch up on your sleep) I hope you will share the Siodmak comments and your reaction to Criss Cross!