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Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 5th, 2012, 12:55 pm
by JackFavell
That's because most candidates nowadays are hiding themselves, rather than commenting on important topics or doing anything. They are so afraid of making a mistake that they do nothing without a poll behind it. They would rather we NOT know who they are until after the election, and it's all programmed to make them appear the best, just like selling a house. It's all staging and very disappointing.

I find it interesting that for years it seemed there was little difference in the parties, and now it seems like huge game changing differences.

Oops sorry I jumped over your post Alison.
There's not much on our TV or won't be once the Paralympics has gone, that's proving really fun and inspirational to watch, it makes one feel good about being a member of the human race.
That is more like it!

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 12:57 am
by mrsl
Well, you know I love politics and live for the presidential conventions. I watched all of the RNC last week and I'm glued to the T.V. this week for the DNC. However, Red River, I'm praying that Bill Clinton makes some people sit up and take notice of what he was talking about. My neighbor has been a republican all her life, but after the speeches last night, she told me today she is questioning what she heard last week. (all about women and their health issues), Clinton was phenomenal and no matter who you're behind, if you saw his speech, you would have to admit his words put some fear into your parents hearts. They sure did mine, but I already knew what he was talking about because I listen to Obama when he describes what he is doing when he puts a program into action, so I can feel safe that my children will be fed and educated. Again, I'm not trying to start a political debate here, just responding to some of the comments others have made, in regard to mine.


Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 1:35 pm
by RedRiver
Is this The Advice Column? Can someone tell me how to buy a box of cookies and NOT eat the whole thing in two days? This is why I rarely keep snacks in the house. I miss the pleasure they provide. But willpower is not one of my assets. Oatmeal raisin, no less. I love those things!

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 1:58 pm
by Rita Hayworth
RedRiver wrote:Is this The Advice Column? Can someone tell me how to buy a box of cookies and NOT eat the whole thing in two days? This is why I rarely keep snacks in the house. I miss the pleasure they provide. But willpower is not one of my assets. Oatmeal raisin, no less. I love those things!
RedRiver ... I'm exactly like you ... I buy a package of yummy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies that comes in a dozen and eat the whole thing during on any great movie that I watch on Turner Classic Movies at any day of the week.

I dig Oatmeal Raisins Cookies!!!

Great Minds Think Alike!!!

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 2:16 pm
by movieman1957
RedRiver wrote:Is this The Advice Column? Can someone tell me how to buy a box of cookies and NOT eat the whole thing in two days?
I think the fact that you don't eat them all in one day is progress. For me, there are only chocolate chip cookies. And Lord, don't put a bowl of peanut M&M's in front of me. There will be trouble, I have witnesses.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 2:21 pm
by CineMaven
RedRiver wrote:Is this The Advice Column? Can someone tell me how to buy a box of cookies and NOT eat the whole thing in two days? This is why I rarely keep snacks in the house. I miss the pleasure they provide. But willpower is not one of my assets. Oatmeal raisin, no less. I love those things!
Sure...use will power.

...And don't forget to vote in November.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 2:36 pm
by JackFavell
Andrew can eat 3 cookies out of an entire box or bag, and resist them for days afterward. Me? I ate all the peanut M&Ms right after you left, Chris.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 2:40 pm
by moira finnie
A dejected figure with cookie crumbs on her clothes and a furtive look enters the basement of a local hall. Other figures, better groomed and seemingly cheerful greet one another. Most grab a cup of coffee, though a few of them surreptitiously head for the fridge and pour themselves a long, tall, cool glass of moo juice, the beverage of choice of all cookie addicts. The newbie shuffles to the podium...

"My name is Moira (*gulp*). This is my first meeting at Cookies Anonymous...(takes a long slug of ice cold milk and continues...)"
"I...I never met a box of Animal Crackers I didn't like. You guys can have everything else. I started early. It was an innocent gesture on my parent's part to distract me on those long trips to the A & P...then, it became something else... At first I told myself it was "just the box" I wanted with the cunning little string handle and the old time images of animals in could I know that I would be the one in the cage soon? I thought that I just wanted to pretend I had a train of circus animals to pull around the yard. Then I started to take notice of the devilishly simple cookie inside. Then I heard the giraffe, the zebra and tiger, and, oh, the elephant calling my name and reminding me of the power of...the cookie."

(A longtime sponsor at this meeting, a blue ball of fuzz named Mr. A. Cookie Monster, strides forward and slaps Moira back into sensibility and control...)

"Thanks, I needed that..., I think the only way to avoid eating these is to NEVER go down the cookie and cracker aisle in the super market. One healthier substitute for that cookie siren song are clementines. They're little, they have vitamin C and are satisfying to the sweetest tooth. They've gotten me through many a night....besides, it looks pretty weird for a grown woman to be playing with a train of boxes out in the back yard...I guess. Thanks for sharing!"

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 2:50 pm
by JackFavell
Ha! I guess I am going to have to join CA myself, Moira... that was too funny...and too close to home. :D

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 2:51 pm
by movieman1957
JackFavell wrote:Andrew can eat 3 cookies out of an entire box or bag, and resist them for days afterward. Me? I ate all the peanut M&Ms right after you left, Chris.
I'm glad I left some for you. No point in me having all the fun.
moirafinnie wrote:My name is Moira (*gulp*). This is my first meeting at Cookies Anonymous...(takes a long slug of ice cold milk and continues...)
Hi Moira:

Welcome to the club. We meet regularly.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 3:29 pm
by MissGoddess
it makes me soooo cranky to eat only two or three cookies. i usually bake them homemade, which requires some effort and that helps to slow me down. however, i admit at trader joe's the other day i bought a big jug of those cat-shaped cookies...i told myself it was for nikki and felix...

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 3:52 pm
by mrsl
If you have absolutely no will power, keep the cookies, candy, or whatever else wrapped up really well, and leave it in the trunk of your car. Take a few inside with you but make sure it will be irritating to get to the rest, especially as a very late night snack after you're in your jammies, or you're just exhausted after a full day of work. The rigmarole of getting up from in front of the TV, putting on a sweater and shoes or house slippers, walking out to the garage or the driveway, opening the trunk and digging through the wrapping should make you think to bring enough in for a snack in the evening. Just mark them as for you, so nobody else in the family eats them.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 7th, 2012, 11:30 am
by RedRiver
"HI, MOIRA!" Our speaker tonight is Don Birnam. From another fellowship.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 7th, 2012, 12:02 pm
by JackFavell
I hide my cookies in the overhead light and out the window. Never the toilet tank!

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 7th, 2012, 12:16 pm
by movieman1957
My problem is I don't hide them at all.