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Just say no...

Posted: February 28th, 2008, 2:19 pm
by benwhowell
Hey, CP...I haven't seen "Juno" I get the impression it was last year's "Little Miss Sunshine."
I love those contemporary slices of Americana...for the masses...with an indie edge.
Reminds me of way back in the '80's when some of my fave directors/writers were turning out these types of movies left and right...including Johathan Demme, Joe Dante, Susan Seidelman, Allan Arkush, Martha Coolidge, John Sayles, et al.
I've read a coupla interviews with Diablo Cody and she writes for Entertainment Weekly. I like her stuff and I'm glad she got this encouraging nod.
I picked up the soundtrack to "Juno" because it featured many of my fave artists...including Cat Power, Belle & Sebastian, The Velvet Underground and Sonic Youth. I'm now obsessed with Kimya Dawson/The Moldy Peaches.
I was totally blown away by Ellen Page in "Hard Candy." Anxious to see her in something a little less intense.

I'd also like to add that I was hoping art director Jack Fisk would have taken home a add to the family collection. Was this his first nomination?
I've always loved his work...from the warped DIY techniques he and David Lynch used on the underground/cult/midnight movie masterpiece, "Eraserhead" to his directing his beloved Sissy Spacek in "Ragedy Man" and beyond.

Posted: February 28th, 2008, 2:39 pm
by Lzcutter
Ben W,

I believe they met on the set of "Badlands". Spacek is listed as an assistant set dresser in "Phantom of the Paradise".

Two years later, was her break-out role in "Carrie".

They've been married for forever.

I don't think he has won an Oscar yet.

Glad to see you back here!