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Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 4:07 pm
by knitwit45
who called 911, O? didn't you say they took your phone? I'm still wired about this, it's as you say, disbelief, denial and ANGER, along with thanksgiving that you are ok.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 10:08 pm
by ChiO
The assault was 1/4 block from the HS from whence the young men most likely came, and the assault was at about the end of a school day. So when I got to the end of the alley afterward, a HS security guard was standing there. He had seen the vehicle take off, but didn't see the assault. He called the police and the paramedics. One of the officers said he'd made two arrests inside the school that day and also said, It's the start of the school year. It's gang recruitment season.

24-36 hours later, all of the homes across the street from the HS (the fateful alley is in the middle of that) were tagged.

Excuse me -- break in action -- the detective just called to set up a time to pick someone out. He's confident he's found him.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 6:55 am
by klondike
Great news, ChiO.
It's your very personal choice, of course, but as an ex-badge, and a fellow American citizen, I would urge you to follow through every coming step of the process, no matter how unpleasant, or redundant, or time-consuming (as an attorney, I'm sure you're no stranger to some of those challenges) . . if for no other reason than somewhere up the line, some aspect of all this might be part of a young man's tough decision to begin turning his life around, and dare to stand-up & be a real man.
It doesn't happen as frequently as it should, but it does happen.
Anyway, whatever you choose, my Friend, this old Scot's bonnet is off to ye.
How does it feel to be a hero?

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 8:06 am
by ChiO
How does it feel to be a hero?
Thanks for the thought, but I wouldn't know. Being at an inopportune place for a random beating is just that...being in an inopportune place for a random beating. There are plenty of real a detective for tracking down someone (or, at least trying to) over $50 and a non-fatal crime in a city of 2 million.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 8:37 am
by Uncle Stevie
It is a shame and just plain wrong that people beyond a certain age or perhaps non combative people must now lock themselves up and deny the many opportunities of freedom in our country. I am incensed at the growing violence and "gang" environments that have festered in our communities. What a shame to lose that freedom.

In my youth we sent children to school on foot without concern. We mostly did not lock our doors. We all traveled to work without concern or fear of attack. In my day gangs really feared the Police. We really enjoyed our lives without the fears of today. Today you should not walk alone and certainly not with an IPod in your ear for fear you will not hear a potential mugger behind you. What has this world come to?

Chio, you are lucky to be alive and from all that you said very fortunate to have survived without a lifetime injury. I admire your bravery for dealing with the situation and surviving the moment. I also respect your determination to eventually consume the trout.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 10:32 am
by charliechaplinfan
I think it's great you can talk about in this way and hopefully we're helping. I hope they've got the guy, for the police to come up with something after an assault like this is quite surprising. If they've got him, it's a pity you're not allowed to sock one at them before they're led away.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 12:00 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
If you would have just handed over that $50 in the first place, I wouldn't have had to waste a beer on your hard head! :wink:

Seriously, when Mr. ChiO first reported this to me I was astounded at his resolve. He had been working on his Shakespeare contest the whole time and never said a word until I called and asked what he'd done that weekend. When he began to relate the entire story with movie references, I realized one of two things had occurred:

A) He's alright and retained his sense of humor.

B) That bottle must of hit him harder than he thought and he'll never be the same.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 8:00 pm
by knitwit45
It is amazing...well, maybe not. The women who have responded to this assault report have almost all said they would like to hurt the guys who did it..I think it must be the mother gene kicking in. It is another prime example of what I have said before: this place and these people are family, and families may kick and grouse and yell at each other, but let someone outside that unit hurt one of the ones inside, and look out.

I guess what I'm stumbling around trying to say is, ChiO, we all care and hope you are truly ok. You certainly are a strong fellow, I would have probably saved the trout and lost the glasses....

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 8:28 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
knitwit45 wrote: I would have probably saved the trout and lost the glasses....
You probably would have smacked them with the trout! :P

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 8:36 pm
by knitwit45
yup. :D

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 4th, 2010, 9:40 am
by Vecchiolarry
Hi ChiO,

Glad you're recuperating nicely and have retained your sense of humour - that helps mend the body.....

As Joan Davis once said in one of her movies after falling down somewhere (in relation to your head injuries):
"Thank God I landed on my head - I could have broken my legs!!"


Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 7th, 2010, 10:30 pm
by Birdy
Chio - My goodness, I am certainly coming late to this tale. I am so glad you are all right, my fellow Illinoisian. I'm glad the bumps weren't too serious, and hope they are mending. Saddest to me is the fallout of your missing the filmfest. I hope fun plans will be in store for you again soon. Wishing all the best for you; especially peace of mind. (Basketball season starts soon.)
Your friend,

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 13th, 2010, 9:03 am
by ChiO
(Continuing to hijack this thread)

The last episode of our story ended on Oct. 2 with:
Excuse me -- break in action -- the detective just called to set up a time to pick someone out. He's confident he's found him.
On October 6, I looked at six photographs. I pointed out two that I recognized. The detective then informed me that one lived at the address that corresponded with the phone number called three times from my stolen cell phone and that a vehicle matching the one I had described had been seen parked in front of that address (Suspect #1). The other young man was a known associate (Suspect #2). The police now had probable cause to bring them in.

Yesterday, October 12, around noon, I was asked to come into the station to identify a vehicle.

Officer: Is this it?
ChiO: If it's not, then it's just like it.

I was then informed that it would be impounded and that it was registered to the father of Suspect #1, who was now in custody.

Last night, I went in for a lineup -- five young men.

Detective: Recognize any one?
ChiO: Him (pointing to one of them).
Detective: Sure?
ChiO: Yes.

We walk back into the detectives' area where the graveyard shift detectives are standing and talking. They look at us. The detective flashes a thumbs up and there are smiles. He then informed me that I had identified Suspect #1 and that he had confessed to the robbery and assault, but claimed that Suspect #2 had used the deadly weapon (the bottle). I was then interviewed by the on-duty Assistant State's Attorney. Apparently, this is the first felony that Suspect #1 will be charged with.

The search continues for Suspect #2.

Court appearance: October 19.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 13th, 2010, 9:09 am
by movieman1957
They cancelled "Law and Order" one season too soon.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 13th, 2010, 9:17 am
by moira finnie
They cancelled "Law and Order" one season too soon.
I see a new branch of the franchise sprouting:
Law & Order: Chicago, starring ChiO as judge, jury and prosecuting attorney! But never again a victim.