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Posted: September 13th, 2007, 8:50 pm
by Vecchiolarry

Yes, your English is very good; much better than some who are actually English, Canadian or American.

If you can't think of inspiring words about a film in English, simply say it in Spanish. We're all broadminded & international here. And, some of us speak Spanish......


Posted: September 13th, 2007, 9:15 pm
by feaito
Beda, Ben, Sugarpuss, Anne, Larry, thanks you all for your kind words regarding my use of the English language. I'm truly honored by your comments.

The kind of positive interaction that has taken place here today, thanks to Anne's post, could never take place currently at the TCM Boards, because some troll would "destroy" the thread.

I concur with John regarding certain threads. Likewise, I probably wouldn't either post in a thread about Marlon Brando, for example, who's not a favorite of mine, although I admit he is a great actor. He's just not my cup of tea and I wouldn't have much to say about him.

Ben I finally could see "Apartment Zero" again... after years of looking for that film I bought a used VHS of it at and I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. I think that it contains Hart Bochner's best performance ever and the ambivalences of his character and Colin Firth's are fantastic. It also features the fabulous Liz Smith, who became a favorite of mine after watching "Private Function", a swell British black comedy. Other points of interest in this film, besided the aboslutely engrossing, suspenseful plot, are that Colin plays a classic film aficionado and that the film is set in a "fictional" Buenos Aires, after the end of the Military Regime.

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 12:35 am
by Mr. Arkadin
I do apologize if I haven't contributed enough to threads or postings of others. Honestly, I think we all have posts that get ignored from time to time for all kinds of reasons.

I think the disagreement issue is a valid one. I see all kinds of threads on films or actors I dislike. When somone asks my opinion, I will give it once. Afterwards, I will not horn in on every thread and ruin others enjoyment by saying I think so and so stinks. I do think the maturity level is high enough here that people can have disagreements without feelings being hurt. There are many films that I intitally did not like (sometimes for years!!), but was swayed by posts here to give another chance. Armed with their new insights, many times I was won over. This could never happen without an opposing view. This is one reason I'm not sold on individual blogs here. I think knowlege comes from participation--not isolation. While I am writing articles at another forum, my goal is to get others to participate--I already know what I think. It's others points of view that can get me to see something I never saw or view things in a totally different way.

pktrekgirl, I do apologize for not looking at your art. I will check it out and PM you sometime this weekend. I will also say that I personally don't respond to political or most other unfilm related posts simply because it is not why I come here.

Finally, everyone here has something to contribute. Some people have said certain subjects go over their heads. Hey, that happens to all of us!! If you don't understand something ask questions. I'm sure some posters would love to answer you and some other people probably wanted to ask that same question, but didn't. No one here has a handle on every film or subject and many films are so multilayered that you could get five different answers--all valid points of view--on the same film! Many times my questions were answered by other curious posters who were faster on the keys.

Finally, as others have said, it takes all of us to make this place what it is. That is especially important as this site has a low number of members, making each members post count even more. All forums and places such as this (and TCM) run in cycles of activity. It also did not help that last month's showings on TCM were not the best choices either. Things will pick up.

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 8:38 am
by jdb1
JohnM wrote:Okay, so what'll tallk about?! :D
Good question.

Actually, I haven't really been watching TCM much lately -- the programming hasn't really grabbed my interest. So much of what's being shown over the next few weeks is old hat for me (as was much of what was shown over the summer) -- I've either seen them a zillion times, or I already own copies, or I simply wasn't interested.

I'm curious to see some of the Teddington Studio films, but having seen similar films in the past, I know some of those will be a bit too arch and "veddy veddy British" for my tastes, and I may not be able to stand too much at one sitting.

I hope I remember to record some of the Sunday night silents (this Sunday's "The Delicious Little Devil" sounds worth seeing just for the title alone). But, knowing me, even with a TCM reminder email I'll probably forget, and if I do remember, I won't have any tapes, etc.

To tell the truth, I've been ill for the last two months, and I took medical leave for half of July and all of August. I wasn't really strong enough to put much effort into creative postings, but I'm back at work now, and I'll try to come up with a few ideas for threads which may be of interest. I hope some of our colleagues will do the same.

I'm always happy to talk about character actors - I guess we can use another "It Takes Character" kind of thread -- what to you all think?

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 8:58 am
by knitwit45
jdb1 wrote:
I'm always happy to talk about character actors - I guess we can use another "It Takes Character" kind of thread -- what to you all think?

I really enjoy the "character" threads. One of my favorites was The Beauty of a Lived in Face. Putting names to the faces is so much fun, and always a "Oh, so THAT'S who that is!" moment.


Posted: September 14th, 2007, 10:14 am
by movieman1957
jdb1 wrote:
JohnM wrote:
I'm always happy to talk about character actors - I guess we can use another "It Takes Character" kind of thread -- what to you all think?
Sounds great. It's the one thing we don't seem to have in today's movies. I learned a lot from reading those threads.

I also like the fact that Mongo is doing his Spotlight. It's been wonderful learning about people we see so often but seldom seem to hear about.

Maybe we can discuss more of those outside of his thread.

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 10:15 am
by MissGoddess
This turned into a nice read on this thread! (And I like the "group hug" visual, Moraldo :wink: )

And I am humbled by all the humility---so many of you think you know little about all the various cinema-related subjects! Heck, I am only just beginning to notice "framing" and what the camera is doing in movie scenes. Up until now I have always focused exclusively on character, morality and story values. I am confessedly at sea in many, many topics and love reading from all of you much more knowledgable folks, and more experienced ones, too. Because there is a very nice age mixture here I can tell, something that is important to me. Most people my age just turn and run at the sight of an old black and white film, but here we have people who grew up with them plus a few younger ones who like their shades of grey.

All I feel I have to offer is opinionated passion coupled with ignorance at times, so no one here should feel they have nothing to contribute---just say what your gut reaction is to the subject. It's like the fellow in the museum who says "I don't know much about art but I know what I like". So many use that illustration in a disparaging way, I think it's a validation.

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 10:54 am
by mrsl
One last thought, but first, Lynn, I have to apologize profoundly for using you as an example, it was thoughtless and stupid of me. You have so many more important issues on your mind than our message board. I was foolish to even name you, and I am so sorry if I caused you any discomfort at this time.

And Judith, you silly goose, let people know when you don't feel well. Believe me, the collective age of our posters know about aches and pains, not that we want to go into details, but a little interest from your friends never hurts.

Being a western movie fan, I love sidekicks, and supporting actors, another thing I love to learn is "Where are they now". Often I will see an actor in a lot of things, then they disappear, and I wonder if they quit to go into another career or just quit. There is a psychologist in L.A. whose name is Dr. Jane Greer, and I am very curious as to whether she is the same Jane Greer we all know from film noir.

Also, when I am looking for something to check out, I scroll quickly through the DVD sales, and collection section of the main menu, because I don't collect or buy, and I don't care when something will be available, but unfortunately the 'drawing' thread is mixed in with that section, and I never looked at it except once, then forgot where it was. Thanks for the reminder.


Posted: September 14th, 2007, 11:37 am
by jdb1
mrsl wrote: And Judith, you silly goose, let people know when you don't feel well. Believe me, the collective age of our posters know about aches and pains, not that we want to go into details, but a little interest from your friends never hurts.

Being a western movie fan, I love sidekicks, and supporting actors, another thing I love to learn is "Where are they now". Often I will see an actor in a lot of things, then they disappear, and I wonder if they quit to go into another career or just quit. There is a psychologist in L.A. whose name is Dr. Jane Greer, and I am very curious as to whether she is the same Jane Greer we all know from film noir.

Thank you, Anne. I am feeling more like myself now. I'm not one for cataloging my aches and pains outside the family (or inside the family, for that matter). After a while, you just get tired of relating the story.

A "Where Are They Now" thread sounds interesting, but also sounds like it would require a lot of research. I wonder about Jane Greer -- is she still alive? I know that France Nuyen became a psychologist, and I just recently read about some other actress who did the same, but I now forget who. Maybe it was in Farley Granger's book? The actor to shrink segue seems a logical one to me, since actors are concerned with human behavior. And what about actors who go into religous life, and vice versa?

Some other topics I thought about: actors (or others involved in making movies) who started out as something other than actors; Hollywood actors who were born in other countries (sometimes not who you would expect); or developing some threads we've explored elsewhere, such as books brought to film; originals, sequels and remakes; multitasking actors (playing many different roles as well as singing, or dancing, or being behind the scenes); actors who are related to other actors or celebrities; "one hit wonders," and so on.

Best Boy?

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 12:54 pm
by benwhowell
Jane Greer died in 2001 of cancer. (Don't know about her being a psychologist.) I know that Janice Rule received a degree in psychotherapy in the early '80's and opened a private practice in NYC. She died in 2003 of a cerebral hemorrhage.
Here's some interesting trivia I discovered connecting Jane Greer to my "hometown." Her grandfather, Charles Dean McLean Greer, was a representative of Shelby County (in Memphis, TN) in the state House from 1899-1901 and in the Senate (as speaker) from 1901-1903. Greer Street in Memphis is named after him...
I would love to see more "talk" about character well as the "technical" people behind the movies-writers, directors, cinematographers, art directors, costume designers, editors, etc.
Their contributions to the movies are quite significant.
It was great to hear Norman Jewison acknowledge so many of these people and their "craft" last night.
I really do think that "making of" documentaries are sometimes just as entertaining as the movie itself...

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 1:11 pm
by jdb1
Janice Rule is who I was thinking of, Ben. Thanks.
She and Farley Granger had a brief relationship, which he mentions in his book.

Adrian LeDuc

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 1:34 pm
by benwhowell
Fernando, I loved Liz Smith and Dora Bryan in "Apartment Zero." They reminded me of those chatty British "birds" in "The Odd Couple" and those chatty British geese in "The Aristocats."
Everything about "Apartment Zero" is so fascinating to me. Director Martin Donovan was born in Argentina. He began his career writing TV sitcoms in America-from "The Partridge Family" and "Room 222" to "Chico And The Man" and "The Mary Tyler Moore Show."
And then he writes/directs this intense thriller about a classic American movie buff ("with one or two hundred idiosyncrasies") in Buenos Aires...with all that sexual and political overtone. I think it is a brillant homage to classic movies/characters/themes, etc. Great beginning with only two people in the audience to see "Touch Of Evil" as he "convinces himself and his only employee that things will pick up with the James Dean retrospective...and later his own real life American "James Dean" shows up. I loved that game they played. Great ending too. I don't think this is really a SPOILER, but that final scene with him leaving his (compromised) "cinema club" and stopping to "stare down" the camera (we-the veiwer) sent chills down my spine.
What's up with Buenos Aires anyway? Hasn't there been some recent "guerilla" activity there?

Posted: September 16th, 2007, 10:05 pm
by feaito
Great insight Ben.

Buenos Aires hasn't had any Guerrilla activity recently, but Argentina has had it share of Coup D'Etats, Military Regimes and Dictatorships in the past (the last ended during the 1980s, so the reference in "Apartment Zero" is to this Miltary Dictatorship), like many other Latin American countries, beginning with Cuba.

Posted: September 17th, 2007, 11:55 am
by pktrekgirl
^ *teehee*

I've actually done a fair amount of research on one of those military dictators. I have a long-running fascination with the Perons and have read quite a bit about them. Although I must confess that I am more interested in Eva Peron than in Juan...their rise to power as a couple is most fascinating to me.

I also think it is incredible that after 18 years or so in exile, he was able to come back and be re-elected! That's amazing! I don't know much about Isabel - maybe I should read up on her?

And what's up with Evita? - In the end they had to bury her in this tomb that could survive a nuclear blast, just to keep the grave robbers out of there! :lol: And they went to pretty great lengths to have her...erm...'preserved'. There are whole books written, just about *that*!

Argentina's politics are most interesting, if the Perons are any indication!

Posted: September 17th, 2007, 3:59 pm
by feaito
pktrekgirl wrote:^ *teehee*I also think it is incredible that after 18 years or so in exile, he was able to come back and be re-elected! That's amazing! I don't know much about Isabel - maybe I should read up on her?

And what's up with Evita? - In the end they had to bury her in this tomb that could survive a nuclear blast, just to keep the grave robbers out of there! :lol: And they went to pretty great lengths to have her...erm...'preserved'. There are whole books written, just about *that*!

Argentina's politics are most interesting, if the Perons are any indication!
Isabel Estela de PerĂ³n is still alive, I believe, but I don't know if there's any bio of her.

I've seen a documentary about the fate of Evita's preserved corpse. It's crazy all what's happened to it!!