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Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 7:48 pm
by silentscreen
Thank you Ken and Fernando. I'm very excited! :D

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 8:02 pm
by silentscreen
More good news- granddaughters Emma and Anna are walking now. My how time flies when you're having fun and young! :D ... miling.jpg


Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 8:27 pm
by klondike
silentscreen wrote:Thank you Ken and Fernando. I'm very excited! :D
You should be! :mrgreen:
I envy you this opportunity; to visit Britain, and meet an almost-lost sibling! You must have racked-up some pretty great karma for the angels to treat you this fine!! :wink:
Take good, deep advantage of this one, Dear; getting over to the UK is definitely high on my bucket list!
And we expect pictures!!!

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 9:14 pm
by silentscreen
Thank you Klonnie! I know I'm blessed. Not only is he a very fine man, but I lost an older brother when he died in a car wreck at only thirty years of age. That brother was only two years younger than this long lost brother, and he knew about him too! It's almost as though the angels have taken me in their arms in finding him and us getting on so well! It's not as though I don't miss my late brother every day, but this one has in some way stepped up to the plate, and I feel I'm little Sis again at last! :)

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 9:45 pm
by jdb1
Brenda, that photo of the girls is fabulous. It made me "exclaim" when it opened (some non-verbal noise of delight which I can't duplicate in print).

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 10:42 pm
by silentscreen
jdb1 wrote:Brenda, that photo of the girls is fabulous. It made me "exclaim" when it opened (some non-verbal noise of delight which I can't duplicate in print).
Aren't they lovely? Or as Stevie Wonder said about his own daughter, "Isn't she lovely?" Their father, and my own son says, that wonder passes over him every time he looks at them. They are my rock into the future, and my son's as well. :D They are twins of course, and have been very close in development. Annabelle (the blond, and most like my son, does all the physical stuff a little ahead of her sister, but Emma soon catches up, and is a bit more aggressive at this point.) Emma is in the pinker outfit.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 10:05 am
by charliechaplinfan
Brenda, they get cuter each time I see a new picture.

You're not only going to meet your brother in England, it's isn't that big a country, I'll catch up with you somewhere :wink:

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 10:31 am
by silentscreen
charliechaplinfan wrote:Brenda, they get cuter each time I see a new picture.

You're not only going to meet your brother in England, it's isn't that big a country, I'll catch up with you somewhere :wink:
Already planned and decided upon. :D I'll meet you in Derbyshire.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 12:48 pm
by moira finnie
Thank you for sharing the picture of those two little ones--they look as though they could be full of mischief, so the fact that they are walking is progress, but boy, they move fast sometimes at that age!

I'm delighted and touched to read about your contact and planned visit with your half brother. I hope your trip is a joyous one.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 1:48 pm
by knitwit45
Brenda, what adorable little ones. And how envious I am that you will get to be with our Alison! It sounds like a lovely trip, we will want to see lots of pictures!!!!

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 2:22 pm
by silentscreen
knitwit45 wrote:Brenda, what adorable little ones. And how envious I am that you will get to be with our Alison! It sounds like a lovely trip, we will want to see lots of pictures!!!!
Oh, I'm going to take lots of pictures! I know it will be in my mind forever, but it's good to have pictures just as concrete reminders. :D

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 3:38 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Not just Derbyshire but Chatsworth, the home of the Duke of Devonshire, the Dowager Duchess is the youngest of the Mitford sisters, Debo. Her sister in law now deceased was Kathleen Kennedy. Chatsworth is believed to be the model for Pemberley. There's not a nicer stately home in England, Brenda. I'm so looking forward to meeting you there.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 3:52 pm
by silentscreen ... sworth.jpg

Chatsworth House across the River Derwent, with the Hunting Tower visible above.

And Georgiana Spencer, wife of the fifth Duke, was an ancestor of both Diana,former Princess of Wales, and Sarah, Duchess of York.


Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 5:49 pm
by charliechaplinfan
The picture is beautiful yet doesn't quite do Chatsworth justice, there's no place like it for grandeur. I'm looking forward to going back, I haven't visited for ten years. Joe isn't quite reliable enough to take around a stately home yet.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 5:56 pm
by silentscreen
I think I remember seeing it in the older version of "Pride and Prejudice." It quite took my breath away! Bruce has never been either, and he likes history. The current dowager duchess was quite beautiful in her youth, and I'm sure she still is. I remember reading that she likes Elvis and has been to Graceland. I thought that was charming, and so down to earth.